an insaner world


Turn Milk into Stone

Here's one for those of you out there still drinking milk.
How to Turn Milk into Stone!
How to turn milk into a hard plastic nearly as strong as stone! All we need for this simple kitchen science experiment is milk, vinegar and a strainer. You can make all kinds of shapes and designs using this "plastic-like" material.

Dubstep Droid Dispute

Can't think of a better way for dubstep droids to settle a dispute. Check your volume setting, don't wake your neighbors.
Dubstep Dispute
This lovable crew of droids solve their differences the only way dubstep robots know how. A 3d animated short set to music by Nostalgia.

Why is @ on your computer keyboard?

You thought the @ sign as a modern invention? From the computer age? Well here's an interesting bit of history on the origins and historical use of this ubiquitous symbol.
Why is @ on your computer keyboard?
The popular story that Ray Tomlinson saved @ from extinction by using it in email has spread as internet gossip. This story is false, and has been retold without people asking obvious questions like "Why was there an @ on Ray Tomlison's keyboard?"
