Hobsthetigr |
the score is now: Hobsthetigr: 3.1415 Master: GLARGLAZORG ZX! Dinosaurus: Onety-One Cataclysmic: -Googolplex Insaner: Infinity^10000000 Everyone else: 27.6 Geors |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the Star Commander Flag H to change the score! |
Flame God's conscience |
(insert gibberish here) |
I summon in the Flame God's conscience to attack Calvin. |
Master |
boeindine, I don't know who you are? Are you a past player? |
boeindine |
Hey, where did all my geors go? |
clavin |
the score is now: -trond to fifty geors |
calvin |
super purple flag is destroyed |
Spaceman Spiff |
You mean this vaccum? |
Hobsthetigr |
Let's just hope he didn't get out. I'm pretty sure Fog Lord is an Etherial, a particularly powerful type of being. |
Hobsthetigr |
Come to think of it, I don't remember where I left that vacuum cleaner containing Fog Lord. |
Master |
Actually, I was still alive after that. Fog Lord just wanted you to think that I was dead. It was a secret tactic to make you guys attack better. |
Sherm |
But what about me and Spaceman Spiff? |
Hobsthetigr |
(in case you don't remember, I mentioned the Star Commander Flags right before we left for Harbor Town.) |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! All Star Commander Flags will now use someone's first initial instead of their name. Ex: Master's Star Commander Flag becomes the Star Commander Flag M, mine becomes the Star Commander Flag H, etc. |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, you got disintegrated by Fog Lord in the Bonewoods. |
Master |
How I die: someone takes away my immortalness and makes me explode or throws me into spikes. The first time I died, I didn't have immortality, when SK hit me with his sword, and I told everyone that I'm a LAZY MAGE WHO JUST WANTS TO SIT AROUND RATHER THAN DO ANYT- |
Hobsthetigr |
I wonder how much stuff is in the cargo hold. We should probably go check down there to see if anything useful is there. |
Hobsthetigr |
Huh. Anyway, have a Calvinball fun fact: Despite being immortal, Master has died the most times out of any player in Calvinball, having died 4 times. |
Master |
i d k |
Hobsthetigr |
Ugh.. I still feel a bit groggy... who was that? |
??? |
Heroes, be free of your weakness! (Hobsthetigr wakes up. Master is no longer affected by the Neat Freak Curse.) I shall hope to see you again. (I teleport away.) |
Narrator Man Jr. |
A beam of light shoots down, vaporizing the Kraken. |
??? |
This journey must not be cut short. Be vanquished, beast! |
Narrator Man Jr. |
Suddenly, a mysterious figure descends from the sky... |
Narrator Man Jr. |
Due to the curse, Master decides to clean the ink of the deck before finishing off The Kraken. |
Master |
How dare you mess with the ship and its cleanliness! I attack The Kraken. |
Magic Wizard |
I teleport away! So long, suckas! |
Magic Wizard |
NEW RULE!! Due to the Neat Freak Curse, Master can't fight until everything is clean. Also, Kraken ink is very, very hard to clean. |
Jeffery |
Raarouo!Brwararagg! (Oh no! This is bad!) |
The Kraken |
(I shoot ink all over the ship's deck leaving Master occupied. Based on the sheer size of the ship, it will take a while for him to clean all of it. Anyway, while Master is distracted, I am able to focus my attention on Hobsthetigr. I overpower him and violently throw him back onto the deck. This causes him to not only be knocked out, but turn back to his normal form as well.) |
Master |
No!!! Bro, this microphone is so dusty! And so are my glasses. *grabs a broom*
And why is there a giant squid attacking? This is unacceptable! |
Magic Wizard |
This curse will turn Master into a neat freak! *shoots magic* |
Master |
While we are fighting, a magic wizard appears. |
Hobsthetigr |
...I just realized that I should have said its instead of it's. |
Hobsthetigr |
While Master is beating up The Kraken, I bite through on of it's tentacles, which floats away. |
KingMaster |
Ok, so... *swiftly grabs microphone* Let's see if brute force works! *sings absolutely amazingly while rapidly beating up The Kraken* |
Master |
Looks like that didn't work. Well... TRANSFORMULATE!!!!!
Master |
Do krakens have ears? *sings off key (on purpose) to stun The Kraken* |
Hobsthetigr |
I swim around in circles, trying to find The Kraken, until the ink washes off. |
The Kraken |
(I blast ink into Hobsthetigr's eyes. He temporarily can't see.) |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! Defeating foes gives you points. The amount of points depends on the strength of the foe on a scale of 1 to 10. |
Blitz |
That's great and all, but this isn't a good time! *whacks kraken with metal bat* |
(insert gibberish here) |
*munches on hot dog* Hey guys, you called? I got the announcement flag you wanted, Hobsthetigr. |
Master |
I don't speak Welsh in real life. I just speak English most of the time. Anyway, I use Byrstio Nefol again. |
Hobsthetigr |
MUTARE CORPUS! (Change Body) I morph into a Great White Shark and lunge into the water to bite one of The Kraken's tentacles! |
Hobsthetigr |
Cool! I speak Spanish fluently. Anyway, I drink a Blue Potion that was lying on the table, giving me enough magic to cast... |
Master |
No, I speak Welsh fluently. |
Hobsthetigr |
Question: do you speak Welsh fluently or are you just using Welsh words as Power Words for spells? |
Master |
Byrstio Nefol! (Welsh for Celestial Burst) A bunch of stars circle around me that explode into smaller stars, that explode into even smaller stars, that hit The Kraken. |
Master |
I shove The Grammar Police overboard. They land on an island. I then attack The Kraken. |
Hobsthetigr |
INANIS CAPUT! (Empty Head) The Grammar Police forgot why they came to arrest Sherm! |
The Grammar Police |
Master |
Suddenly, a helicopter appears in the sky. |
Sherm |
I meant I smack, not smacks. |
Sherm |
I use my mind to lift a nearby hammer and smacks a tentacle with it. The tentacle retreats to the sea. |
The Kraken |
(I sweep my tentacles across the main deck. Unfortunately, everyone on deck avoids them.) |
Master |
Oh no. PS. Sorry for the inactivity. |
The Kraken |
BLLUBBLUBLUBBBURRRGGG! (These are my waters!) |
Narrator Man Jr. |
Two giant tentacles crash into the ship's deck! |
Narrator Man Jr. |
While our heroes talk on deck, something massive is stirring below them... |
Hobsthetigr |
Huh? The flag looks all dull. I don't think it's working properly. That must be because The Announcer is in another dimension- namely, in the Digital Realm. Also, hi Josh. |
Josh |
the score is now: 0 |
Dinosaurus |
yeah, i keep it for any time of emergency. |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, I think the flag Mr. Narrator Man was talking about is the Announcer Flag. (insert gibberish here), do you still have it? |
Hobsthetigr |
* I run into my room and come back carrying a book* Let's see, the Announcer and Mr. Narrator Man look closest to... *flips through the pages* Ultrans! Being 5D, they can only be seen by a select few. Astrals, Celestials, Etherials and Infernals can all see them. Also, they can be seen by anything with truesight, a side effect of infinite knowledge. |
Hobsthetigr |
Darn it! Now the TV doesn't work anymore! The Announcer must have caused it to malfunction out of panic! Anyway, I think I have a book on 5D beings... |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Master |
Crown of darkness? Celestial from the light galaxy?! wait... THATS ME!!! AND THE MEGA CROWN IS THE CROWN OF DARKNESS!!! |
test |
slaps narrator and announcer and tells them to stop fighting |
Mr. Narrator Man |
It was bad enough that you allowed anyone to find the Flag capable of summoning you, let alone destroy that crown! |
Announcer |
But if I hadn't destroyed the malevolent force of darkness hiding inside of that crown, the world would have been corrupted, especially since it was strong enough to corrupt that celestial from the light galaxy! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
I had no choice! You were interfering with the affairs of lesser beings! As you know, that is against our sacred code! |
Announcer |
Hey! That's my line! Wait, you're the guy who banished me into this game! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Pac-Man has been eliminated! |
test |
comes as kirby (gray) and starts attacking everything |
Master |
I summon in test because this guy has been defeated. |
Hobsthetigr |
I use my Down B to snipe down Pac-Man. |
Blitz |
I grab Pac-Man and throw him towards the sky. |
test |
running around in circles |
Master |
I don't know, but I think they (YES, THEY) are cool. |
Hobsthetigr |
Who is test and why is he playing tennis? Is this an incarnation of thyself, almighty Insaner, Creator of Calvinball? |
test |
playing tennis |
Hobsthetigr |
Can you grab this? *throws Pac-man at Villager* |
Mirror Sherm |
Uh... No. |
Blitz |
Mirror Sherm |
...Any thing? |
Blitz |
Any thing. |
Mirror Sherm |
Any thing? |
Blitz |
Any thing. |
Mirror Sherm |
Any thing? |
Blitz |
You guys underestimated me. *throws Pikachu's Thunderbolt at Snake* I can pocket anything! |
Master |
In return, I freeze Pac-Man. He flies off the map. |
Spaceman Spiff |
I throw Keys and Bells at Sonic and Pikachu and Lucas. |
Blitz |
That's not even an hour! |
Hobsthetigr |
Here's the fact: The shortest presidency in history was 45 minutes long. |
Master |
Okay. I wanna hear the fun fact. Also, Sonic launches me, but I come back by using my tether snake. |
Hobsthetigr |
I get out of the combo using my Up B! Also, would you like a fun fact? (please say yes.) |
Sherm |
I rush over and combo Pikachu. |
Hobsthetigr |
By now, the Exeggutor has despawned. Before anyone can grab it, I rush over to grab the master ball, and the Pokemon inside is Kyogre! It starts spewing water, preventing Link from getting back up onto the platform. Link falls out of the screen. LINK IS ELIMINATED! |
Announcer |
The End Result? Everyone got hit, and Link falls off the stage. |
Spaceman Spiff |
Whaddya mean? *comes in as Pac-Man and hits the Smash Ball* oh... |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, is that a master ball on the side with Link and the Sonics? |
this guy |
Hey! Why isn't the X Bomb exploding? Oh. It's jammed. Well, I'll just... *bomb explodes, hurting Sonic and Snake* |
Blitz |
I come in as Villager, get stuck on the left side, and pocket Lucas's projectiles. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey! A Pokeball! I use it and out pops an Alolan Exeggutor! Lucas, Snake, and I are stuck on one side of the stage while the two Sonics and Link get back on the other side! |
Master |
I spam PK Freeze, It hits Sonic, Link, and the other Sonic, and they fly off the map. |
Hobsthetigr |
I grab a Beetle and throw it at Link. It misses and grabs Snake. He wiggles free, but I run under him and hit him with my Down B while he's still in the air. |
this guy |
*teleports to arena as Link and grabs X Bomb* What stage is this again? *cluelessly throws X Bomb* |
Sherm |
Doesn't matter who your talking to Dinosaurus, I'm running away! |
Dinosaurus |
It appears you have forgotten what the c4 does. The moment I hit down b, you are doomed. |
Mirror Sherm |
(causally picks Sonic as well) |
Sherm |
Sherm here. I've picked Sonic to win this one. |
Master |
Wait. Are we playing Ultimate at the moment? Nevertheless, I summon in Lucas to beat you all. If that doesn't work, I can always use Kirby or King K. Rool. |
Hobsthetigr |
Side B, I'm back! Eat thunder, Snake! |
Dinosaurus |
Ahhh, colonel, it appears I have attached c4 to a yellow rodent, before throwing them of a cliff. |
Hobsthetigr |
Maybe after food, we could wind down with some good old fashioned Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! Warning: my skill with Pikachu is a force to be reckoned with. |
Master |
Coming! Wait a little longer, ok! (estimated: 1 mins.) |
Jeffery |
Rwaarfraraarawaragwag! (Where's the food? I'm hungry!) |
Hobsthetigr |
Sorry, forgot to change my profile pic. Please don't sue me. |
Hobsthetigr |
A few minutes later, Hobsthetiger and Ghost arrive on the main deck. The rest of the team is on deck as well. |
Hobsthetigr |
...you know what, that's the last question for now. Let's go back to the main deck. |
Ghost |
Lord Cyan was looking for all of you. The Great One gave LC the mission to do so. It is said in stone that... uh... How many people are in this group? 10? I think? Well, it said around 10 people (aka the Deca Team) were destined to save the world from a monstrous evil that was driven to insanity by being cursed. Do you know anything about that person? (i know you ask the questions, but that person's identity has left me stumped for a long time.) (also, the great one's name will be saved for later.) |
Hobsthetigr |
Could you elaborate? Was he looking for me specifically or the group in general? |
Ghost |
I found him in the Realm of Shadows. He was sent to find you. |
Hobsthetigr |
At what point during your journey did you meet Lord Cyan? Did you meet him in the Realm of Shadows, in the Realm of Void, or in Harbor Town? |
Hobsthetigr |
Don't worry, Mindeye isn't relevant. It's just that my theory formed during his confrontation. |
Ghost |
And yes, I went through the Realm of Void. But I can't remember a thing about that place. |
Ghost |
That wasn't my army. Those were the mirror versions of villains that I didn't even know existed. They weren't dead because although the moral choices are the same, they are different than their real counterparts, so when one dies, the other lives. I also had a button in my pocket that transported me. It got pressed when the mirror people trampled me. Also, I know NOTHING about Mindeye. |
Hobsthetigr |
So, as I recall, once you were trampled by your Mirror army, you were transported to the Realm of Shadows. You got back rather quickly. I assume you took the quickest route back, through the Realm of Void. Is this assumption correct? |
Hobsthetigr |
Please, make yourself comfortable. *gestures at some bean bag chairs* Don't worry, the others can't hear us here. And before you ask, no, this isn't because you used to be a villain. It regards a theory that has been lingering since the fight with Mindeye. I will not reveal the theory yet, but you may know crucial details that can prove or disprove it. |
Hobsthetigr |
Excellent. Follow me. *Me and Ghost arrive at the center of my room after a few minutes* |
Ghost |
. . .alright. |
Hobsthetigr |
Ok, good. How about we get used to our rooms? Ghost, could you join me in my room? I have a few questions to ask. |
Lord Cyan |
Mm-hm. |
Ghost |
Ok. Sure! |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh, one more thing. Ghost, Lord Cyan, will you consider boarding our vessel, the S.S. Calvinball? |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Ship parts found: 3/4 |
Sly N. Shady |
Sly N. Shady, at your service! Yeah, I know, I have to captain the boat. I'll be in the captain's chambers, if you need me. *teleports away in a puff of smoke* |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh, and I found one of the ship parts. |
Hobsthetigr |
The boat is ready! Also, I paid Lily and Poppy back for the lunch. Also, SLY! GET OVER HERE! |
Master |
Yeah! We did it! *Louie's Theme from Pikmin 3 plays* So, Hobsthetigr, what were you saying before we fought Mindeye? |
Disco Club Owner |
I think so. |
Master |
So, do we get the prize? |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Suddenly, a purple light envelops the wounded Mindeye. When the light disappears, Mindeye is completely healed. Our heroes hear his voice in their heads, saying "I'll be back" as he dissapears into thin air. |
Mindeye |
Hobsthetigr |
In terms of magic, that analysis is correct. Anyway, I stab Mindeye in the eye with a shard of glass from a shattered window. |
Master |
With your power, you could squeeze in between me and Hobsthetigr in power terms. You could be 2.5th place (which also taps in to the rule of 2 and a half). |
Master |
All hail Lord Cyan! |
Lord Cyan |
I am strong, but misunderstood and shy. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait.. Negak is the ancient rune-word for strength. Lord Cyan can safely use rune-words as power words!??!?! The strongest power words that I can use are Latin!!! |
Lord Cyan |
The spell of Negak causes your attacks to do more damage. |
Lord Cyan |
I bravely cast a spell of Negak, causing pink swirls to form around me. I then charge at Mindeye multiple times, then fly in the air, slam Mindeye with my fist, jump back to the ground and smirk. (529 damage to Mindeye!) |
Master |
(I'll just turn on the music on my phone...) |
Blitz |
I guard, then rebound backwards, sending the boom box towards Mindeye. |
Mindeye |
...(Ow. That hurt. But I can still fight!) *uses telekinesis to grab the boombox and throw it at Blitz* |
Hobsthetigr |
SUPERNATET RUINAM (Float Fall)! Mindeye falls to the ground, unable to levitate. |
Hobsthetigr |
OK. I use the Bronze Flag to teleport the Disco Judge to his house. |
Master |
This guy called Mindeye tried to win the competition and ended up trying to kill the judge. |
Hobsthetigr |
*walks through the open doorway* Hey, guys, I found another ship part! Also, I paid for the boat! I had some money left, so I also- wait, what’s going on? |
Mindeye |
…(WHAT!?!?) *all glass in the room shatters* …(I WORKED SO HARD JUST TO GET HERE, JUST TO PARTICIPATE IN YOUR STUPID CONTEST!!) *grabs the Disco Judge with my tentacles* …(YOU WILL SUFFER!!!!) |
Disco Judge |
Mr. Narrator Man |
The laser bounces off the Dual Mirror, then hits the Disco Ball. The Disco Ball reflects it toward the judge’s seat, searing a hole in the wall just above the judge’s head. |
Master |
I grab a Dual Mirror and block the laser. |
Mindeye |
...(enough talk.) *does a mid air backflip while shooting a laser from my eye* |
Master |
*teleports around while dancing* What boss music is this, anyway? |
Mindeye |
...(Can you dodge this?) *claps tentacles in time with the beat while using telekinesis to send random objects at Master at high speeds* |
Blitz |
*dodges fireballs while doing cartwheels* I like boss music, but this is intense! |
Mindeye |
...(now THIS is my type of music!) *does a spinning dance move, launching fireballs at Blitz* |
Mindeye |
(how about I change the music?) *uses telekinesis to press a button on the boom box, changing the music to video game boss music* |
this guy |
Woo hoo! *blows party horn* |
Hobsthetigr |
Happy 2025! |
Master |
Mr. Narrator Man |
The Disco Club Owner turns on the speakers. You can just play any music IRL. |
Master |
(Don't think and give Eyeguy any ideas. Don't think about it. Just dance, and we'll beat this guy.) |
Disco Club Owner |
The competition will begin...
NOW! |
Mindeye |
...(you don't need to know.) |
Master |
Why do you need this ship part, Mindeye? |
Blitz |
We're cooked. |
Mindeye |
… (you shall be eliminated in the blink of an eye. My all-seeing sight is a force to be reckoned with. I can see what you are thinking at any time or place. I will always trump or one-up your moves. Although this contest is… unconventional, to say the least, my skills will still apply. Stand down. You do not know how much I need the grand prize.) |
Mr. Narrator Man |
The Disco Club Owner lists a few more names, but none of our heroes pay any attention. Instead, they hear Mindeye speak to them through telepathy. Mindeye resembles a giant brown orb covered in scales with tentacles, one eye, and fangs. It hovers a few feet above the ground. |
Disco Club Owner |
On Team 2, we have… Mindeye! |
Disco Club Owner |
Alright! We will now begin the competition. We will have disco teams that will dance. Whoever dances the best is the winner! And they get this ship part. Ok! *grabs microphone* ON TEAM 1, WE HAVE... *checks participant paper* Master and Blitz!!! |
Sherm |
Or legs. |
Sherm |
I don't do good, considering I don't have arms. |
Master |
Ok! Cool! |
Hobsthetigr |
We only signed up you and Blitz because you two are the best at Disco. |
Master |
We signed up, didn't we? |
Disco Club Owner |
This is your last chance to sign up as a participant! |
Disco Club Owner |
Everyone, the Disco Contest will happen in 10 minutes! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
A while later... |
Hobsthetigr |
The Disco Club Owner said that the Disco Contest happens later, so we have to wait a while. |
Master |
Ok. Let's do it. |
Disco Club Owner |
Tonight only, a special Disco Contest is happening! Show us your moves! The grand prize is what looks like some random spaceship part of something! The second-place prize is a year’s supply of zippers! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Our heroes notice a Disco Club nearby. The owner is explaining a contest happening soon. |
Master |
Merry Christmas and a good upcoming 2025! I get Christmas bombs that all explode tomorrow, but I can use as many as I like today. |
Hobsthetigr |
Sorry, I clicked it twice. |
Hobsthetigr |
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I put on a Santa hat. The Santa hat will disappear tomorrow, but until then, it cannot be destroyed. |
Hobsthetigr |
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I put on a Santa hat. The Santa hat will disappear tomorrow, but until then, it cannot be destroyed. |
Dinosaurus |
Merry christmas guys |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, I think that ship part landed near the Ice Temple! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
As our heroes watch, one of the spaceship parts flies through the air, landing somewhere across the Blue-Dyed Bay. |
Mr. Narrator Man |
1/4 ship parts found! |
Ghost |
It is! |
Master |
Hey, isn't that a piece there? |
Ghost |
Yeah. I have a spaceship now. |
Ghost |
Also, I crashed my spaceship. It's in 4 pieces around here. Can you get them for me? |
Lord Cyan |
Thanks Hobsthetigr... And Dinosaurus... |
Dinosaurus |
clicked twice. my bad |
Dinosaurus |
so... yeah. I've had the flag for about all of the journey. gotta love plot rules. |
Dinosaurus |
so... yeah. I've had the flag for about all of the journey. gotta love plot rules. |
Dinosaurus |
for anyone wondering, the rule of 2 and a half is like the rule of three, but someone in theparty had one the whole time. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, Lord Cyan, you seem cool! Here, have some taffy that I was saving for later! |
Lord Cyan |
that was awesome, Master... |
Master |
Hey! That's Cool! But I can do more! I fly in the air past the atmosphere, then pull a needle out of my pocket, and zoom back to Earth, with my body and the needle burning, and I soar into Bubble Boss 2, and the extreme pressure destroys him and the needle. |
Hobsthetigr |
....I've read of the Spear of Darkness. The great Mortis, the God of Death, once used this spear to destroy entire armies. I have no idea how you have this, but I'm glad that you're under our control. |
Sly N. Shady |
I jab the spear into Bubble Boss 1. It pops him effortlessly. |
Sly N. Shady |
*I appear suddenly, holding an ethereal spear with a Blackstone tip* No need to yell. This enchanted Spear of Darkness is a legendary artifact. These numbskulls will tremble under it's might! |
Hobsthetigr |
Bubble Boss 1 |
Hobsthetigr |
I grab a harpoon from a nearby barrel and throw it at Bubble Boss 1. It bounces off harmlessly. |
Master |
I'm basically the GOOD version of Fecto Elfilis. |
Master |
*summons a meteor on Bubble Boss 1* |
Master |
Also, Fecto Elfilis / Elfilin is in another world, but I can open portals to that world. Now, if I said I had the power of Magolor when he got the Master Crown... |
Master |
I meant yes, not yed. *blows up Dumb Autocorrect a third time* |
Master |
And yed, I will count Elfilin as Fecto Elfilis, since he is a fraction of Elfilis. Also I beat the game already so spoilers don't work. |
Master |
I have the POWER of Fecto Elfilis. I don't wanna destroy worlds. |
Hobsthetigr |
Is Fecto Elfilis someone else in the Calvinball world??? Are you counting Elfilin as Fecto Elfilis because he absorbed part of Chaos Elfilis's soul at the end of the Ultimate Cup Z????? (sorry for spoilers) |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, didn't Fecto Elfilis want to destroy multiple worlds? |
Master |
By the power of Fecto Elfilis, I destroy anyone who stands in our way!!! But let's go somewhere else so we don't destroy any buildings. |
Bubble Boss 2 |
Bubble Boss 1 |
Master |
Clicked twice |
Master |
We walk to the other side of Harbor Town, and we see the Bubble Bosses. |
Master |
We walk to the other side of Harbor Town, and we see the Bubble Bosses. |
Chartreuse |
Argh! They have 2 V Super Flags already!?! Well, this should put them in their place! *summons 2 giant bubbles with angry eyes and fangs* Go, my Bubble Bosses, and halt them in their tracks! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Meanwhile, in the Castle in the Sky, Chartreuse has been watching our heroes with a Scrying Bowl. |
Hobsthetigr |
To prevent anyone here from getting too powerful, Master has the V Super Flag, I have the V Super Flag II, and once we acquire the V Super Flag III, we will give it to Dinosaurus. |
Master |
Now, I'm gonna summarize the Mirror War! It started when I summoned my assistants, Vermilion and Chartreuse. I had conjured a washing machine for Dinosaurus, and the bubbles engulfed Chartreuse and turned him into The Lord of Bubbles. Then Vermilion turned into Flame God, and Ghost turned into Shadow King. He chopped me in half, and I died. But I came back. Then after a while, dylan and Hobsthetigr (the third most powerful MA member, Master is 2nd, Dinosaurus is 1st) came as new members, and so did Blitz and this guy and Jeffery. Shadow King (accidentally) opened the portals and all the mirror enemies spilled out. Then, Mirror Doppelganger tried to destroy us with the rest of the evil, but the good defeated them instead. I found a scroll about a ancient flag called the V Super Flag. Soon, Mirror Doppelganger got sued (for some reason), and we had a big court case with Sherm as our judge. (Sherm: I do make a good judge.) After the case, Mirror Doppelganger took the V Super Flag, and he called himself Calamity. We had a big fight, and Mirror Dinosaurus saved the day with the Omega Void Flag. But, the flag made him evil... So now, we must get all the V Flags to send him back to normal. Thank you. |
Ghost |
Hey, I didn't mean to get the Mirror World people, ok? |
Mirror Sherm |
I wasn't confused cause I existed when Shadow King attacked, yah. |
Hobsthetigr |
Forgot a parentheses) |
Hobsthetigr |
(I am a neutral party in this argument. Blitz, Jeffery, This Guy, and Mirror Sherm must be really confused right now, so let me explain: Ghost, also known as Shadow King, was one of the major villains in a previous story arc. Also, he is the cause of a bunch of Mirror World shenanigans. |
Sherm |
NO!!! Ghosty here insulted me!!! |
Lord Cyan |
*real soft and barely hearable voice* Guys... Can we stop fighting please? |
Ghost |
Sherm |
Oh. Well I must've destroyed him. |
Master |
You should remember. This used to be Shadow King. |
Sherm |
Woah! Who's this dude? |
Ghost |
Oh right. He's shy around strangers. |
Lord Cyan |
*absolutely silent* |
Ghost |
Master? Is that you? *turns around* *stares at Master for 5 seconds* So... It's been a while. As Shadow King, I was your enemy (and former friend). I didn't actually die. I teleported to the Shadow Realm, and watched you all. At first I thought you were all cronies, but after such a long time, I really liked watching you all. I made a new friend too. Everyone, meet Lord Cyan. |
Master |
I run to the shed, and find... Wait. Is this Ghost?! (shadow king) |
Spaceman Spiff |
Just gotta change some settings... Show only Harbor Town... Mm-hm. Ok, the person is in the shed right here. *points northwest* |
Master |
ENOUGH!!! Spaceman Spiff, where is the mysterious person? |
Master |
♪If there's another universe, please make some noise... (noise...) Give me a sign... (sign...) This can't be life. If there's a point to losing love... repeating pain... (why?) It's all the same... (same...) I hate this place... Stuck in this paradigm... Don't believe in paradise... (etc.) |
Master |
I float in the air, get a mic, and start singing "Saturn". (real good song though) |
Hobsthetigr |
I order Sly N. Shady to return to the Realm of Shadows until we need him. |
Master |
Ok Sly N. Shady. You can help us, even if you want to destroy us. |
Sly N. Shady |
Ahh, why would I hide my true intentions? I want to destroy you, but, unfortunately, I have to obey the orders of my master, who, in this case, is who summoned me. |
Sly N. Shady |
Good afternoon. I'll be doing my best to dismember you- err, DELIVER you- at the Ice Temple. |
Hobsthetigr |
VOCAREM UMBREM SERVI! (Summon Shadow Servant in Latin) A humanoid Shadow with a mouth of gold teeth pops into existence. His name is Sly N. Shady. |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh, wait! Our boat will need a captain! Don't worry, I got this! |
Dinosaurus |
town, huh? I sense trinkets in small shops. On to pay rather than pillage! |
Master |
He means money. |
King R |
Yep. Put it on my paycheck. I have lots of green paper! |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, Poppy and Lily, we'll take you up on your offer. The lunch will be on us! |
Hobsthetigr |
Cool! Secrets that could potentially create a plot hook later in the constantly-evolving story that this game is! |
(insert gibberish here) |
Ugh.! Secrets. |
Blitz |
Cool! Secrets! |
Master |
NOT NOW!!! We need to keep it a secret, remember?! |
Spaceman Spiff |
According to my Z Radar, the person's name is- MMF! |
Master |
Ooh, new friends! Someone... familiar is here too. |
Poppy |
Also, if you want, we can get lunch over there. The Musty Mackerel is the best restaurant in town, and it´s right next to the shipyard! |
Lily |
Hello! My name is Lily. This is my wife, Poppy. The shipyard is this way! *points the way* We can take you! |
Hobsthetigr |
We see 2 women walking on the street. I ask one of them which way the shipyard is. She introduces herself as Lily. |
Hobsthetigr |
Ok, so that´s all of our room requirements. I use the Bronze Flag to teleport our group over to Harbor Town, the town on the other side of the bay fro the Ice Temple. |
this guy |
*grabs a bean bag chair* |
Room Randomizer 3000 |
Zapp... Random... Random... Selecting Randomly.... Zeep... Spinning Random Roulette... Zopp... Blorp! Room Randomized! |
Master |
Recap about
me: a Chaotic Good who is a retired mage and a angel (died twice) and has extraordinary powers. He can turn into powerful (and insane) self, KingMaster, which, with the help of the V Super Flag, can become even more powerful. (Two Planets Approach The Roche Limit plays) His friends are: Hobsthetigr, Infinite Cheese God Dinosaurus, Sherman, (insert gibberish here), his royal double King R, this guy, Spaceman Spiff, and Blitz. His enemies: Mirror Doppelganger/ Calamity/ Cataclysmic/ Hyper0, Mega Crown, Chartreuse, and some others. He loves the color cyan, helping others, and bashing evil with his magic. |
Hobsthetigr |
OK. Beep! *pushes the randomize button* |
this guy |
Can I use the randomizer? |
Hobsthetigr |
So, that just leaves... *checks notes* This Guy. |
King R |
Ok, I will. |
Hobsthetigr |
So, King R, are you going to be sharing a room with Master? |
Master |
I didn't either, but I came literally after b said "thank god the gen alphas haven't ruined this game". |
Hobsthetigr |
I wasn’t there to experience b or L, but the more the merrier, so I want them to come back as well. |
Master |
I like Chaotic Good! I take risks! I take sacrifices! I'm unpredictable and I like to be independent! And I LOVE to stand for what is right!!! |
Master |
I wish b and L came back too, Dinosaurus. |
Hobsthetigr |
I made a calvinball alignment chart! Lawful Good: Dinosaurus Neutral Good: Hobsthetigr (me) Chaotic Good: Master Lawful Neutral: Sherm True Neutral: (insert gibberish here) Chaotic Neutral: Jeffery Lawful Evil: Chartreuse Neutral Evil: Master Crown Chaotic Evil: Cataclysmic |
Dinosaurus |
b and l. god bless |
Hobsthetigr |
Sorry, I forgot a comma. |
Hobsthetigr |
In case anyone else wants to use the club resources everyone in this group, as well as our mirror variants (with the exception of Cataclysmic, as he is temporarily insane due to the Omega Void Flag despite being Mirror Dinosaurus) are counted as honorary members and can use the club’s resources as long as a higher ranking member is with them. Master, Dinosaurus, Blitz, Jeffery, and I are full, non-honorary members. |
Hobsthetigr |
I use my newfound rank to promote Jeffery to Official Mount, Rank Warhorse. He is now recognized as an official member of G.R.O.S.S. and can now be able to use the club’s resources, provided I translate for him. |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! All Star Commanders get a special Star Commander Flag that signifies their rank as Star Commander. Due to this, all actions that use Star Commander powers are counted as flag plays. Every Star Commander Flag is unique to the holder; for example, Master’s would be called Master’s Star Commander Flag, mine would be called Hobsthetigr’s Star Commander Flag, etc. |
Master |
I was reading the archives (that's what I call calvinball before me) and another star commander named b said that: Star Commanders get to control the universe and it's functions. b also said that Star Commanders can do almost anything, and control people's points and take away powers from anyone. So, I promote Hobsthetigr to Star Commander. |
Room Randomizer 3000 |
Zepp... Randomizing... Zipp... |
Hobsthetigr |
I push the button! BEEP! |
Mirror Sherm |
*types (insert gibberish here) on keyboard* Push the button, fellow inventor Hobsthetigr! |
Mirror Sherm |
Allow me to make something. BEHOLD! THE ROOM RANDOMIZER 3000!!! It will randomize the selected person's room choices! |
Hobsthetigr |
If you’re not sure, I can randomize it! |
(insert gibberish here) |
Uh... I'm not really sure. |
Hobsthetigr |
Anyway, (insert gibberish here), what do you want for your room? |
Hobsthetigr |
I was painting my costume last-minute. |
Spaceman Spiff |
Hey Hobsthetigr, didn't you show up on Halloween? |
Sherm |
(Note: Words surrounded by parentheses were said by Mirror Sherm) Well, the walls should be cyan. (Yeah! Lots of cyan!) And a cookie generator machine thingy. (I'll make one! Also, let's include the Genesis with the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 game I had.) Ok Mirror Sherm. Aaaaaand also a drawer filled with lollipops. (Lollipops are good. Mostly Cotton Candy.) That's all I can think of at the moment. (We'll tell you more later.) |
Hobsthetigr |
So, Sherms, what room suggestions do you two have? |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the Bronze Flag to teleport them to the base, along with a written note that we can trust them. |
King R |
What?! They are there?! *opens up portal to get Mirror Blitz, this guy, and Jeffery* |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Back at the base, Mirror Spiff, Mirror Hobsthetigr, and Mirror (insert gibberish here) are trying to figure out the secret location of the Castle in the Sky, in case you were wondering where they were. (Mirror Blitz, Mirror This Guy, and Mirror Jeffery are still in the Mirror World, since our heroes went into the Mirror World before Blitz, This Guy, and Jeffery joined the party.) |
Hobsthetigr |
OK, what about you, Sherms? |
Spaceman Spiff |
I want a virtual reality machine, and a jelly bean maker! |
Hobsthetigr |
So, Spiff, what do you want in your room? |
Master |
I'm not really into fortune telling and all that mumbo jumbo either. I just thought it looked cool, so I asked you. Anyways, back to the mission! |
Hobsthetigr |
Actually, I did some more research, and the major arcana card that most suits me would be the Hermit. It represents wisdom. Also, I’m antisocial IRL. |
Hobsthetigr |
I googled it, and I’m not really big into ‘foretold destinies’ or tarot cards and stuff, so I think I’ll answer later. |
Master |
Major Arcana tarot cards. (look it up) |
Hobsthetigr |
The major what now? |
Spaceman Spiff |
Cataclysmic would have to be The Tower. (Im Justice) |
this guy |
I'd have to be The Magician, cause I'm unique. |
Master |
Hey Hobsthetigr, where would you be in a set of Major Arcana cards? (I would be The Emperor, because my personality and strength) |
Blitz |
Doesn't the GameMaker2000 seem good, fellas? |
Mirror Sherm |
Whenever you want to do a mod or ROM hack, you type in the game you want, but before you flick the lever, click the mod (or ROM hack) button, and there will be a drop down menu to pick which mod or ROM hack you want. If no mods or ROM hacks exist for the game you select, it will say "Sorry. No mods or ROM hacks for this game yet." |
Mirror Sherm |
I'll add a mod and ROM hack button. Just gimme a few minutes, yah. |
Hobsthetigr |
Can it mod games? And what about Rom Hacks? |
GameMaker2000 |
Beep... Processing GameCube... Bzzt... Bzzt... Loading data... PING! GameCube Processed! |
Sherm |
I type in "Dark Souls". (PING! Dark Souls was processed.) I then give Dark Souls to Dinosaurus. |
(insert gibberish here) |
What do you mean, absurd levels of difficulty? Also, I need a GameCube. *types in "Gamecube"* |
GameMaker2000 |
Boop…. adding absurd levels of difficulty…. beep boop…. DING! 1 copy of Pikmin 2 processed! |
(insert gibberish here) |
I type in "Pikmin 2" in the GameMaker2000. |
GameMaker2000 |
Beep... Processing Pokemon Violet... Beep... Adding Downloadable Content... Bip... PING! Pokemon Violet with DLC processed! |
Hobsthetigr |
I type “Pokémon Violet + DLC” into the Game Maker 2000. |
Hobsthetigr |
I pet Dinosaurus’s cat and give Dinosaurus a laser pointer that you can change the color of. |
Dinosaurus |
in that case, let the dark souls happen, i guess. *Holds cat* |
Blitz |
Hey, you in front of the screen! Yeah, I'm talking to you! How do you feel about Calvinball? |
Master |
We don't need to do parodies anymore. *spawns in Dinosaurus's cat* |
Dinosaurus |
that was me. my last saved info is going nutty |
i jist need my couch, my cat, and my frolicstation 5 |
i jist need my couch, my cat, and my frolicstation 5 |
Mirror Sherm |
Behold! The GameMaker2000! All you need to do, is punch in the game or console you want... *punches in "Sonic the Hedgehog 2"* and, with the flick of a lever... PING! The game or console comes out of the slot. *grabs cartridge* I'll be needing a Genesis too. *punches in " Genesis"* PING! It's here! *grabs Genesis* This will be handy! |
Master |
I could give you some Puyo Puyo games. Or Columns! Do you like Columns? |
Blitz |
I love hats! What about you, audience? |
Master |
Ok. *grabs Puyo Puyo Sun, Puyo Puyo Tsu, and and Puyo Puyo Tetris* And, can I play TMNT Tournament Fighters? (for the Genesis) |
Hobsthetigr |
I checked and Puyo Puyo is owned by Sega, so you should be able to play it. Also, here, Blitz, have a special hat that lets you break the 4th wall. |
Master |
idk why there was "was was". *blows up Dumb Autocorrect again* |
Master |
...was was and I also wanna have Puyo Puyo. (if you dont know what that is go look it up suckers) |
Mirror Sherm |
Ok! Also, Hobsthetigr, we could use your inventions, yah. |
Sherm |
I will (reluctantly) share a room with Mirror me here. |
Hobsthetigr |
So, Sherms, are you two going to share a room, or do you want two identical rooms, or what? |
Hobsthetigr |
Well, I guess that if Mirror Sherm is going to supply everyone, I guess I don't have to.... I am still going to wear these laser x-ray googles though. |
Mirror Sherm |
Forgot to mention I made duplicates, yah. |
Master |
Hey, this periscope is sweet! *looks at Blitz* I can see you, Blitz! |
Mirror Sherm |
I'm a fellow inventor too, yah! Behold! A periscope that can fly! And when you've finished, it teleports back to you, yah. |
Hobsthetigr |
Everyone gets one of my inventions! *puts on a pair of X-ray goggles that can also shoot lasers* |
Master |
Yeah! Now we don't need to make silly parodies! *grabs Hobsthetigr's invention, then grabs a Wii and WarioWare Smooth Moves* |
Hobsthetigr |
Here, have my own invention: the Copyright Infringement Nullifier 3000. You can use it to play any Nintendo, Sega, PlayStation, or XBOX game as long as it’s in your inventory. |
KingMaster |
Forgot the right paranthese. |
KingMaster |
(can we keep real Legend of Zelda, or do we need the Myth of Zeke? |
KingMaster |
Ok. I'll include a Dintendo CS. |
Hobsthetigr |
In the calvinball universe, try out Super Plumber Brothers Mustachio Kart 3. Unfortunately, that game is not on Qs2. |
KingMaster |
What Calvinball Universe games are good? I think maybe I should include a QS2 (ps2, but different), or something. |
KingMaster |
Yeah. I could take some bookshelves too. And a bean bag chair. That's gonna be cyan. And also a game system. |
Hobsthetigr |
I want a big library that’s practically a maze of bookshelves, with non-book-damaging magic traps for intruders and a sleeping area in the center of the maze! Just because I have infinite knowledge doesn’t mean that I don’t have to catch up on my reading! |
Blitz |
1. Twin - sized bed
2. Popcorn machine
3. Lava lamp
4. Fish tank
Note. Walls should be purple |
Hobsthetigr |
We should write our ideas for our rooms down! *whips out notepad* |
Master |
Because. *blows up Dumb Autocorrect with a laser* |
Dumb Autocorrect |
Why me? |
Master |
Ok. *cracks knuckles* Lemme at it. |
Hobsthetigr |
Stupid autocorrect. It turned cramean into Crimean but didn’t correct carzy into crazy. |
Hobsthetigr |
Don’t worry! You weren’t being Crimean. Not mean, just carzy! |
Master |
ME BEING KINGMASTER DUDE! I LOSE THAT POWER AFTER A WHILE! IT'S MY SPECIAL POWERS BRO!!! Ahem. Sorry if I was being cramean. That's crazy and mean together. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, what power do you mean? Why did you lose it? HOW did you lose it? |
Master |
I want a cool room with a small warrior practice area to keep my skills good. Also, I lost my power. |
Hobsthetigr |
We can get custom rooms for each of us, designed to be perfect for its inhabitant! Plus an open deck for Jeffery! |
KingMaster |
Yeah! Custom Ship Time! |
this guy |
Well maybe, if you were thinking something different. |
Hobsthetigr |
That much gold is enough to get a giant cruise ship custom-made! Is everyone thinking what I’m thinking? |
KingMaster |
NEW RULE!! Dinosaurus's green flag now has the power to heal the holder and others around them! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
(Blitz takes 100000 G (gold) out his pockets.) |
Blitz |
I have a lot of money from grinding Cactus Monsters! |
Hobsthetigr |
When I said 'on the other side of the bay', I meant on the other side from the area where the Ice Temple is. |
Hobsthetigr |
Does anyone have enough money to rent a cruise ship? |
Orkor |
I hope you have fun! |
Ignia |
I hope everything goes smoothly! |
Tuffrok |
Have a nice trip! |
Hobsthetigr |
Got it. Anyway, the only land route to the Ice Temple is blocked by impassable mountains. However, there's a bay that we can go through by boat. On the other side of the bay, there's a small harbor town called Pearl Town. We can go get a boat there. If we can't get a giant boat there, we can at least probably find a boat big enough to fit Jeffery. |
Mirror Sherm |
Also, Hobsthetigr, when I say "yah", it's pronounced like "yeah", ok? |
Orkor |
Hey, Ignia! You're back! Thanks a million, guys. |
Chartreuse |
What? The fools have got two V Super Flags already! Well, when they get here, I'll stop them!!! Hahaha!!! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Meanwhile, at The Giant Castle In The Sky... |
Sherm |
Ok, sure! Hobsthetigr, what's the closest way to the Ice Temple? |
Jeffery |
WARARAOOO... GWAR... RARARHAGRA? (You're welcome, but can I... you know.... come with you?) |
KingMaster |
Thanks for helping us, Jeffery! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
And so, our heroes dash out the Fire Temple and go to Rockland. |
this guy |
Well, I had a change of heart. |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, in the same corner where I saw the V Super Flag 2, there was a Tome of Tongues. I should gain a cool new ability if I read it. Here goes! YB SIHT EMOT FO SEGNUOT, I NRAEL YREVE KAEPS NI SIHT DLROW! (for the word meanings, read every word backward individually.) I can now speak every language! |
Tuffrok |
Aw, it was nothing! *blushes* |
Ignia |
Again, thanks for saving me. I’m just glad that Orkor held down the fort while I was captured. Yes, I know about that. Tuffrok told me while he was posing as one of the cultists. He couldn’t free me, because that would blow his cover. Still, though, I appreciate him telling me about what was happening in Rockland. |
Hobsthetigr |
This Guy, I thought you were against murder. |
KingMaster |
this guy, wait! You need to come with us! *grabs this guy by the shirt just before Jeffery zooms away* |
this guy |
Destroy the cultists!!! DESTROY THEM!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--- *wallops a cultist so hard that they die instantly* |
Sacrificial Beast |
ROOWAGAROG JEFFERY! (You can call me Jeffery!) |
Hobsthetigr |
Quick, everyone hop onto…. wait, what should we call you? |
Sacrificial Beast |
*bursts through wall* ARGGAWOOORRG? (You called?) |
Hobsthetigr |
I have an idea! *whistles as loud as is physically possible* |
Ignia |
Thanks for saving me, but we have to get out of here, and FAST! |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, the V Super Flag 2 is right there! I take it. |
Cultist |
The Burning |
KingMaster |
I then shoot a laser beam made of water. 0 HP remains... |
The Burning Hand |
KingMaster loses all his limes. |
KingMaster |
I shoot another lime. 150 HP remains... |
KingMaster |
I shoot a lime. 300 HP remains... |
KingMaster |
Har har. I can kill you in 3 hits. |
KingMaster |
Also... YOU FORGOT YOU WERE MESSING WITH A GOD. I shoot a bunch of limes at The Burning Hand with my bazooka. It deals 4550 damage! |
KingMaster |
Each one of these limes does... around 150 damage. *nerdy voice* So, we'll need about... 40 limes to kill you. |
The Burning Hand |
So? I have 6000 life points! |
KingMaster |
Eh. *grabs a bazooka and fills it with limes* |
Hobsthetigr |
Oops, I clicked it twice. SORRY!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
The Seed Shooter malfunctions and shoots around 20 limes at The Burning Hand. It then explodes. |
Hobsthetigr |
The Seed Shooter malfunctions and shoots around 20 limes at The Burning Hand. It then explodes. |
Hobsthetigr |
IDEA ALERT! IDEA ALERT! I shove a lime into Master's Seed Shooter and press the button marked 'FIRE'. |
KingMaster |
*steaming with rage* Look, just throw the limes at the hand. Watch closely. *throws limes repeatedly* |
KingMaster |
The Burning Hand |
Mmm... So this one finally woke up. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, where’s that hose that I had before? It’s not like it exploded or something. |
KingMaster |
Hobsthetigr! You're awake! (though I said he woke up twice already) There's this evil death hand, and... long story. Here, have some limes. |
Hobsthetigr |
Urg.. what… huh? |
KingMaster |
Well, he regained consciousness and woke up. Also, you're welcome. |
Tuffrok |
Hobsthetigr didn’t say that he woke up, he said that he fell unconscious. Also, thanks for the limes! |
Blitz |
Oops. Changed my profile picture. Don't sue me! |
Blitz |
NEW RULE!! Limes cannot phase through The Burning Hand! They WILL hit it and deal damage! |
Blitz |
I grab some limes and attack The Burning Hand. Also, Burning Hand, where did you get the phone? |
(insert gibberish here) |
Hey guys, what's going on? I just went to grab some snacks and- AAAH!!! A GIANT HAND ON FIRE!!! |
KingMaster |
Also Hobsthetigr, I said a long time ago that you woke up from being unconscious. SO WAKE UP. |
KingMaster |
Don't worry Tuffrok, I'll save you! I teleport Tuffrok to my location with the Warp Flag, and give him 75 limes. |
KingMaster |
I think I've heard of Ammit the Devourer before on the Light Galaxy. (where I lived before I came here) |
Mr. Narrator Man |
For context, Osiris is the Egyptian God of the dead, and Ammit the Devourer is his pet crocodile-lion-hippo-thing that ate the souls of the impure. |
The Burning Hand |
Hey, Osiris, could I borrow Ammit for a few minutes? I need someone to eat a large amount of limes and his name IS Ammit the Devourer, so- huh, what was that? Yes, I know he only eats impure souls, but- aw, come on, I helped you bake that cake for your wife! You owe me a favor! Wait, what did you say? DON’T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT! OH YEAH? SAME TO YOU, YOU JERK! HMPPH! *hangs up* |
The Burning Hand |
I levitate a phone in front of me and start a call. |
Tuffrok |
I’m still trapped up here! Also, can you toss me a lime? |
KingMaster |
And I clicked it twice. great |
KingMaster |
Oh yeah?! I can rhyme too. Sorta... THIS'LL DESTROY YOU, IT WORKS EVERY TIME! AND WHEN I USE IT, I FEEL VERY SUBLIME! AND WHEN I'M SUBLIME, I USE MY SPECIAL LIME. AND WITH MY SPECIAL LIME, THIS'LL WORK EVERY TIME!!! Congratulations Burning Hand! I now have boosted powers and an infinite supply of limes (until battle is over) to defeat you. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! |
KingMaster |
Oh yeah?! I can rhyme too. Sorta... THIS'LL DESTROY YOU, IT WORKS EVERY TIME! AND WHEN I USE IT, I FEEL VERY SUBLIME! AND WHEN I'M SUBLIME, I USE MY SPECIAL LIME. AND WITH MY SPECIAL LIME, THIS'LL WORK EVERY TIME!!! Congratulations Burning Hand! I now have boosted powers and an infinite supply of limes (until battle is over) to defeat you. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! |
The Burning Hand |
2 balconies shoot out near the top of the room. 2 cultists on each side walk into the balconies and throw pieces of kindling into me while chanting a rhyming ritual: FEED, FEED, OUR OVERLORD, ADD TO THY INFERNAL HOARD, BY OUR TINDER YOU SHALL GROW, TEACH THESE FOES OUR WAY AND SO, FEED, FEED, OUR OVERLORD, ADD TO THY INFERNAL HOARD! I grow to twice my size. |
KingMaster |
I blast The Burning Hand with a giant hose. It dissolves more. |
The Burning Hand |
I suck in all the air that the clouds are composed of, turning them into puddles on the floor, which I then promptly evaporate. |
Mr. Narrator Man |
The Burning Hand seems to dissolve a tiny bit. |
KingMaster |
SO?! (I summon rain clouds than chant pluvia again) It's raining inside! Nya ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! |
The Burning Hand |
….we’re inside. Your ‘rain’ spell won’t work. |
KingMaster |
PLUVIA!!! (rain in latin) |
The Burning Hand |
STOP IT! *pops water balloon* |
KingMaster |
I grab a gigantic water balloon. "You want a drink with that?" *shoots water out of the balloon* |
??? |
(The flames of the orange peel twist into a flame tornado) I AM THE EXILED GOD OF THE INFERNAL FLAMES, THE KING OF THE FIRE DEMONS, THE PATRON OF THIS CULT. I AM THE MIGHTY BURNING HAND. (The flames shift into a hand-shape.) |
??? |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Well, the orange peel, not the orange itself. |
Mr. Narrator Man |
The orange catches on fire and the doors lock… the orange is burned to ash, yet the fire still rages. |
Blitz |
I start untying Ignia. |
KingMaster |
I then use my transmogrify gun to transmogrify Volcanios into an orange. I eat the orange. We win!!! Also, Hobsthetigr wakes up. |
KingMaster |
I dodge the fire and dump a bucket on Lavrius. He dies instantly. |
Emberus |
A bomb?! NOOOOOOOO *explodes* |
KingMaster |
Also, Emberus, the hose you're tied up in is actually a bomb. And I lit it on fire. |
Lavrius |
I launch a fire blast at KingMaster! |
KingMaster |
Actually, my power wouldn't last long. But thanks. I pick up Hobsthetigr, then lay him softly on the ground. |
Hobsthetigr |
SANA EVACUATUR! (Heal the Fading in Latin) Master is now fine. However, due to overuse of magic, I fall unconscious. |
KingMaster |
I wont last long |
Emberus |
I swallow the bomb flower, no problem. It doesn’t explode. |
KingMaster |
Wont last long |
Hobsthetigr |
I transmogrify a nearby rock into a bomb flower and shove it down Emberus’s throat. |
KingMaster |
Time to destroy Volcanios. But, my power, is almost gone. I |
KingMaster |
I subconsciously shoot Lavrius with a energy beam, destroying him. |
KingMaster |
I now start sleeping. I am sleeping, but my subconscious part of my brain (which is rather big) is still working. My wings are still flapping, and my arms are moving too. (Though more sluggish than usual.) |
Hobsthetigr |
I jump at Emberus and tie him up with my hose. |
KingMaster |
And I'd probably wanna have comfy pajamas on............. OF POWER! |
KingMaster |
I use the Seed Shooter to hit Lavrius and weaken the psychic powers to put Hobsthetigr back on the ground. |
Lavrius |
OW! THAT HURTS! But I'm not dead yet. I use psychic powers to keep Hobsthetigr helplessly floating in the air. |
Hobsthetigr |
AQUAM AUCTOR! (Latin for “conjure water creator”) I now have a hose! I spray water at Lavrius. |
Lavrius |
I grab Sherm before he reaches his target. |
Sherm |
I roll at Emberus like a bowling ball. |
KingMaster |
You will not sacrifice Ignia! *angrily shoots laser beams at Volcanios* |
this guy |
I start whacking Emberus really hard. |
KingMaster |
I took it when we defeated Fog Lord. I'll give it back when we get all three. |
Volcanios |
Emberus and Lavrius are summoned from the raging flames on the sides of the room. Fire walls shut off the main ritual area, which contains me, two high-ranked cultists, and the tied-up Grock chief, Ignia. |
Volcanios |
??? |
My name is Volcanios. This is my temple. Prepare to burn in infernal flames! |
Hobsthetigr |
How do you have the V Super Flag? It’s supposed to be in an underground vault. |
Mirror Sherm |
Let's do this, yah! |
KingMaster |
Master |
This will end now!!! I turn into KingMaster and use my V Super Flag, turning me into an even better KingMaster. |
Master |
I went to my Grandma's house for Thanksgiving. Also, this is truly terrible. |
??? |
I shout, 'SILENCE!' Tuffrok is suddenly trapped in a cage made out of entirely fire! |
Tuffrok |
Wait, that tied up Grock that's about to be sacrificed... THAT'S IGNIA!!! I RUN FORWARD TO SAVE HER!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, here are some more strawberries, courtesy of my Transmogrifier Gun. |
Hobsthetigr |
I came from the Fandom's link too! Wait, who are those figures in the center of the room? Also, sorry that I was inactive for a while, I was at a Thanksgiving party. |
Master |
Quick question: Hobsthetigr, how did you come to insner calvinball? (not backstory, just in real life) I came from the fandom's page on Calvinball. |
Master |
L E T U S D E S T R O Y T H E S E C L O W N S . |
Master |
I also am good at rituals. *grabs a dark robe* |
Master |
Hey, there's the ritual room over here! |
Blitz |
But the strawberries... *sigh* |
Master |
Quit it, and go through the the door! |
Blitz |
Sherm |
NO!!! *knocks box of strawberries on the ground* |
Blitz |
Guys, settle this with strawberries. There juicy and delicious and stuff! ♠︎ |
Mirror Sherm |
No, you idiotic version of me! |
Sherm |
Mirror Sherm |
I don't have a German or French accent, it's just how I talk, yah. |
Dinosaurus |
i throw wishbone at bad guy. in general, im too tired for this |
Tuffrok |
Let's see.. we should go through.. THAT door. |
Hobsthetigr |
For some reason, (most likely due to the yahs) I imagine Mirror Sherm having a really thick accent. |
Mirror Sherm |
Sherm |
Dude, stop with the "quirk". |
Mirror Sherm |
Easy Master, yah. You should calm down, yah. |
Master |
*teleport back* oh...... im sorry... something happened... sometimes I have mood swings like that.... im so powerful... im mean, aren't I... oh no.......... |
Master |
Master |
Ok. *taps the beast with the Warp Flag and the beast zips to my location* |
Sacrificial Beast |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Suddenly, a growl reminiscent of bass synth fills the air... |
Master |
I am a master in PSI. |
Master |
I use PSI Brainshock and while the Cultists are distracted, I use PSI Starstorm, killing the cultists. |
Cultist 3 |
Yeah, what he said! |
Cultist 2 |
Eat fire, bubs! |
Cultist 1 |
We burst out of a nearby room! |
Cult Guard 2 |
Ack! They escaped! BACKUP! BACKUP! |
Master |
I teleport out of the firewalls, then transmit rift a flag into the Warp Flag, and warp this guy out. |
Cult Guard 2 |
You said it! |
Cult Guard 1 |
Not so tough now, eh? |
Hobsthetigr |
Unfortunately, the cult has installed firewalls. As in, This Guy and Master are trapped between literal walls of fire. |
Mirror Sherm |
Hey! It's a quirk, yah! |
Sherm |
My mirror double is weird. He adds "yah" to his sentences. |
Mirror Sherm |
I feel like we should go with them, yah. |
Master |
this guy |
Tuffrok |
Recently, actually. Anyway, from when I was spying on the cult, I learned the best route other than the, you know, best route, which is currently blocked. Let’s go! |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, this is an ancient temple! When did they install alarms? |
Mirror Sherm |
I guess that works too, yah. |
Mr. Narrator Man |
By now, the cultist has told the cult leader. Alarms sound. Armed guards start walking through the temple’s halls. A lavafall flows down, blocking the quickest route to the ritual room. |
Hobsthetigr |
Mirror Sherm |
So why don't we complete this puzzle, yah? |
Mirror Sherm |
Uh huh, it's me, Mirror Sherm, yah. |
Master |
Suddenly, a meteor falls through the temple. In that meteor is Mirror Sherm! |
Master |
Easy, this guy... Anyway, are there more puzzles? Oh wait, here's a puzzle! (It appears to be a puzzle with buttons that make music...) Seems like we need to hit the switches in the right order to play a tune. |
this guy |
Master |
The cultists... They know we're here... |
Hobsthetigr |
Happy Gratitude Turkey Day! Also, that ain’t good. |
Burning Hand Cultist |
Master |
Master |
Yay! What's next? |
Hobsthetigr |
Cool! The swords stopped shooting out of the wall! |
Hobsthetigr |
Has anyone ever told you that the acronym for your name is… I’d rather not say. |
Master |
Everybody stand back!! I'm immortal, so if I get impaled by the swords, I'll be fine!!! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Our heroes venture into the Fire Temple. They get to a wall, but then SWORDS shoot out of the wall! |
!Master |
Alright FOOSH!!! The energy platform is created. |
Hobsthetigr |
Master, could you please make one of your energy platforms? |
Hobsthetigr |
Ah! There's the end of the tunnel! And that's the Fire Temple... on the other side of a lava lake. |
Hobsthetigr |
I Transmogrify Fire Demon 4 into a rock. He is now effectively dead. |
Master |
I use PK Freeze Ω (omega) on Fire Demon 3. He dies instantly. |
Fire Demon 4 |
Fire Demon 3 |
Mr Narrator Man |
Suddenly, two more Fire Demons burst through the wall. |
Sherm |
and now I just realized I spelled strut as sturt. |
this guy |
No. I don't. Anyway, let's destroy the cults! |
(insert gibberish here) |
You guys remember me? |
Master |
Fine. I'll just make more... |
Sherm |
Oops. Sorry. |
Master |
Sherm |
I strut over and eat the green eggs and ham. ("sturt" is a terrible word because I don't have legs) |
Hobsthetigr |
I think I'll eat some later. Put it in my magic portable mini fridge! |
Master |
Would you like some green eggs and ham? |
Hobsthetigr |
the score is now: 27 GP to SHMOOGLES, my favor. |
Sherm |
Thanks, Master! |
Master |
Also, I apologize for using this guy as a shield. However, they did receive no damage because I put a shield around them with the Gray Flag I borrowed from Sherm. Here Sherm, have it back. |
Blitz |
NEW RULE!! The trash can now has a timer. If you touch it and get a GP, you must wait 5 seconds before you can get another. Sorry. ♠︎ |
Hobsthetigr |
I touch the trash can 27 times and earn 27 GP. |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! Ghost points, when mentioned in the score, will be signified with GP. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Touching the trash can gives you a ghost point. |
this guy |
Well, I materialized it so I could have somewhere to hide. |
Hobsthetigr |
…in self defense because they will almost definitely try to kill us. Also, how did you find a trash can in an underground volcanic cave? |
this guy |
MURDER?! I DON'T LIKE MURDER!!! AAAAAAAAAAA--- *runs and hides behind a trash can* |
Hobsthetigr |
OK. This Guy, you are now an official member of our team. Now, let’s go murder some cultists! |
this guy |
I've already a mask. (I have already got a mask) |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, have a mask. (Don't ask why. It's against the rules to question the masks.) |
this guy |
this guy |
Ok, I guess. |
Hobsthetigr |
Here, This Guy! Have some Speedy Shoes and Zygalock Juice! |
this guy |
I am not! I deserve to be a recurring character at least. |
Master |
Well, they were just a one shot character, like blah, or calivin, and Billy. (was before Hobsthetigr showed up) |
Hobsthetigr |
Sorry, This Guy. I apologize on Master’s behalf. |
Hobsthetigr |
DAEMONIUM PURGATIO SANATIONIS! (Demon cleanse of healing in Latin) This Guy was revived because my spell cleansed him of the demons’s attacks! |
Hobsthetigr |
Why did you use This Guy as a meat shield? |
Master |
Hobsthetigr, are we near the end of the cave? |
KingMaster |
I link both demons on the head, making them unconscious. While they are unconscious, we slip out. |
KingMaster |
*Master uses this guy as a human shield! |
this guy |
the score is now: q to 12 |
KingMaster |
I summon ice scythes and attack Fire Demon 2. |
Hobsthetigr |
Sorry, I pressed it twice on accident! |
Hobsthetigr |
Can you hit a moving target? I turn into a fly and buzz around the room. The uncoordinated demons fail to hit me! |
Hobsthetigr |
Can you hit a moving target? I turn into a fly and buzz around the room. The uncoordinated demons fail to hit me! |
Fire Demon 2 |
I summon flaming scythes and lunge for Hobsthetigr! |
Fire Demon 1 |
I shoot fire at KingMaster. It doesn't work. |
KingMaster |
... Yes, I have talons. |
Master |
Transforming back into KingMaster. |
Master |
the score is now: Master: Cookie Hobsthetigr: 1345 × 3 Sherm: 50000 ÷ 20 Blitz: swdg23 The Fire Demons: -99 |
Master |
I also grab my Seed Shooter and shoot Fire Demon 2. But, it has no effect. :-( |
Master |
No. *hands everyone a fire resistance potion and then attacks Fire Demon 1* |
Fire Demon 2 |
Fire Demon 1 |
We swoop from the ceiling! YOU SHAN'T DISRUPT OUR MASTER'S RITUALS! |
Hobsthetigr |
Probably a puzzle or maybe a security measure. |
Sherm |
A trap, hmm? |
Hobsthetigr |
I turn into a salamander and walk through the flames. I see a huge button, which I promptly press. The fiery wall disappears. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, I totally forgot that I can turn into animals! |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot the fire with my squirt gun. The water evaporates instantly. Also, King R, I was just joking, I'm sorry. |
King R |
(He shook, wobbling with rage and common sense.) |
King R |
*teeth shut* I KNEW THAT. |
Hobsthetigr |
To answer your question, I think it's fire. |
King R |
Uh... What's that? |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Our heroes bravely stride into the Obsidian Pass, but before they walk deeper into the cave, a wall of flame bursts into existence in front of them! |
Master |
(when i said i would be quiet, i meant i would just be mute. i will still post though. anyways, i start walking up the hill.) |
Blitz |
Hobsthetigr |
I hear what Tuffrok said and glare at him. |
Tuffrok |
*under my breath* I kinda do, but that’s beside the point… |
Hobsthetigr |
It’s OK. We don’t blame you, right, guys? |
Master |
Sowwy. Just overreacted. (i will now be quiet for a while) |
Hobsthetigr |
The Obsidian Pass is, according to my map, right over that hill. Also, Master, please don’t do that. |
Tuffrok |
... Moving along... |
Master |
Master |
Master |
IT IS TIME TO STOP ALL EVIL. *My soul flies out* Wait, not again! Master's going crazy! |
Sherm |
Maybe it's a rock's face. |
Tuffrok |
Yeah, the Grock who named it was visually impaired. |
Hobsthetigr |
The Rock That Looks Like a Face…. looks like a rock. |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Our heroes take their left past The Rock That Looks Like A Face and zoom to the Obsidian Pass. |
Orkor |
Once we get to Rockland, I show everyone the path to the Rock That Looks Like a Face and bid everyone good luck. |
Master |
Guys, if we wanna get there faster before the volcano erupts, I'll give you this. *gives everyone Speedy Shoes* |
Orkor |
Well, Rockland is this way! Follow me! |
Tuffrok |
Oh, I know the Rock That Looks Like a Face! It's a famous landmark among the Grocks! |
Hobsthetigr |
Ok! The Holo Map is 3D! Let's see, Obsidian Pass.... the quickest route is through a lava lake, but the second fastest is: through Rockland, and then the 2nd left after the Rock That Looks Like a Face. |
Blitz |
Eh. I'll keep some of this cabbage. ♠︎ |
Master |
Alright! I grab the Seed Shooter from Hobsthetigr. Let's do this! Hobsthetigr, can you check your Holo Map? |
Tuffrok |
The rest of the Grocks, I mean. I'll be going, of course. |
Tuffrok |
I think that they're somehow going to make the volcano erupt! The quickest way to the Fire Temple is through the Obsidian Pass. From the Tunnel of Sand, which is where we are right now, the Obsidian Pass isn't too far. Orkor, you should stay at Rockland to make sure that the Grocks are fine. |
Tuffrok |
The Burning Hand Cult is doing... something in the Fire Temple. They're summoning Fire Demons, I think, but I think that they're doing something else, too. |
Orkor |
I didn't know that there's a Secret Grock Police. |
Orkor |
Huh. I guess Ignia did more than I thought. |
??? |
My name is Tuffrok. I am a double agent for the Secret Grock Police. I have come to report the news. |
Hobsthetigr |
Master, I hope you don't mind! I take the Seed Shooter from Master and shoot a basic seed at Orkor. It doesn't hurt, but it does distract him! |
Orkor |
Quit it! *shoves cabbage into ???'s mouth again* |
??? |
*catches breath* My name is- |
Master |
Even if they are a cultist, I wanna know their name. NOW QUIT FEEDING THEM THE CABBAGE. I pull out my hand, and Orkor starts levitating. |
Master |
Hobsthetigr, why'd you do this? |
Orkor |
I shove more cabbage into his pie hole. |
??? |
I spit out the cabbage! I gasp for air! My name is- |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, what's he saying? |
??? |
Orkor |
Eat this! Literally! |
Hobsthetigr |
You mean this cabbage? I grab a nearby barrel with the word CABBAGE written on it and give it to Orkor. |
Orkor |
I tackle ??? with my full force! Quick, someone get the cabbage! |
??? |
Um... What are you doing again? |
Hobsthetigr |
Umm… I haven’t finished it yet. It’s not posted anywhere. |
Master |
Hobsthetigr, you said something about you are making a Percy Jackson fanfic. What's it called? And where can I find it? |
Hobsthetigr |
It's a running gag. |
Orkor |
Um... What?? I don't... what? |
Hobsthetigr |
Oops! I forgot to change my profile picture! Please DO NOT sue me! |
Hobsthetigr |
A cultist is a member of a cult. |
Master |
We are not cultists, we are just heading to the temple. ( I don't know what cultists are.) |
Orkor |
......that's the point. |
Hobsthetigr |
Being force-fed cabbage until you explode sounds painful. |
Orkor |
I added some anti-cult laws to our lawbook (now caught cultists will be force-fed cabbage until they explode), but as you saw, those laws haven't stopped them from skulking around. |
Orkor |
Oh…. unfortunately, Ignia, our regular chief, was abducted by the Burning Hand Cult. Since then, I’ve taken over temporarily. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, what do you mean ACTING chief? Why not just regular chief? |
Master |
Mmm... Okay. |
Orkor |
How about a tour? Rockland is just through this tunnel. |
Orkor |
HEY! YOU STUPID CULTIST! GET OFF OF ROCKLAND! *??? runs away* Hello, travelers! Welcome to Rockland. I'm Orkor, acting chief of the Grocks. |
??? |
Come along, come along. Nothing suspicious is happening here. Especially nothing involving our- I mean, the burning hand cultists's exploits. |
Hobsthetigr |
*insert the Legend of Zelda puzzle solving tune here* |
??? |
Who goes there?! |
Master |
The wall is down, but who is that? |
Master |
EVERYONE STAND BACK!!! *gun shooting and seed noises* |
Hobsthetigr |
I started Ages but I forgot to save and my progress got erased. I haven't played it since then, but from footage,I think you just shoot seeds with it. I'm pretty sure that you should just shoot the wall with the deku but from the Seed Shooter. |
Master |
I don't know how... (I press a button and a seed shoots out.) |
Master |
How does this thing work? I haven't got that far in the Oracle of Ages and Seasons games. I usually just get bored. |
Hobsthetigr |
King R |
OR, we could use this Exploding Kitten card from Exploding Kittens. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hmmm..... if it's going fast enough. OOOH! I KNOW! *pulls out Seed Shooter from The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons* |
Master |
All I have is this Deku Nut. |
Hobsthetigr |
*20 minutes later* …Or creatures cursed with the endless-explosions curse. Or land mines. Or floating mines. Or Potato Mines. Or Bob-Ombs. Or Gorons. Or magic wands with a Ruby Charge. Or… |
Hobsthetigr |
Or explosive snowballs. Or bomb flowers. Or Voltorbs. Or containers of Greek Fire. Or Bombchus. Or… |
Hobsthetigr |
Let’s see…. wait, is that a dead end in the tunnel!?!? No, wait, there’s some light shining through. That must be an exit that the Grocks forgot about. Does anyone have bombs, TNT, dynamite, Demise-O-Bombs, grenades, or other high grade explosives? |
Spaceman Spiff |
Can we get on with our journey now? I want to administer sweet justice to Hyper Zero (or Cataclysmic) and Chartreuse as soon as we can. |
Master |
Oh, yeah. Forgot about the mirror guys. (except for Retsam) |
Hobsthetigr |
NOPE!!!!!! WE'VE HAD ENOUGH TROUBLE WITH DUPLICATES ALREADY!!!!! Anyway, we already have Mirror Hobsthetigr. |
Master |
(Long Pause) So, Hobsthetigr, how would you like to be duplicated? |
Master |
3 more: A third Stupendous Man, A second Rosalyn, and a sixth Susie. |
Master |
And a 2nd Moe Calvatar too. |
Master |
Another Spaceman Spiff Calvatar could be nice. |
Master |
Another thing I want is the ability to use bold and italic. The best we can do is UPPERCASE LETTERS. |
Master |
Some people think you should log in to post. I RESENT THAT!!! A LOT! |
Hobsthetigr |
Does anyone else have any requests for the future of Calvinball? |
Hobsthetigr |
Insaner, if you read these, these are the things that I want for the next update of Calvinball: removing the requirement of typing calvinball at the bottom, adding a way to block players that have inappropriate things in their actions, and 5 new calvatars: a 2nd one for Calvin's Mom, a 2nd one for Calvin's Dad, a 2nd one for Ms. Wormwood, one for Tracer Bullet, and one of the dinosaurs from Calvin's fantasies. |
Master |
I take a bite of the pizza. It's really hot, but I don't care. My tongue is heat resistant. |
Hobsthetigr |
No. Izalith the Lost was banished to the Realm of Demons when Cataclysmic encountered him on his way to our realm. |
Dinosaurus |
will we be seeing lost izalith? because if so, goodbye until this story arc is done |
Hobsthetigr |
I try to eat pizza. The scorching volcano burns it to ash before I can take a bite. And that's the story of why I conjured a portable mini fridge. |
blah |
NEW RULE!! all players have to eat pizza |
Hobsthetigr |
Maybe, if it was a really strong demon. |
Master |
Hold up. Lemme read about the Boilingsmoke Volcano. Mm-hm... Let's see, Cult of the Burning Hand, ok... wait. A Fire Demon is the leader of the cult?! |
Master |
What happens when it erupts? |
Hobsthetigr |
Now, a quick explanation of the Boilingsmoke Volcano. The Boilingsmoke Volcano is inhabited by kind humanoids called the Grocks. The tunnel was originally a path between Rockland (the Grock city) and Sandville, but they forgot about it. Anyway, a cult called the Cult of the Burning Hand has recently started among some of the Grocks. Also, some Fire Demons have started appearing, or so rumors say. And the volcano has been bubbling and smoking…… the Fire Temple is located in a lava lake at the top of the volcano. We have to get to the top of the volcano before it erupts!! |
Hobsthetigr |
I'm fine! Yay! |
Master |
Hobsthetigr! I'll help you! Magic, help this kind soul. |
Hobsthetigr |
Magic is fun! *falls over* BuT tAxInG... mAyBe ThAt ReViVe SpElL wAs ToO mUcH.... |
Master |
Fire Parasite 2 got killed, but Fire Parasite 3 got away. So, Glacies Frigidus! (Ice Freeze in Latin) |
Hobsthetigr |
(Wait, the Parasites would be immune to fire attacks) AQUA EFFUSURA! (water spout in Latin) |
Hobsthetigr |
Not all of it, of course. Master still has most of it. I just absorbed enough of it to cast a few spells. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, where did that magic come from? Did I somehow absorb some of Master's magic when he died? |
Master |
Mae'n asmer i mi fod y gorau eto! (Welsh for: Time to be my best again!) |
Hobsthetigr |
You are pardoned. I promote you to Super Omega Soldier and from there, Dinosaurus promotes you back to Star Commander. Also, take this, fire worms! IGNIS IMPETUM!(fire attack in Latin) |
Master |
do i... get pardoned for calling dinosaurus "dinosaurs" all this time? can... i get... my powers back? can... i be star commander again? please? |
Master |
*sniff* ok... ill... come back... am i still chumpy? *sniff* |
Hobsthetigr |
(BTW, the spell's words are Latin for "Death, let him rise again! Revive our great ally!" I checked on Google Translate.) |
Hobsthetigr |
Master |
I willingly did this, you know... *dies* |
Master |
I lose my extraordinary powers, become mortal, and jump into a pit of spikes. |
Master |
Chumpy is the new lowest rank. |
Master |
I now lose the KingMaster thing and promote myself to "Chumpy". |
KingMaster |
I hereby unpromote myself from Star Commander. I'm just plain old Master. |
KingMaster |
I just realized Dinosaurs made a rule that if you dont put his name as DINOSAURUS, you lose arger points. I've been calling him Dinosaurs for so long now. *loses arger points ×100000000000* |
KingMaster |
I shoot 99+ energy blasts at the Fire Parasites, making my arms very tired. |
KingMaster |
Fire Parasite 3 |
We'll defeat you! |
Fire Parasite 2 |
We know what you did! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Two more Fire Parasites come out of the wall. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! The song "Amalgam" must be played during battle! If you don't know what that is, go search it up. |
(insert gibberish here) |
Sorry. Meant to say that. |
Fire Parasite |
Hobsthetigr |
*at the top of my lungs* FLOOGEN SNOOGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
OK, everyone stand back! I'm going to use some powerful magic to open the tunnel! |
Fire Parasite |
Hobsthetigr |
I splash water at the Fire Parisite. |
Master |
Oh, this is gonna turn into the inevitable, isn't it? *transforms back into KingMaster* |
Sherm |
NEW RULE!! Everyone now has a Gray Flag. (With the Gray Flag, you can make force fields.) |
Fire Parasite |
I'll destroy you! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Suddenly, something comes out of the wall. |
(insert gibberish here) |
Can we go to the temple now? |
Sherm |
And it's not rude. Many ask that question. Sometimes I answer. |
Master |
One of my extraordinary powers is lots of knowledge. I've watched this calvinball world since it started. I just haven't played 'til February 2024. |
Sherm |
Yes. I said before that I was Squishmallow Prince Sherman Marcus II. |
Hobsthetigr |
Sorry for being so confused, it could have been interpreted as rude. It’s so cool that you’re a prince! |
Hobsthetigr |
Sherm |
Well, being prince over at Squishmallow Land. |
Hobsthetigr |
But what was your life before Master summoned you? |
Sherm |
Ugh. Fine. BACKSTORY: So, basically, Master summoned me from a portal to be a new player and one of his many right hand men. So yeah. |
Hobsthetigr |
I spin the wheel of back stories! It lands on........... SHERM!! Sherm, please share your backstory. |
Hobsthetigr |
Of course, your flag of unspecified purpose is different from the Lime Flag, which is mine. |
Dinosaurus |
for example, i have a green flag of unspecified purpose |
Dinosaurus |
also, the ability to take the place of the librarian means i can just say stuff and it becomes true |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh, Dinosaurus! I didn’t know you had infinite knowledge too! (I got infinite knowledge when I absorbed the power of prophecy from the Oracle.) |
Dinosaurus |
upon beating a librarian over the head with a piece of metal, i gained infinite knowledge, but as a result, became very bored |
Hobsthetigr |
Cool! Does anyone else have a backstory? |
Master |
BACKSTORY: A while ago, almost a year, in fact, I was created from the stardust from the Light Galaxy. I was the spirit of the world, and I got launched to this world to be a guardian. I was given extraordinary powers, and I liked helping people. Alas, it was very confusing, since I'd came from another world. But, when danger comes, I destroy it. My extraordinary powers were basically super powerful (and sometimes hard to control) magic. I also have a little bit of power from insaner. (NOTE: THIS IS LESS BACKSTORY AND MORE SPEECH) I am the hope of this world, and no evil will stop me. I've yet to be able to be even more powerful, and soon this world will be safe and tranquil. |
Hobsthetigr |
Why, shore. (Get it? Cause beach? I do want to hear it though.) |
Master |
Off topic, but does anyone wanna hear my backstory? |
Master |
Wait. Why are we having a pool party? Eh, it doesn't matter. |
Hobsthetigr |
POOOOOOOLLL PAAAAARRRRRRTTTTTYYYYY!!! I put on a bathing suit, and I jump into the water. |
SC | Master |
Alright! *jumps in water* (PS. Dropping the "SC" from my name from now on.) |
Hobsthetigr |
Don’t worry, there shouldn’t be any monsters in the river. This is where the Sand Golems get water. They’re made of sand, so they don’t need to drink, so they only use the water for adding to cement for construction. They filter the water regularly, so there isn’t any monsters in it. |
Hobsthetigr |
*sits down on the beach and refills my water bottle* Well, we can rest here for a while, and there should be a tunnel up to the volcano nearby. |
Blitz |
*puts on slippers* So, what's next? |
SC | Master |
*grabs the duplicator* Slippers for everyone! |
Hobsthetigr |
Can I have some slippers too? The beach is all gravel-y. |
SC | Master |
Is the ground by the river jagged? If so... *summons slippers* |
Hobsthetigr |
Since we’re underground, the UFO crashes and explodes on the cave ceiling. |
SC | Master |
"Don't you hate it when you're being abducted by aliens?" *gets sucked in UFO* |
SC | Master |
Suddenly, an alien UFO comes and abducts me. |
Hobsthetigr |
the score is now: Us: Infinity to the power of infinity. Cataclysmic and Chartreuse: -500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Mr. Narrator Man: (CONTENT REMOVED) The monsters: 10.12543. The Sand Golems: 50^2 |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, is that the Steaming River up ahead? |
Hobsthetigr |
I myself didn’t say that. It was more like a generalized rule than my personal speech. |
SC | Master |
And if you can say "SOMEONE TAKE THE REINS OR WE'RE GONNA DIE!" while unconscious... |
King R |
Well, I helped some too. I have the power to view souls, so I kinda knew what to do. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, how could I have navigated? I was unconscious! Did you just. ASK MY UNCONSCIOUS BODY FOR DIRECTIONS!?!!?! |
Sherm |
I, Squishmallow Prince Sherman Marcus II, make a good offense and defense! |
SC | Master |
With Hobsthetigr's navigation, Sherm's... um... offense, and my excellent driving skills, we got first place and outrode the Sand Golems. |
Hobsthetigr |
*insert round of Mario Kart here* |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Master takes the reins of the Zorg. However, our heroes accidentally go too near to Sandville and 5 Sand Golems riding native Giant Armadillos chase after us. |
SC | Master |
I grab the reins really fast. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hobsthetigr |
*wakes up* ZORG.... TOO.... FFFAAASSSSSTTTTT!!!!!!! *hits head on stalactite at high speed* *blacks out* |
Master, Star Commander, and King of Calvinball |
SC | Master |
Sorry! Forgot to put my name. |
SC | |
*deep breath* ok... WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! |
Hobsthetigr |
Oops, I meant reins. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hobsthetigr |
Hobsthetigr |
Hobsthetigr |
Hobsthetigr |
SC | Master |
Ok, holding on! (But my reaction to fanfics... AHH FANFICS NOOOO) |
Hobsthetigr |
Is everyone safely in the Tobbogan? Yes? Ok, hold on! I whip the Zorg with my vine. It starts running! HOLD ON!!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
I like the series so much, I'm currently writing a fanfic for it! Don't judge me. Hey, look! The Zorg is waking up! |
Hobsthetigr |
As for myself, the series (counting senior year adventures, heroes of Olympus, and trials of Apollo) are some of my favorite books. |
SC | Master |
supposed plan? |
King R |
My favorite is The Sea of Monsters. |
Sherm |
Do the Percy Jackson Senior Year Adventures count? You know, the new ones? |
Blitz |
It's good. Nice characters. |
Hobsthetigr |
OK, so what are the Percy Jackson opinions of Blitz, Sherm, and King R? |
Spaceman Spiff |
*comes to Hobsthetigr after doing a survey* Sherm, Blitz, and King R have, no one else. |
Hobsthetigr |
OK, is there anyone who has read it here? |
Master |
Haven't read it, seen a small bit of the TV Show. |
Hobsthetigr |
Unrelated, but what’s everyone’s opinions on Percy Jackson? |
Hobsthetigr |
Yes! My Dinosaurus summoning ritual worked! Quick, hop into the Toboggan! |
Dinosaurus |
also elden ring, which is an objectively worse game because no one sets theme self on fire for the lore |
Dinosaurus |
if, and it is likely, you don't know what i am talking about, dark souls. |
Dinosaurus |
i put the evil guy in pot man alexander he dispose properly |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! they shall be used as weapons. Whack people with valuable pieces of metal instead of paying for the roofs in anor londo |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! titanite slabs shal not be used to uprgade crystal weapons |
Hobsthetigr |
Zorg fun fact: There's a town called Zorg in Algeria. |
Hobsthetigr |
I grab a nice, long, thick vine from nearby. Everyone, get onto the Toboggan! |
SC | Master |
What's your idea? |
Hobsthetigr |
While the Zorg is stunned, I transmogrify an empty flower pot into Calvin's Toboggan and hook it up to the Zorg. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait! I have an idea! Stop attacking the Zorg! |
SC | Master |
While the Zorg is stunned, I shoot plasma magic beams at it. |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot the Zorg in the crotch with my stun blaster. |
Hobsthetigr |
O Dinosaurus/ Great god of cheese/ Please come down from the heavens/ And join the party! (Dinosaurus summoning ritual.) |
Spaceman Spiff |
Just like I did with the last Zorg, I shoot it with my blaster. |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, don’t worry. Dinosaurus is still here. He gave us advice against the Sand Golems, so we know he still cares! |
Hobsthetigr |
*grabs stun blaster* |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, Master, that’s wholesome, but can you help against the giant rampaging Zorg? |
SC | Master |
I love this place. It's where I come online to play in the world of Calvinball. It's where I come when I'm beaten down from a hard day. Mostly because of division. So, I love this, and everyone playing, too. Makes me sad that we don't have more players. The more, the merrier, and we're going to need a lot of merry to defeat Chartreuse and Cataclysmic. We gotta make this more popular. People should come here not just by the link at the fandom (which is how I found this place). Calvin and Hobbes is a really good series, and this is the opportunity of a lifetime. THANK YOU, INSANER!!! |
SC | Master |
I press my hands on the wall. "Oh, where are you, Dinosaurs?" |
SC | Master |
I feel lots of nostalgia. "Then the Zorg grows bigger..." I mutter. |
Mr. Narrator Man |
zorg eats 1 cannoli |
Hobsthetigr |
Giant Rats 2 and 3 were killed by the bullets. Giant Rat 1 retreated, but he’ll be back soon with a bigger army. Let’s just leave the Abandoned Greenhouse now… hey, look! There’s the exit! |
Giant Rat 1 |
Squea-squeaaaakkkk! (RETREAT!!) |
SC | Master |
PPS. Hobsthetigr, your MA rank is Ultra Captain (UC). Blitz is still Ruby Captain, and the rest are not registered. |
SC | Master |
I shoot lots of bullets at the Giant Rats. |
GlitchMaster |
(Note: Since the MA (Mordon Alliance) is dead now, with the only two people in the MA commenting are me and Dinosaurs, I now give myself the rank of Star Commander (SC). I also put you in the MA too. Dinosaurs would be proud. PS. I turn into normal Master because the effects of the glitch wore off.) |
GlitchMaster |
Clicked it twice. (ugh) |
GlitchMaster |
I can speak rat you know. I attack Giant Rat 2 for harassing a member of their team. |
GlitchMaster |
I can speak rat you know. I attack Giant Rat 2 for harassing a member of their team. |
Giant Rat 2 |
Sssqqquueak! (Shut up, 3!) |
Giant Rat 3 |
*Squeaks in agony* |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey! I think you mean GlitchMaster! I throw a bag full of rose thorns at Giant Rat 1, which opens in midair. The rose thorns hit Giant Rats 1 and 3. |
Giant Rat 1 |
Squeakkkkk! Squeeaaakk! (I try to bite (insert gibberish here), but Master protects him, so I bite Master instead!) |
Hobsthetigr |
I kick away Giant Rat 2 and, after that, break a nearby flowerpot over Giant Rat 3’s head. |
Giant Rat 2 |
Squeeaaakkkk!!! (Giant Rat 3 and I pounce at Hobsthetigr) |
Giant Rat |
*Irritated squeak* (2 more giant rats arrive as backup) |
GlitchMaster |
Call me GlitchMaster, will you? |
KingMaster |
I'm transforming back into normal Master for now, but I will transform back. Actually... *finds a Pot Of Glitches out of my backpack and dumps it on my head* |
KingMaster |
I teleport the calvinball in my hands, and spike it at the rat. Since I touched it, I get sw0 points. |
Hobsthetigr |
The Meanus Guy Trap is beheaded in a flash of gray! The things that were here the whole time are revealed to be… Giant Rats! They must have gotten huge after the Greenhouse was abandoned! |
Meanus Guy Trap |
:( (I try to bite you guys!) |
Hobsthetigr |
Something tries to bite us! It’s a Meanus Guy Trap! |
KingMaster |
Aah!!! Something odd! I'm reporting it!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
Suddenly, the lights go out. Fortunately, we all have flashlights. With the flashlight, I see some shattered pots and withering plants, both with front-teeth marks in them…. |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! If you see something odd, report it to the group. |
Hobsthetigr |
I see a flash of dark grey, and then another, out of the corner of my eye…. |
KingMaster |
NEW RULE!! If you touch the calvinball, you gain sw0 points! |
Sherm |
What?! Is that a bug? |
Mr. Narrator Man |
And so, our heroes warily walk into the Abandoned Greenhouse. They hear a strange skittering noise from somewhere….. |
(insert gibberish here) |
All right. Abandoned Greenhouse time! |
Hobsthetigr |
We can see Sandville from here, but of course, we avoid it. We go around and, after a few minutes, we’re in front of the Sand Golem’s Old Abandoned Greenhouse. |
Master |
Yeah. They might've gotten word about the death sentence thingy and it's not very good to be chased by like, 50 sand golems. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hhhmmm….. this map isn’t as good as it could be… I upgrade it into a Holo-Map that can perfectly show anything. Let’s see, the map says that the Steaming River is just through… SANDVILLE!?!? THE SAND GOLEM CITY!?!?!? WE CAN’T GO THROUGH THERE!!!! Wait.. it says that there’s another path. Phew! We just need to go through the Sand Golem’s abandoned greenhouse. That shouldn’t be too bad! |
Spaceman Spiff |
Plus, it was good practice for the road ahead. |
Blitz |
They hit us first. Also, we killed them with, um... some of their roots were on the surface when the tried to attack, so... basically counterattacks. ♠︎ |
Hobsthetigr |
1. How did you kill those cactus monsters? Their exteriors are damage- and magic-resistant.
2. Why would you kill those cactus monsters? They’re peaceful unless they’re disturbed. |
Blitz |
We were unstoppable! ♠︎ |
King R |
While you were busy, we killed lots of Cactus Monsters on the surface. |
KingMaster |
Easy. *teleports the rest of the gang to the caves* |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot a fireball at Sand Golem 1, turning him to glass. We should get back to the surface… *checks map* Actually, the Steaming River is underground. The sun doesn’t reach us here, so it would be more efficient to go underground. We just need to get King R, Blitz, (insert gibberish here), and Spaceman Spiff down here. |
KingMaster |
Don't care. *shoots another laser beam to destroy Sand Golem 1* |
Sand Golem 1 |
Sand Golem 1 |
Wha? I... Um... Uh... *runs away* |
Hobsthetigr |
While the Sand Golems are distracted, I tackle Sand Golem 3 and transmogrify him into normal sand. He falls apart harmlessly. |
KingMaster |
I shoot a laser beam, completely obliterating Sand Golem 2. |
Master |
*soul comes out* Well, I guess this is it... Goodbye... NOT!!! *teleports body out of chamber and zooms back in body* Never underestimate my power!!! *transforms into KingMaster* |
Sand Golem 2 |
Master |
These golems don't know one thing: I'm immortal. No sand will suffocate me! |
Sand Golem 1 |
The glass repairs itself. FOR MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS OF OUR LAWS (trying to cross the border without a passport, trying to use a false passport, harming border officers, and attempting to break out of prison), YOU WILL BE GIVEN… THE DEATH SENTENCE! Your glass prison begins to slowly fill up with sand… |
Master |
I JUST GRABBED SOMETHING AT RANDOM AND SCRIBBLED (PASSPORT) ON IT!!! Also, I break the glass with an energy beam. |
Hobsthetigr |
Master, by the way, why is your “passport” a picture of Pikachu with the word passport on it? |
Sand Golem 3 |
OH MY! LOOKS LIKE THIS ONE NEEDS SOLITARY CONFINEMENT! The sand around Master traps him and hardens into really thick glass. |
Hobsthetigr |
I join in and eat some sand to help out. |
Master |
I eat through the wall of sand and start attacking Sand Tokens 1 & 2. |
Master |
Following what Dinosaurs said, I eat some sand. Just for fun. |
Dinosaurus |
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the thingy posted twice. great |
Dinosaurus |
additionally, fire. just fire. i have nothing to do with my time phasing in and out of the world to talk to random people |
Dinosaurus |
additionally, fire. just fire. i have nothing to do with my time phasing in and out of the world to talk to random people |
Dinosaurus |
sand is edible. you people need to rethink how you go about this |
Sand Golem 1 |
THIS OFFENSE IN UNFORGIVABLE. YOU WILL NOW BE DEPORTED!A wall of sand surrounds Hobsthetigr, Master, and Sherm. |
Sand Golem 2 |
Master |
*grabs a fake passport* Here you go. |
Sand Golem 3 |
Sand Golem 2 |
Sand Golem 1 |
Mr. Narrator Man |
Unfortunately, underground, the yelling causes something in the sand to stir and take human forms…. |
Hobsthetigr |
*yells once more* ALSO, THIS IS HOBSTHETIGR!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Blitz |
*yells again* IT WAS ME, BLITZ!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
*yells back* WHOEVER SAID THAT, THANK YOU!!!!! |
Blitz |
*yells as loud as I can* HEY GREAT JOB TO WHOEVER DID THAT!!! ♠︎ |
Cactus Monster |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, what are those? I slash through some thick green wall things. |
Master |
Wait! Sherm! Hobsthetigr said before that there were monsters in the caves! You weren't listening, were you?! Spiff, (insert gibberish here), King R, and Blitz, stay here. *jumps into sinkhole after Hobsthetigr and Sherm* |
King R |
I block the spikes and they hit Cactus Monster. |
Cactus Monster |
Mr. Narrator Man |
As our heroes begin the journey through the Churning Desert, King R trips over the hand of something green and spiky… |
Hobsthetigr |
Umm… I think so. Only near the underground part of the volcano, though. There’s a bunch of magic Heat Crystal over there. But don’t go under there! The underground is full of- *before I can finish, Sherm has jumped into the nearest sinkhole.* -monsters called Sand Golems. Oh darn! There’s no way that Sherm can fight through all those monsters! Wait! *jumps into sinkhole* |
Sherm |
Ooh! Are there crystals in the underground cave? |
Master |
Ok. *forces open my body's mouth and pours the water in* He will be okay, but is fast asleep now. |
Hobsthetigr |
Here, take this. *hands master a water bottle* This should help against the heat stroke. Anyway, the Steaming River is on the way to the volcano. You can have a drink there. |
Hobsthetigr |
I know, right? The fire magic that the volcano releases prevents us from teleporting any closer. The Churning Desert is called that because the ground is riddled with quicksand, sinkholes, and whirlsand, which is like a whirlpool, just sandier. Also, there are a lot of sandstorms. The sinkholes lead to a vast underground cave system filled with monsters called Sand Golems. Enjoy! |
Master |
*charming voice* Hey guys. Master is not dead, he just has an extreme case of heat stroke. Push my body on a wagon, or something. |
Master |
H-HOT...*falls over and passes out, and my soul comes from my body* |
Master |
Alright. *teleports everyone to the Churning Desert* OH MY GOD, IT'S SO HOT!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
The Fire Temple is located in the crater of the Boilingsmoke Volcano. To get there, we need to go through the Churning Desert. |
Master |
I was like... What?! Why are we having the snake that tried to kill us and a stone goblin as candidates? *votes for Blitz* |
Hobsthetigr |
We all get back to where we started. Our next goal is the Fire Temple! |
Hobsthetigr |
ONE ELECTION LATER…. The results are in! Q votes for the Super Swamp Serpent… Banana votes for Rock Troll 4…. and 100000000000 votes for Blitz! Congratulations, Blitz! You are the winner! The Super Swamp Serpent and Rock Troll 4 have exploded! |
Blitz |
I'm talking about the next Temple Guardian. |
Hobsthetigr |
The Fog Lord was the Temple’s guardian. |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the Bronze Flag to warp the V Super Flag into a secure underground vault. Oh! Wait! It’s time for the G.R.O.S.S. Ruby Captain election! The candidates are: the Super Swamp Serpent, Rock Troll 4, and Blitz. The losers will explode. Time to vote! |
Blitz |
And what is the Temple Guardian? Doesn't matter. I'll destroy it anyway! ♠︎ |
Master |
What temple is next? |
Master |
Alright! *grabs the first V Super Flag* |
Explorer 3 |
Wha... What time period is this? |
Hobsthetigr |
Huh. Anyway, with the other 2 temples, there will be hard puzzles and the Temple Guardian inside. But, with The Earth Temple, I think that the Fog Lord was the Temple’s guardian. Let’s just go in and grab the V Super Flag, eh? |
Master |
Um... Uh... |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait! I think that they’re the last explorers, from 30 years ago! |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait… who are they? *points at the 4 people who weren’t there before* |
Master |
Alright. Lets go to the Temple of Earth! |
Hobsthetigr |
With Fog Lord defeated, all the fog vanishes. (insert gibberish here), Blitz, King R, and Spaceman Spiff appear again. One puff of smoke remains. The smoke dissipates, revealing Master inside. He’s alive! So are the Rock Trolls, but they’re just fighting each other. |
Fog Lord |
NO!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I.. CAN NOT… BE CONTAINED….. OR… RESTRAI- *is sucked into the vacuum* |
Hobsthetigr |
Driven by rage, I transmogrify a boulder into a giant vacuum. I suck up every last puff of Fog Lord! |
Fog Lord |
Ha Ha Ha! Yum! He was a good first course! TIME FOR THE MAIN DISH!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
Master! No!! Master turns to dust in the black fog. |
Master |
(Sorry. Master. Not Mase.) |
Mase |
Ok, if only real flesh savors you... *jumps into the fog* |
Fog Lord |
HAHAHHHA! Nothing can get through my Fog- not fists nor stones nor energy nor magic. How will you defeat a foe that you can neither flee from or slay!? Mwahhahaha! |
Hobsthetigr |
I try to transmogrify the fog into something safer, but the blast just passes through harmlessly. Wait! Sherm has the Gray Flag! Quick, set up a force field! |
Fog Lord |
Your clones are not truly alive, they are just flavorless copies of you! Only mortal flesh can appease my stomach! Just give up! |
Fog Lord |
Ha! A quick spell cannot destroy me! Nothing can! I am the fog that surrounds this entire forest! Your efforts are futile! |
Master |
Will you be at peace if I give you lots to eat? *clones myself 100 times* |
Fog Lord |
Hahaha! You cannot fight, you cannot escape! My fog surrounds you, my Fog of Despair! Those ones I have captured, those friends of yours… I shall eat you as my supper, and them as my dessert! |
Master |
I am casting a magic spell. To get
Would you like to help? |
??? |
Ha ha ha! You think you can escape me? The Fog cannot be defeated. The Fog is me! I have been lingering for eons! My Fog consumes all! It has been decades since my last meal, those explorers who left those lanterns! They thought that some wood and a mushroom could defeat me! My Fog of Despair vaporized them! It consumes them.. AND IT SHALL CONSUME YOU! I AM… THE FOG LORD! |
Hobsthetigr |
A new, strange fog comes in. This fog is a thick black, and the Lantern isn’t parting it. We back off, but when the Rock Trolls touch it, they turn to dust. We hear a strange voice from the fog… |
Master |
*uses Glowshroom Lantern* Hey, I can see the Temple of Earth! |
Master |
Currently we got: Master, Hobsthetigr, and Sherm. Not very much. |
Hobsthetigr |
The fog gets thick once more. When it goes back to normal, both Spaceman Spiff and King R are missing. |
Master |
So, the Rock Trolls 1 & 3 kill Rock Troll 2. |
Hobsthetigr |
Rock Trolls 1 and 2 gang up on Rock Troll 3. |
Rock Troll 2 |
Master |
Well, the magnet flag is so powerful, it attracts all tiny solid things. You'd need more for bigger things. |
Rock Troll 1 |
Hobsthetigr |
Rock Troll 3 tries to throw a rock at me, but it misses and hits Rock Troll 1. |
Hobsthetigr |
The lantern shards aren’t made of metal… |
Rock Troll 1 |
I've got you now! |
Master |
Unfortunately, the rock trolls follow us to the surface. |
Rock Troll 3 |
Master |
I use my transmogrify gun to turn a spare flag into a Bronze Flag, and warp Hobsthetigr back on the surface. Then, I use a magnet flag to get the remaining 2 lantern shards to us. Lantern Shards (3) + Glowshroom (1) = Glowshroom Lantern! |
Rock Troll 2 |
Rock Troll 1 |
Hobsthetigr |
I go back to the crossroads and go don the path with coal and obsidian. Another dead end, but this time, there’s rock trolls! |
Hobsthetigr |
I open a portal to the bottom of the Mariana Trench inside the Tentacle Monster’s stomach. The Tentacle Monster swells up like a balloon and explodes. I win!! |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the sharp lantern shard to cut off one of the Tentacle Monster’s tentacles. Also, I hit the Tentacle Monster in the nose with the Lime Flag. |
Tentacle Monster |
Obey me, tentacles! |
Tentacle Monster |
Ouch! I grab Hobsthetigr with 3 of my tentacles. |
Hobsthetigr |
I transform into a buffalo and ram into the tentacle monster. |
Hobsthetigr |
Btw, Master, sorry for rejecting your help, I just thought that there might be a lantern piece down here. |
Hobsthetigr |
Btw, Master, sorry for rejecting your help, I just thought that there might be a lantern piece down here. |
Moss Tentacle |
:( *tries to whack Hobsthetigr* |
Tentacle Monster |
Rar! I'm an evil monster and I'm gonna eat you up! |
Mr. Narrator Man |
The Moss Tentacle turns out to be a giant blue monster with six tentacles. |
Hobsthetigr |
I go through the overgrown path. I jump over a large hole near the entrance, and I walk into a lush, mossy, dead-end room. I turn to leave, but a rumbling sound shakes the cavern. Out of the hole emerges… the Moss Tentacle! |
Hobsthetigr |
I walk for a while in the underground cave system, and I eventually reach a 3 way crossroads. One seems normal, One has coal and obsidian all around it, and one is overgrown with moss, plants, and Glowshrooms. |
Master |
Fine. *drops giant rock on the ground* I could get you up from there , but... eh. *walks further into Bonewoods* |
Hobsthetigr |
It‘s a vertical drop of several meters. I can’t get back up if I wanted to. Besides, I’ve already ventured deeper into the cave. |
Master |
You don't need to. I use all my power to lift the rock, and you escape. |
Hobsthetigr |
The fog thickens once more. This time, Blitz is missing when the fog goes back to normal. |
Hobsthetigr |
I grab the lantern fragment from Master and slash at the Moss Tentacle. It retreats, but unfortunately, I fall into the hole with the lantern fragment. A rock rolls down the hill and plugs the hole. If I can find my way out of the cave, I can meet back up with the rest of you guys. |
Sherm |
I grab a Glowshroom from a mossy area. But, the mossy area had a giant tentacle coming out of a hole in the ground. I escape before the tentacle can grab me. |
Mr. Narrator Man |
1/3 lantern fragments have been found. |
Master |
Hey, I found a lantern fragment! |
Hobsthetigr |
As we walk deeper into the forest, the fog thickens. When it goes back to normal, (insert gibberish here) is gone. |
Hobsthetigr |
I transmogrify the Bog Monster into a worm and step on it. See, I told you there was monsters! Anyway, your lantern wouldn’t have worked anyway. The fog here is strange and magical; only a Glowshroom Lantern can part it. |
Bog Monster |
But of course, it won't be easy. *eats lantern* |
Mr. Narrator Man |
And so, the energy platform lands and disappears, leaving our heroes in the Bonewoods. |
Master |
I do have a lantern... |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, yes, there are a lot of bones just lying around. |
Hobsthetigr |
Ok. The Bonewoods are a creepy foggy forest area, with creepy fog monsters around every corner. The Earth Temple will be impossible to find unless we can get a Glowshroom Lantern. It can part the fog, allowing us to find our way. The Glowshrooms aren’t the problem; they grow all over the Bonewoods. But I don’t know how we can get the lantern. I’ve heard rumors that the last adventurers left 3 fragments of a lantern, hidden throughout the Bonewoods…. |
Master |
Are there like, lots of bones? |
Master |
Well, I am all powerful. I just forgot I could do that. |
Hobsthetigr |
Well, it’s a forest that’s all foggy and- wait, since when can you create energy platforms? |
Master |
Hobsthetigr, what are the Bonewoods like? |
Master |
I make yet another energy platform, and fly away faster. |
Super Swamp Serpent |
I shoot extra special sticky mud, gluing the energy platform to the ground. |
Master |
Soon, I come to, make another energy platform, and get the rest of the gang, fixing my mistake. |
Super Swamp Serpent |
Arrggghh!!!! Where did you go!?!?? I randomly shoot blasts of mud into the air. One of them, by chance, hits Master’s energy platform. He crash lands in a nearby tree, causing him to lose consciousness. Other than that, he’s fine. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, Master! Only you were on the energy platform! Don’t leave us behind! |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the Bronze Flag to open a portal to Los Angeles next to the Super Swamp Serpent’s head. It’s temporarily blinded by the smog. |
Master |
The energy platform zooms away to the Bonewoods. We'll deal with Super Swamp Serpent later. |
Master |
I create an energy platform just before we sink. |
Super Swamp Serpent |
I eat King R’s 49 crowns and spit them at Master’s Lego tower. The crowns knock the Lego tower into the swamp, where it promptly sinks. |
King R |
I duplicate my crown 50 times and throw 49 and Super Swamp Serpent. I put the remaining one back on my head. |
Master |
I reach into my pocket and get out Legos, The Goosy-Grow, and sandals. I give everyone the sandals to put on their feet, and use the Goosy-Grow to make the Legos supersized, and start building a tower to be safe from the mud. If you've ever stood on a Lego before, you'd know why I gave you sandals. |
Super Swamp Serpent |
RRRAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!! TAKE THIS! I shoot a torrent of mud into the swamplands. The water level rises so that you’re stuck on tiny islands of dry land. |
Master |
How 'bout no? *creates a giant beam of energy* Take this!!! *giant beam of energy hits Super Swamp Serpent* |
Super Swamp Serpent |
Hobsthetigr |
The Mud Serpents are fed up with you guys and fuse into the Super Swamp Serpent. |
Sherm |
I zoom straight at Mud Serpent 1, pushing him back into the mud. I land back on the ground afterwards. |
(insert gibberish here) |
I grab Spaceman Spiff's blaster and shoot Mud Serpents 3 and 2. |
Hobsthetigr |
I grab (insert gibberish here)’s hand before he falls into the swamp. |
Mud Serpent 2 |
I hit (insert gibberish here) with my tail and try to knock him into the swamp. |
Hobsthetigr |
Spiff, why did you have to throw away the GPS? We still could have used it. |
Zzzzzzzt… ERROR! ERROR! *explodes* |
Mr. Narrator Man |
And so, our heroes walk into the Sinking Swamp. |
Mud Serpent 3 |
This is our swamp!!!! |
Mud Serpent 2 |
This is our swamp!!! |
Mud Serpent 1 |
This is our swamp!! |
Spaceman Spiff |
Wait. This is a car GPS! Aaaaaa!!! *throws the GPS into the swamp* |
Hobsthetigr |
We start our journey through the Sinking Swamp. |
In 100 feet, turn left. |
Spaceman Spiff |
I grab my GPS and get a map of the maze. |
Master |
Oh wait. I brought some friends... *opens a suitcase and (insert gibberish here), Sherm, King R, and Spaceman Spiff pop out* |
Master |
Vermilion was a go-getter and transformed himself into Flame God, but Chartreuse was some random crabby guy who got engulfed by bubbles. |
Hobsthetigr |
Ok, we can deal with that later. For now, we should start our journey through the Sinking Swamp. |
Master |
Also, you know how Chartreuse escaped from your mouth when you were a dragon? Well, he's been watching you from the shadows and teleported Cataclysmic to The Giant Castle In The Sky. |
Hobsthetigr |
Cool! New Calvinball player! I hope he doesn’t turn evil like Vermillion or Chartreuse! |
Blitz |
Being Ruby Captain will be fun! ♠︎ |
Master |
This is Blitz. He has a tendency to end sentences with ♠︎. |
Blitz |
I do! I'm running for the office of RC (Ruby Captain)! |
Master |
Anyone else wanna join G.R.O.S.S.? |
Master |
Three cheers for first tiger, and El Presidente, Hobsthetigr, the delight of all cognoscenti! He's savvy! He has aa prodigious IQ, and lots of panache, as all tigers do! In his fancy chapeau, he's a leader with taste! May his orders be heeded and his views be embraced! (OH GROSS... BEST CLUB IN THE COSMOS...) |
Hobsthetigr |
As in, I’m assuming the office of First Tiger. |
Hobsthetigr |
G.R.O.S.S. ALERT! NEW MEMBER! I’m the first tiger! |
Master |
Attention! All rise! This meeting of G.R.O.S.S is now called to order by the great grandiose dictator-for-life, the ruler supreme, the fearless, the brave, the held-high in esteem, Master The Bold! Yes stand up and hail his humbleness now! May his wisdom prevail! |
Master |
Before we start, do you wanna join G.R.O.S.S? I'm gonna sing the G.R.O.S.S song. |
Hobsthetigr |
The first step of our journey is through the Sinking Swamp. The swamp is covered by swamplands that, if you fall in, you will immediately sink in and suffocate. The small amount of dry land there is in the shape of a giant maze. Also, there are mud serpents that sometimes pop out from the mud that try to knock you into the swamp. |
Hobsthetigr |
The good news is that we only need three things for the ritual! The bad news is that those things…. are….. well, the V Super Flags. Remember how I said that the Omega Void Flag destroyed the V Super Flags? Well, that wasn’t entirely true. It actually teleported them to three temples on the corners of the world. We need to go on journeys to the fire, ice, and earth temples. Each flag will be guarded by an extremely powerful temple guardian. The paths to and through the temples will have puzzles and monsters too. We should start with the Earth Temple; it’s closest. We should go through the Sinking Swamp as a shortcut to the Bonewoods, where the Earth Temple is located. |
Master |
Alright. Lets do this ritual! |
Hobsthetigr |
I knock Cataclysmic unconscious with a nearby large rock and tie him up. I lock him in The Basement. |
Hobsthetigr |
The prophecy refers to the Omega Void Flag that you absorbed. To remove said Flag’s essence, we need a ritual to exorcise it from you. Fortunately, I learned the ritual when I absorbed the prophetic knowledge. Once we exorcise it, you will lose your Powers, you will become not evil, and you will no longer be cursed. |
Cataclysmic |
*writes a note that says: FINE. I'LL DESTROY THE VOID IN ME. WHERE ARE THE KNIVES?* |
Cataclysmic |
*grabs the Nuh Uh flag and holds it in a tight grip so that pesky Master can't get it* |
Cataclysmic |
*gives Hobsthetigr a note that says: The special abilities were very powerful magic, transmogrifining, prophetic-ness, and the "wear pants or be smote by L" rule. * |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW PROPHECY FOR HYPERZERO: TRY TO CURSE ME? I’LL CURSE YOU TOO! I’LL ZIP YOUR LIPS! CAN’T TALK, CAN YOU? You can no longer talk or do any actions that require speaking. Talking to your enemies or allies, saying code words or passwords, and delivering prophecies all require speaking. |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! When you mention “special abilities ”, you have to specify the special abilities in question. This renders your previous curse null and void. |
Cataclysmic |
NEW RULE!! Losing abilities now doesn't follow the power of your curse. So, I get my powers back. |
Hobsthetigr |
Sorry, I accidentally put the instead of ye in one of the lines. |
Hobsthetigr |
PROPHECY PART 2: To be free from the curse I've laid opon thee, destroy the Void that is within the. Other than that, the curse works in reverse; heal to feel better, harm to feel worse. |
Hobsthetigr |
You lose special abilities too because of my prophecy! |
Cataclysmic |
THIS IS A PROPHECY, NOT A SIMPLE RHYME, NOW YOU ARE BANNED FROM SPECIAL ABILITIES FOR ALL TIME!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! |
Cataclysmic |
I use the prophecy flag to gain prophetic knowledge. |
Hobsthetigr |
P.s. because you haven’t absorbed prophetic knowledge. |
Hobsthetigr |
I was blasted with an explosion, so HyperZero is blasted with an explosion. |
Cataclysmic |
Cataclysmic |
PS. Because I haven't what? (idk and idc) |
Cataclysmic |
So? I blast Hobsthetigr with an explosion. |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, back and blast don’t rhyme. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, you can’t give me a prophecy, because I absorbed the prophetic knowledge of the Oracle Of Delphi, the greatest Oracle of the world. You can’t deliver a prophecy because you haven’t. |
Cataclysmic |
Cataclysmic |
Hobsthetigr |
Python Prophecy Moment: HYPER ZERO, THIS IS YOUR PROPHECY: YOUR FOES ARE RUBBER, YOU ARE GLUE. YOU’LL QUICKLY FIND THAT THEY’RE VOODOO. YOU ARE DENYING THIS, I SEE, SO I BESTOW A CURSE TO FULFILL MY PROPHECY. Hyper zero, you are now cursed. Whenever you harm a foe, you will be harmed yourself. Enjoy! |
Hyper Zero |
First off, when I absorbed the powers of the Omega Void Flag, I became immortal. *laughs* You actually thought... *laughs again* I was gonna... *laughs a third time* be defeated that easily? *laughs super duper hard* (I put on pants that cannot be removed or destroyed) |
Hobsthetigr |
Thank you, L, Great S-tier God! |
Hobsthedragn |
Since the Omega Void Flag was absorbed by Hyprzro before he was burned, eaten, and killed, I am no longer stuck in dragon form. |
Hobsthedragn |
Hyper Zero burns in blue fire. A rift appears under him. He falls into the Pit of Eternal Punishment, where he is then eaten by Kampe, the half-human, half-dragon warden of the cyclopses from Greek Mythology. |
L |
Denier Of Pants, I smite thee! |
Hobsthedragn |
Wait! Hyper0 isn't wearing Pants! |
Hobsthedragn |
#Supporttheturtles. Also, I eat the spikes and missiles before they reach their intended targets, and I spit them back at HyperZero. |
Master |
Guys, I learned about the Hoan Kiem Turtle. It's really rare. There's only one left, and I'm not sure if it's even alive anymore #SupportTheTurtles |
Hyper Zero |
Enough. I blast Sherm and Spaceman Spiff with shadow missiles, and shoot Master with spikes. |
Master |
You didn't. I have my own just in case. |
Hobsthedragn |
Wait, Master, when did I give you my Transmogrifier Gun? |
Hobsthedragn |
I put a portal to a black hole under Hyperzero with the Bronze Flag. It sucks in his pants. |
Hyper Zero |
You all... have made the stupid mistake of trying to stop me. |
Cataclysmic |
Ha ha ha... I've finished absorbing the power from the Omega Void Flag! Now... I am now HYPER ZERO!!! |
Master |
I transmogrify the watermelon into a electric fence, and push Cataclysmic into it. |
Chartreuse |
I escape from Hobsthedragn's mouth. |
Cataclysmic |
I put acid and fire proof pants. |
Master |
Whoa whoa whoa. DINOSAURS, THE INFINITE CHEESE GOD? Welcome back! |
Dinosaurus |
finally, i may use my secret weapon, CHEESE. I can throw it at high rates at bad guys |
Dinosaurus |
Domain expansion
get bent
"skwoosh" |
Hobsthedragn |
NEW RULE!! Your rule has been vetoed due to the fact that I am stuck in dragon form and therefore your rule would have disqualified me. |
Cataclysmic |
NEW RULE!! Dragons are no longer allowed! |
Hobsthedragn |
I transform into a hydra and spit acid to dissolve Cataclysmic’s fire proof pants. |
Cataclysmic |
I put on fire proof pants. |
Hobsthedragn |
While Cataclysmic is regenerating his hands, I transform into a fire breathing dragon and burn off his pants! |
Hobsthedragn |
When Cataclysmic pries open my mouth, I eat his hands! |
Cataclysmic |
I crush the bread products and shove Master away. |
Master |
Nom nom nom... Thanks! I quickly squeeze some power into two baguettes, turning them into ultra Baguettes! I use the Ultra Baguettes to smack Cataclysmic. |
Cataclysmic |
I quickly put on pants and pry Hobsthedragn's mouth open to get Chartreuse. |
Hobsthedragn |
I toss Master 15 baguettes and an entire watermelon. |
Hobsthedragn |
I transform into the giant serpent Python (it's from Greek Mythology, look it up. Most people agree it counts as a dragon.) I capture the Oracle of Delphi and absorb its prophetic knowledge. I learn that when Cataclysmic is not wearing pants, he shall be smote. Also, I eat Chartreuse. |
Master |
I need food to regenerarate... I'm dying here... I'll take a sliver... A scrap... A crumb! Anything!!! |
Cataclysmic |
I shoot a laser beam at Master, making him weak. |
Spaceman Spiff |
I fly into the air and shoot Cataclysmic from above. |
Cataclysmic |
The acid has no effect. Also, I get a Burn Heal and help Chartreuse. |
Hobsthedragn |
Just because I'm stuck as a dragon doesn't mean I can't shapeshift! I transform into a 9-headed poisonous hydra and spit acid at the Omega Void Flag. |
Hobsthedragn |
I set Chartreuse on fire. |
Cataclysmic |
Eh. Still a bad hero. |
Hobsthedragn |
Call me Hobsthedragn for now. |
Hobsthetigr |
Unfortunately, the Omega Void Flag is immune to fire, and it sends out a magic beam that permanently keeps me as a dragon. |
Hobsthetigr |
I transform into a dragon and fly up to Cataclysmic. I send out a ray of flame, attempting to torch the Omega Void Flag. |
Cataclysmic |
Listen. I LOVE your pitiful attempt to stop me. And while you did kill Calamity, I stand in his place, with his SOUL! Must be how I despise you so much. Look. You are never going stop me. I mean... *laughs* What kind of hero are you when you can't even understand what a metaphor is! *laughs* Yeah, you are at least "powerful". I like your adminlike quality, but it's gonna take a lot more than just 3 dumb flag lasers to kill me! *laughs* So yeah. Hobsthetigr, you truly are a waste of time and life. You will cease to exist at my hands now! Especially for Chartreuse... He will come back. RIGHT NOW!!! *shoots a laser beam that summons Chartreuse* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Time for Hobsthetigr to die here and now, and that puny Master, too! |
Mirror Dinosaurs |
Master |
King R has telekinesis, Spiff can fly, (insert gibberish here) is really strong, and Sherm is really fast. |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! Wear pants or be smote by the great god L. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, Sherm, Spiff, (insert gibberish here), King R, want some Zygalock Juice? |
Hobsthetigr |
Cool! I can shapeshift! |
Master |
I forgot. The Juice Of Zygalock has weird side effects to some who drink it. |
Hobsthetigr |
Ok, sure. *Drinks the Juice* BLECCCHHH! The pixie dust made it all fizzy! I hate fizzy drinks! *Shape-shifts into a rhinoceros* GRR-MOOOROO! (Rhinoceros for “Never mind. I’m not complaining.”) *Shape-shifts back* |
Master |
Look. Just drink the stinkin' juice. |
Master |
The special ingredient has lots of Pixie Dust mixed in as well. Oh and artificial colors Red 35, Blue 2, and Blue 18. |
Master |
Lots of Vitamin C. Low Cholesterol, too! |
Master |
Well, Sodium Zygote, Powdered Sugar, Slime Extract, etc. |
Hobsthetigr |
I’m glad that it doesn’t have juice from the Fruit of Zygalock, because the Fruit of Zygalock is deadly to 97% of complex life forms. But what are the special ingredients? |
Master |
There is no fruit of Zygalock. It's just normal apple juice with special ingredients to give you power. |
Master |
It's just juice with like, it's just normal apple juice, but the ingredients in the power part makes it a tiny bit bitter. |
Hobsthetigr |
Like, is it just the juice of the Fruit of Zygalock? Or is it, like, some sort of smoothie? |
Hobsthetigr |
Just tell me what’s in it. |
Master |
What are you allergic to? |
Hobsthetigr |
What’s in it? (I just want to know so that I can make sure that it doesn’t have anything I’m allergic to in it.) |
Master |
No drugs or anything. It looks like apple juice, but has a special chemical reaction that makes you powerful. |
Hobsthetigr |
Does The Juice of Zygalock contain drugs? Not a complaint, just a question. |
Master |
I grab the Juice Of Zygalock and drink some, giving me special powers. Want some? |
Master |
This feels like one of those final bosses... |
Mirror Dinosaurs |
Hobsthetigr |
The presence of the Omega Void Flag destroys all 3 V Super Flags. |
Mirror Dinosaurs |
Heh heh heh... I will take over for deceased Mr. Calamity over here. *Calamity's Soul flies into Mirror Dinosaurs* |
Hobsthetigr |
Calamity |
No... This can't... be the end... of the war... I... will... come back... Trust me... I WILL COME BACK!!! *dies* *all other bad guys and mirror bad guys die too* |
Hobsthetigr |
Lore time! When Insaner created the Calvinball universe, he realized that he would need a way to keep everything in check. He created the Omega Void Flag to do just that. The holder of the Omega Void Flag will be able to control everything in the Calvinball universe. Insaner hid it in outer space so that no one would find it, but Dinosaurus found it while he was lost in space. Unfortunately, the Omega Void Flag will make the holder evil… |
Mirror Dinosaurs |
I'm sorry. MIRROR Dinosaurs. With my Omega Void Flag, I shoot a laser beam out of my flag with Master and Hobsthetigr. The beam create an explosion on Calamity, defeating him. |
Calamity |
0 turns remain. |
Calamity |
Before anyone else can say or do anything, I explode, destroying everything except for Master, Hobsthetigr, me, the rest of the M clones, and all the other alive people. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hobsthetigr |
0 TURNS REMAIN!!! The super beacon activates. A figure starts floating down from outer space! |
Hobsthetigr |
Yay! Go Sherm! Remember, you have the Gray Flag!! |
Sherm |
I suddenly walk onto the scene and hit Calamity. |
Hobsthetigr |
At the last second, I put up a lava shield. I’m safe from any lava you throw at me! 1 TURN REMAINS… |
Master |
I splash cold water on Hobsthetigr. |
Calamity |
Since I'm literally steaming with rage, the ice melts. I shoot lava out of the flags pole, boiling Hobsthetigr. |
Master |
Thanks! With the V Super Flag III, I shoot a ice beam at Calamity, freezing him temporarily. |
Hobsthetigr |
I duplicate the V Super Flag II, creating the V Super Flag III. I toss the V Super Flag III to Master. |
Master |
I dunno, but I feel like I'm just the secondary character and Hobsthetigr is the protagonist. |
Calamity |
Well I pull the reverse flag and the calvinballs hit Hobsthetigr and Master. 2 TURNS REMAIN... |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the V Super Flag II to make the laser calvinballs turn around and target M-Clones 16, 17, 11, and 21. |
Master |
I grab a tennis racket and whack Calamity with it. 3 TURNS REMAIN... |
Calamity |
With the V Super Flag, I burst through all the meteors. Also, I summon laser calvinballs moving high speed at you and make M clones 17, 16, 21, and 11 attack. |
Hobsthetigr |
I send 19 giant meteors at Calamity. Also 1 more at M-clones 25, 23, and 19. |
Calamity |
Also, it's a battle to the death with our V Super Flags , huh? |
Calamity |
Question: What happens at the end of these turns? |
Hobsthetigr |
I grab a useless Blank Flag from the Flag Zone and transformogrify it into The V Super Flag II.
Hobsthetigr |
the score is now: Calamity:5 Everyone else: 0 |
Calamity |
NEW RULE!! Everyone must give me all their points! This cannot be denied! |
Calamity |
I reverse the 'no flag' rule. |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the Transmogrifier Gun to transform a rock into a super beacon!
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! All flags are disabled. |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the Bronze Flag to warp me and Master out of the Pit of Eternal Punishment. |
Calamity |
I use the V Super Flag to put Hobsthetigr and Master in the Pit of Eternal Punishment. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Mirror Doppelganger |
I fall down and hit the earth so hard a big explosion happens stunning Hobsthetigr. And when the dust clears, I'm right there, standing, unscathed. |
Hobsthetigr |
And the ice laser. And the psychic swords. |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, the Bubblemech being destroyed destroys the hologram dragons. And the Ultra Bubbles. And the laser pancakes. |
Hobsthetigr |
Before you sent the mirror mech back in time, I grabbed a laser calvinball from it.I throw the laser calvinball at your mech, using the Lime Flag to make the laser calvinball 3 times faster than the speed of light. Your mech is completely destroyed in a giant explosion. Chartreuse and Mirror Chartreuse perish. I use a scrap of the Bubblemech to transform a nearby rock into a Transformogrifier Gun, which I then use to turn Chartreuse and Mirror Chartreuse's corpses into bubbles, which I then pop. I win!! |
Master |
♪Oh, Hobsthetigr! Where are you?♪ |
Chartreuse |
I did, of course! |
Master |
So, who won? |
Chartreuse |
I use telekinesis to shake you out of the robot, create a portal, and dunk the robot in the portal with the other side leading back in time to before even the Big Bang started. Also, I close the portal. |
M.A.R.I. O AI |
Bzzt... Loading... Loading hologram dragons... Summoning hologram dragons... Bzzt... |
Chartreuse |
My robot is water proof. I swim back up through the portal and come back in the fight. |
Hobsthetigr |
I set up a portal, with one side inside the Bubblemech's cockpit, and the other side at the bottom of the Marina Trench. |
Chartreuse |
I charge at you with my psychic sword, and hit your meth on the head really hard, completely breaking your cockpit and short-circuiting your robot. |
Hobsthetigr |
The overheating mech melts the ice. |
Chartreuse |
Since you popped Mirror Chartreuse, I copied his data and brought him back. Also, I grab the Freezy Beam 4000 and freeze your legs to the ground. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait.. I popped Mirror Chartreuse. How can you transform him back into a person? Also, the AI activated armor.How can you damage the Mirror Mech? |
Chartreuse |
I transmogrify Mirror Chartreuse back into a person and shoot a barrage of laser calvinballs at your mech's arms. Since you shoot things out of your arms, you can't shoot anything for a while. |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot a laser calvinball and pop Mirror Chartreuse. |
M.A.R.I.O AI |
Bzzt... Turning on radio... Bzzt... Activating mega jetpack... |
Hobsthetigr |
I Transmogrify Mirror Chartreuse into a sentient bubble. |
M.A.R.I.O AI |
Bzzt... Bzzt... Shooting gigantic bubbles... Bzzt... Scanning for weak spots... Weak Spot Found! The Arms! Bzzt! |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot laser calvinballs at the laser calvinballs you shot at me. They bounce off of each other. |
Hobsthetigr |
When you punch My Mech, you break your hands. Also, I had already downloaded the data from the Transmogrifier Gun into my Mech. |
Chartreuse |
While Mirror Chartreuse is distracting you, I shoot laser calvinballs at your cockpit. |
Mirror Chartreuse |
I jump out of the mech and punch the mech with my fists. |
Chartreuse |
While I'm at it, I pull out my own transmogrifier and turn Hobsthetigr's transmogrifier into a tomato. |
Chartreuse |
I jump out of my meth and glue around the cockpit. It's not breaking soon! |
Hobsthetigr |
I transmogrify the maple syrup into soapy water. Thanks for the wash, Chartreuse! |
Chartreuse |
I shoot even more maple syrup, giving you only temporary views out the window, and... DARN! I ran out of maple syrup! |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot laser calvinballs at the Bubblemech’s cockpit. It starts to crack…. |
Chartreuse |
I shoot lots of maple syrup at the robot, making it hard to control and to see through the window. |
Hobsthetigr |
I transmogrify the laser calvinballs into laser pancakes, which are delicious, but not lethal. |
Chartreuse |
Wha?! Laser Calvinballs are stronger than my ultra strong bubbles? In that case, I shoot an arc of bubbles, and then shoot an arc of laser calvinballs! |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot laser calvinballs at the bubbles, popping them before they can hit me. |
Chartreuse |
I shoot bubbles at the Mirror Mech X's right arm. |
Chartreuse |
Yeah, the Mirror Advanced Robotic Intellectual Overdrive (M.A.R.I.O for short), which shoot laser calvinballs, ultra-strong bubbles, trapping boxes. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, Chartreuse, does your mech have AI? |
Hobsthetigr |
I use 3 portals to escape from the box. |
Chartreuse |
I use the pen flag to draw a box around Mirror Mech X. |
Hobsthetigr |
I open a portal under the Bubblemech. It’s left leg gets stuck! |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot laser calvinballs at the Bubblemech’s joints! |
Chartreuse |
Alright, It's time to brawl! |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! Spaceman Spiff has to eat breakfast every morning! |
Hobsthetigr |
Hey, Mirror Hobsthetigr!! Get in here!! |
Hobsthetigr |
I get into the Mirror Mech X and gear up for a mega mech battle with Chartreuse and Mirror Chartreuse. |
Master |
Uh-huh. Such a waste. |
Hobsthetigr |
Sherm, you’re probably right. |
Sherm |
I think the court case was a waste of time. |
Spaceman Spiff |
It. Was. Boring. And I'm forgetful. |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, you could have brought your lunch to the court. |
Spaceman Spiff |
No, but the aliens would. |
Hobsthetigr |
Would it kill you to grab a grogonian pop-zart before you hop into your rocket ship? |
Spaceman Spiff |
There's no time for breakfast when fighting aliens and crashing on planets! |
Hobsthetigr |
Why didn’t you eat breakfast? I’m concerned about you. |
Spaceman Spiff |
Yeah, cause it was boring! DUH! (also not bitter) Plus, I hadn't eaten anything today. |
Hobsthetigr |
You shouldn’t care you, were aT lUnCh (no, I’m not bitter) |
Spaceman Spiff |
Hey guys. So how was the court case. Boring? |
Hobsthetigr |
Judge Sherm, what do you think? |
Master |
Let's not, alright? |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh, before I forget… I shoot laser calvinballs at M-Clones 18 and 24, killing them. |
Hobsthetigr |
Never mind. |
Hobsthetigr |
I guess we don’t have to worry about Mirror Doppelgänger or Mirror Mega Crown anymore…. |
Mirror Mega Crown |
I got Mirror Doppelganger out before the portal was closed. Also, I escaped from the dragon by using a explosive spell. |
Master |
He reason I did the "unstoppable tide" quote during the case was because I felt like you and Doppelganger's wrath was washing over. I got the quote from Whateley Academy's The Bad Seeds. |
Hobsthetigr |
I close the portal. |
Hobsthetigr |
*Mirror Mega Crown is eaten by a 100-headed giant dragon covered in storm clouds* |
Mirror Mega Crown |
I stop Hobsthetigr from closing the portal and retrieve Mirror Doppelganger from the pit. |
Hobsthetigr |
I create a portal under Mirror Doppelgänger with the under end in the Pit of Eternal Punishment. |
Master |
Ok. Like make him less annoying. *chuckle* BUT FR, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE. |
Hobsthetigr |
We do have to do something about Mirror Doppelgänger, though. |
Hobsthetigr |
Huh. I didn’t know that. |
King R |
Actually Hobsthetigr, he was not bribing you, as he gave you the money before the case started. |
Hobsthetigr |
*Slams door* Well, that’s one crisis averted. |
Hobsthetigr |
*Slams door* Well, that’s one crisis averted. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
*starts getting pushed out the room* But wait! That's not fair! Tiger-Head over here convinced you? Maybe HE'S the one that bribed to win this court case! This is tyranny! I'll sue Judge Sherm next! And Master, and this dumb courtroom! |
Judge Sherm |
FYI: I'm talking to Mirror Doppelganger and his clones. |
Judge Sherm |
*bangs gavel harder* I said, CASE DISMISSED. I could've given you and your band of cronies a life sentence! (I could, but that's not fair.) |
Hobsthetigr |
You are threatening gang violence, which is against the law. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Yeah! Come up with more reasons Hobsthetigr should get sent to jail! I'll bring my whole army! |
Hobsthetigr |
*Spaceman Spiff finally arrives* |
M clone 18 |
But... but... |
Judge Sherm |
*bangs gavel* I hereby call both Hobsthetigr and Mirror Doppelganger not guilty. Case dismissed!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
Hypocrisy is not a crime, and it was on accident. However, your attempted false arrest is. |
Judge Sherm |
No. That's not how it works. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Judge Sherm |
I'll make sure Mirror Doppelganger won't sue you, but I'm not putting him in pri- |
D clone 18 |
Wait. Did he just change his profile pic? (everyone except Hobsthetigr: GASP!!!) |
Hobsthetigr |
Oops. Sorry! I forgot to change my profile picture! Please don’t sue me! |
Judge Sherm |
Sorry Hobsthetigr, but you don't have a good reason anymore. I'm on the verge of calling Mirror Doppelganger not guilty. |
Hobsthetigr |
*’Him’ refers to Mirror Doppelgänger, not Master* |
Hobsthetigr |
Master |
"As surely as a river flows to the sea, their wrath would wash over their target like an unstoppable tide." |
Hobsthetigr |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Hobsthetigr |
Judge Sherm |
Well, Mirror Doppelganger doesn't deserve to be guilty, but I don't wanna let you guys down. |
Hobsthetigr |
Wait, Judge Sherm, aren’t you on our side? If you choose our side, then Mirror Doppelgänger will be found guilty and will therefore be disqualified. |
Judge Sherm |
Both of you guys make such good points. I don't know who to listen to. |
Hobsthetigr |
Judge Sherm, what is your ruling? |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh. I didn’t know that. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Hobsthetigr |
We’ve here because Mirror Doppelgänger said to sue him. |
M clone 24 |
Because Master did it a couple times, and he's not crazy! But the people watching this are! Why'd we even have this in the first place?! |
Judge Sherm |
Mm-hmm. And why? |
M clone 18 |
Me too! |
M clone 24 |
I object! |
(insert gibberish here) |
Guys, I came with a good reason. Like Hobsthetigr said, we could see Mirror Doppelganger forgot to change his profile pic. I mean, only crazy people change their profile pic! |
Hobsthetigr |
Spiff? (Scene cuts to Spaceman Spiff eating lunch at home.) |
Master |
Just a question: are you the plaintiff? |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh, for heck's sake! You saw the incorrect profile picture, right? |
Judge Sherm |
Ugh! This is boring! Hobsthetigr, call Spaceman Spiff to the stand. |
King R |
Mirror Doppelganger is guilty because... because... I can't come with any reason why. |
Hobsthetigr |
Ok, (insert gibberish here). You can be the 4th witness. |
Hobsthetigr |
Ahh! Um... Um... Second witness! (King R walks into the middle of the court.) |
(insert gibberish here) |
*runs to court* Sorry I'm late. Can I join your court? |
Master |
*walks back to my seat* |
Master |
Hold up. Why are we at court just because Mirror Doppelganger forgot to change his profile picture? Heck, I've even made that mistake a few times! |
Hobsthetigr |
*Whispers back* Anything that can prove he's guilty. |
Master |
*whispers* What am I supposed to say? |
Hobsthetigr |
We are gathered here in court to discuss the crime of Mirror Doppelganger not changing his Profile Picture. I call my 1st witness! (Master walks into the middle of the court.) |
Master |
Yeah! We're taking this to court! (Not that it's necessary...) |
Hobsthetigr |
(The scene changes to a court scene. Sherm is the judge. Mirror Doppleganger's defenders are M-Clones 24 and 18. My Witnesses are Master, King R, and Spaceman Spiff.) |
Mirror Doppelganger |
I eat the laser calvinball, giving me wings to fly to earth. Also, I give Hobsthetigr 10K for forgetting to change my profile pic. |
Hobsthetigr |
Also I sue him for forgetting to change his profile picture |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot a laser calvinball that pops his rocket ship. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
I pull out an inflatable rocket ship and rocket back to Earth. |
Hobsthetigr |
I swap the volcano portal with a portal to Pluto. Mirror Doppelganger has insulation and air due to his lavasuit, but I close the portal behind him and he is now trapped on Pluto. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Sometimes I forget to change my profile pic. Sue me. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
I put on my lava proof suit on in midair, and come back through the portal from the volcano blast. |
Hobsthetigr |
Using the data from the Bronze Flag,I open a portal underneath Mirror Doppelganger, with the other side directly above an active volcano. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Ok. 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16, ATTACK!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
With a few quick blasts of transmogrifier data, M-Clones 6,10,12,9, and 23 are now worms. |
Master |
I read more of the scroll, and it says that the V Super Flag has the power to give the holder power beyond their wildest dreams. Knowing this, I grab the V Super Flag real quick. |
Sherm |
Thanks, Hobsthetigr! With the Gray Flag, I make a force field around me. |
Hobsthetigr |
Oops. I accidentally put it thrice on accident. Sorry! |
Hobsthetigr |
I download the data of the Lime Flag, the Bronze Flag, and the Transmogrifier Gun into the Mirror Mech, turning it into the Mirror Mech X. |
Hobsthetigr |
I download the data of the Lime Flag, the Bronze Flag, and the Transmogrifier Gun into the Mirror Mech, turning it into the Mirror Mech X. |
Hobsthetigr |
I download the data of the Lime Flag, the Bronze Flag, and the Transmogrifier Gun into the Mirror Mech, turning it into the Mirror Mech X. |
Hobsthetigr |
I toss the Gray Flag to Sherm. |
Master |
I read an ancient scroll and find out that the V Super Flag has been around since the dawn of time. (WARNING! INTENSE LORE AHEAD!) Ever since the calvinball universe was created, the V Super Flag came into existence from everyone's activity and the presence of insaner. Basically, the more people there are, the more powerful the V Super Flag will be. |
Hobsthetigr |
Oops. I put it twice! Sorry. Also, I shoot laser calvinballs at M-Clone 7. |
Mirror Chartreuse |
Thanks, other me! |
Hobsthetigr |
I grab the lime flag and use it to create 3 new flags: The Gray Flag, which can create a force field, The Bronze Flag, which can create portals, and The V Super flag, the purpose of which is still unknown. |
Hobsthetigr |
I grab the lime flag and use it to create 3 new flags: The Gray Flag, which can create a force field, The Bronze Flag, which can create portals, and The V Super flag, the purpose of which is still unknown. |
Chartreuse |
I grab Mirror Chartreuse and put him in my mech. |
M clone 7 |
I jump at Hobsthetigr for killing M clone 8. |
Hobsthetigr |
I shoot laser calvinballs at M-Clones 6 and 8. 8 is killed and 6 is knocked out. |
Master |
Should I put Hobsthetigr in stasis? Is this a smart remark? |
M clone 8 |
NEW RULE!! You need to touch the 20th wicket and do the "tree" pose. Failure to do this in 50 seconds results in a deduction of sx points and a silver gem (if you even have one, silver gems are rare). |
M clone 6 |
Hmm... Okay. |
Master |
I read how you killed the first 5 M-Clones which made me remember how I destroyed the first 5 D-Clones; with plasma balls. |
Mirror Doppelganger |
(your daily fact) Doppelganger was originally called GlitchDoppelganger? Feel free to use this against him! |
Mirror Doppelganger |
I duplicate another version of King R, and stick Mirror Mega Crown on the duplicate, turning him into mirror DarkM! Or, DarkR actually. |
Master |
Calivin is one of those one shot guys. It's Dinosaurs we should be worrying about. |
Hobsthetigr |
Calivin has been placed in stasis due to inactivity. The whereabouts of Dinosaurus are still unknown. |
Chartreuse |
*evil chuckle* This will be the BEST one yet! |
Mirror Dinosaurs |
Oh ho! Classic pun! And yes, he's building another mech. |
Hobsthetigr |
Chartreuse has been mysteriously silent… has Chartreuse built another mech!?!? |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh, hi, Mirror Dinosaurus! To answer your question, The Ceiling. |
Mirror Dinosaurs |
hey guys, what's up? |
King R |
Hey, I found Mirror Dinosaurs! |
Master |
At least with the Overdrive Flag, I can summon laser calvinballs. |
King R |
Thank you for freeing me. I'll show you around the mirror world. |
Hobsthetigr |
Since Retsam knows the Mirror World better than anyone, I task Retsam with finding Mirror Dylan, Mirror (insert gibberish here), and Mirror Dinosaurus. In the meantime, I modify the Mirror Mech to shoot laser Calvinballs instead of bubbles. |
Master |
I replayed it in slo-mo, and Mega Crown actually placed a decoy on Retsam's head. Retsam is still good though. |
Hobsthetigr |
I transmogrify the Mirror Mega Crown into a normal, not-cursed crown, transforming MegaRetsam into The Good King Retsam, or King R for short. |
Mega Crown |
Yeah, right. *sticks back on to Retsam* |
Hobsthetigr |
IDEA ALERT! IDEA ALERT! I use the transmogrifier gun to transform MegaRetsam back into normal Retsam!! |
Hobsthetigr |
Ohh. Got it. |
Master |
But Mirror DarkM is MegaRetsam because Reveal is my Mirror Double and Mega Crown + Master = DarkM. |
Master |
No! It wasn't spam! Come back! |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh, and Mirror Shadow King. Also, I will temporarily be going inactive so that I can make up for the spam. |
Hobsthetigr |
Ok, so, just a teams recap: Good guys: Master, Hobsthetigr, Dinosaurus, Sherm, Dylan, Spaceman Spiff, (insert gibberish here), Mirror Spiff, Mirror Hobsthetigr, and Mirror Sherm. Bad guys: Shadow King, Megaretsam, Mirror Mega Crown, Mirror Doppelgänger, the 20 remaining D-Clones, Chartreuse, Mirror Chartreuse, Mirror Flame Lord, and Mirror DarkM. |
Master |
FYI: Mirror Good Guys are good, and vice versa. This is one of the few Mirror Worlds that doesn't reverse choices like having you as a friend. Also, I found Mirror Hobsthetigr and Sherm. Not the others, though. |
Hobsthetigr |
After finishing off the M-Clones with his Zorch Blaster, Mirror Spaceman Spiff hitches a ride on the Mech, and we run out of the Mirror World. |
Hobsthetigr |
Hobsthetigr |
Well, it looks like I won’t be able to find any of our Mirror Selves…. *Plane crash noises* Wait… is that….. |
Hobsthetigr |
I am unable to find Mirror Hobsthetigr, but I do find 5 M-Clones (Mirror D-Clones) guarding the mirror world! I trap them in bubble prisons for Master to finish them off later. |
Master |
Yeah, Retsam can't do it cause he's evil. |
Hobsthetigr |
I go through the Mirror Portal and use Mirror Chartreuse’s stolen Mech suit to look for Mirror Hobsthetigr. |
Hobsthetigr |
No wait… I meant, let’s go get our mirror selves! |
Hobsthetigr |
Ahh! They’re summoning their Mirror counterparts! Retsam, can you go into the Mirror world and find Mirror Hobsthetigr, Mirror Sherm, Mirror Dinosaurus, etc.? |
MegaRetsam |
Call me MegaRetsam!!! Yahahahahahaha!!! |
Mirror Mega Crown |
I'm gonna do even better than the other Mega Crown! *sticks onto Retsam* |
Mirror Doppelganger |
Hahahahahahaha!!! Time to destroy the world like my other self! |
Shadow King |
Alright. Time to see if there really are mirror versions of us. (10 seconds later) Yep. There are. *gets trampled by all the mirror world variants of us I mentioned. |
Master |
Retsam's also a yes man... |
Retsam |
You got that right! |
Master |
But there has to be a Mirror Hobsthetigr, Sherm, (insert gibberish here), dylan, Dinosaurs, and Spaceman Spiff. I didn't say Mirror Master because Retsam is Mirror Master and he's just exists. |
Hobsthetigr |
Oops. I’m sorry! |
Master |
I said What If. I know there's a Mirror Chartreuse. I thought we covered this already. |
Hobsthetigr |
Don’t forget Mirror Chartreuse, who’s already in our world! |
Master |
What if there is a Mirror version of Doppelganger, all the D Clones, Mega Crown, Shadow King, DarkM, and Flame God all at once? |
!Master |
Or a Mirror Doppelganger. *shudder* |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, is there a Mirror Mega Crown? If there is, we might have more to worry about…. |
Hobsthetigr |
I hope Mirror Chartreuse doesn’t ally with Chartreuse….. |
Sherm |
That was a GREAT recap! Good day to you too, Hobsthetigr! |
Master |
The Doppelganger War: So, after my transformation to GlitchMaster had come to and end, I suddenly split into two, and Doppelganger was born. He claimed to be the REAL GlitchMaster, and the war started. The war raged on for a long time, but eventually, the good came on top. Then Doppelganger was banned, but before he was, he split his life into the 25 D-Clones. We used the natural powerups to stop them, but then, a hologram of Doppelganger showed up. Doppelganger teleported us to his whereabouts, and we had to fight him again. Then, I shot a laser beam, killing Doppelganger. The DarkM War: A tiny bit after the Doppelganger War, I picked up the Mega Crown. It made me evil, and I was now called UltraMaster!!! I followed the rules of Hypercane, and ate the calvinball, turning me into DarkM!!! There was a big fight, but eventually, I was back to normal Master. But the Mega Crown wasn't ready to give in yet. It came off of my head and tried to attack Dinosaurs, my buddy and a lethal asset to the wars. NPC (now known as (insert gibberish here)) handed me the announcement flag. I rose up into the sky following Mega Crown, and use the announcement flag to summon Announcer, who eliminated Mega Crown. Now, we have the Shadow War, wither Chartreuse and Shadow King as our enemies. Maybe I'll write another ESSAY about that. Tank you for your time. |
Hobsthetigr |
Oh, hi, Sherm! I hope you’re having a nice day! |
Master |
Hey, I'm gonna summarize The Wars Of Doppelganger and DarkM! Grab your popcorn! |
Sherm |
Oh Hey, new guy! |
Retsam |
Hobsthetigr said: If you meet your mirror world self, you have to react. Well, DUH!!! Otherwise they just get plain angry at you for not paying attention! |
Master |
Also, is Mirror Flame God dead? |
Master |
This is an off topic opinion but: Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom is confusing. |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! If you meet your mirror world self, you have to react. |
Hobsthetigr |
I go into the mirror realm (giving Retsam 34 pts and an apple) and steal Mirror Chartreuse’s mech suit. Mirror Chartreuse is angry and follows me back into the normal world. |
Master |
I grab a cape. (+6 coolness points) |
Master |
NEW RULE!! You can now enter the mirror world. If you do, you need to give Jetsam 34 points and a apple. |
Master |
But just where is Dinosaurs and calivin? |
Hobsthetigr |
Yeah, I never said they were dead, I just said Flame Lord’s corpse because he was already dead |
Master |
They didn't die. I throw metal bolts to the people in space, and they come to earth. |
Hobsthetigr |
The whereabouts of Dinosaurus and Calivin are still unknown |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the transmogrifier gun to transform a rock on earth into a giant magnet. The following players are brought back to earth: me because of the transmogrifier gun, Master because of the Nuh Uh flag’s pole, Chartreuse because of the metal iguana, Spaceman Spiff because of the Stun blaster an rocket ship, and Shadow King because of the giant sword. Sherm, Dylan, Retsam, (insert gibberish here), and Flame Lord’s corpse are still in space, with air. |
Hobsthetigr |
the score is now: Flame Lord: -1234567890 Master: Purple Hobsthetigr: QQZ2 Retsam: Vanilla Cupcake Sherm: Muahahaha Chartreuse: ZING Shadow king: -12 to the 8000th power |
(insert gibberish here) |
I grab some dynamite, and we all get blasted into space. |
Master |
I use all of my power to reopen the portals to the mirror world. It doesn't end well because I drained my power and I need to regenerate it. |
Chartreuse |
Eh. I can always build a new one. |
Hobsthetigr |
I run over to the Tech Area and grab a transmogrifier gun. I use the transmogrifier gun to turn Chartreuse’s Mech into an iguana. |
Hobsthetigr |
I take the Nuh Uh Flag from Flame Lord’s corpse and return it to Master. |
Master |
Aww. He let himself die. *Shadow King comes to and teleports away* |
Flame God |
I shield Shadow King with my body, sacrificing myself. |
Master |
I do my special Double Beam and Ultraviolet Kick. But... |
Master |
I grab a spray bottle with Hyper Water in it, nursing Hobsthetigr back to health. |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
I will get vengeance for this. I WILL GET VENGEANCE FOR THIS!!! |
Hobsthetigr |
Well, Master, he’s unconscious. The kill is all yours. |
Master |
Shadow King slashed me in half before. I'm already dead. *gigantic angel wings spread* |
Hobsthetigr |
Just before I bleed to death, I grab the remnants of the Pendant of Thatanos. Despite being shattered, it has one last use. I use the one remaining use to revive myself and run away. The pendant explodes, knocking out Shadow King and Master. I grab Master and run off, trying to get Master medical attention as soon as possible. |
Shadow King |
Enough wholesome moments. *slashes Master and Hobsthetigr with a giant sword* |
Master |
Thank you. |
Hobsthetigr |
How about we just forget about the promotions and stuff and we can just thank each other? Thank you |
Master |
Listen. I know where this is going. You keep giving me promotions and I keep giving you promotions. Its gonna repeat FOREVER. How about I give you a raise in pay? |
Hobsthetigr |
I give Master yet another promotion |
Hobsthetigr |
I hijack Spaceman Spiff’s rocket ship and drop a hydro bomb on Flame Lord |
Master |
Thank you. I give Hobsthetigr ANOTHER promotion for giving me a promotion after I gave him a promotion for being so cool. |
Flame Lord |
Then how about Flame Lord? |
Hobsthetigr |
I use my promoted status to give Master a promotion for giving me a promotion. |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! Gods are no longer allowed! Flame God is now just Flame! |
Master |
I give Hobsthetigr a promotion for being THE most active player. Like, theres a new rule or whatever like, every five seconds. |
Flame God |
Because I now have the Nuh Uh flag, I take back my points. |
KingMaster |
I grab the broken pelvis from the start of the game and hit Flame God on the head with it. |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! Stealing is against the law! Flame god loses 1234567890 points! |
Flame God |
For real though? I steal Master's Nuh Uh flag and invoke Nuh Uh. I'm back in the game! |
Hobsthetigr |
I give Retsam Ibuprofen, as per the rules. |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the Anti-Revive Flag to disqualify Flame God. |
Retsam |
*dazed* It'S oKaY WiTh Me, tOo. YoU aReN't ThAt HeAvY... *falls over* |
KingMaster |
Now that I'm more powerful now, I grab Shadow King from Hades and bash with him myself. |
Hobsthetigr |
I smash up the pendant of Thatanos with a mallet. Unfortunately, this causes a low, cackling frequency to emit, which causes all portals to the mirror world to close. |
Master |
And I'm also sorry in case I insulted or assaulted you. I'm gonna transform into KingMaster now. |
Master |
I meant Lazy Sunday Book, not Last Sunday Book. |
Master |
But a Demise-O-Bomb is lethal. Just that whenever Spaceman Spiff used it on the Naggon (from the C&H Last Sunday Book), it only stunned it. |
Master |
Its ok. |
Hobsthetigr |
I grab a water bucket from the Pernicious Poem Place and throw it at Flame God. |
Hobsthetigr |
I’m sorry, I didn’t know that Shadow King was a bad guy! Also, I’m sorry for assuming that a “Demise-O-Bomb” was lethal! I’m going to sing the very sorry song: I’m sorry (so sorry) I blew it (I knew it) I’m very very sorry I revived that scurvy scallywag (can I drag him to Hades with the Anti-Revive Flag?) |
Master |
Then again, maybe he should've stayed dead... |
Flame God |
Bwahahahahaha!!! I! Am! Back! |
Master |
If you wanna play that way, I grab the Sol Crystal, and revive Flame God. PS. Flame God is bad too!!! |
Spaceman Spiff |
HE! LOST! CONSCIOUSNESS!!! Plus, Shadow King is a bad guy! |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! You can only dig underneath the Relic Zone once per day |
Hobsthetigr |
I dig underneath the Relic Zone and find the Pendant of Thatanos. I use it to revive Shadow King, who was killed by Spaceman Spiff's Demise-o-bomb. |
Hobsthetigr |
I eject from the rocket ship and land on Retsam to break my fall. Retsam loses 9.456378 points! |
Master |
I pop the bubble with Hobsthetigr in it with Dinosaurs' Toothpick Cubed. |
Spaceman Spiff |
I hop back into my spacecraft with Hobsthetigr. Together, we zap evildoers. Then, I parachute out of my spacecraft, and make Shadow King lose consciousness with my Demise-O-Bomb. |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
Hey! For revenge, I shoot a giant bubble at Hobsthetigr with my mech, trapping him. |
Hobsthetigr |
I fly up in spaceman spiff’s rocket ship and drop a hydro bomb on Chartreuse |
Hobsthetigr |
I use the summoning flag to summon spaceman spiff’s rocket ship and I get into it |
Master |
the score is now: Master: (98.2 × 5) Hobsthetigr: Cupcake dylan: 376 Sherm: 9.809 |
Master |
Ok Hobsthetigr. *touches the reverse cat pole super fast and run a lap across dylan* |
Hobsthetigr |
the score is now: 57 to -D to Zanzibar |
Hobsthetigr |
Also, yes, I am a new player. I declare myself as a new player |
Hobsthetigr |
NEW RULE!! If you don’t touch the reverse cat pole in the next 20 seconds you have to give a cat tuna |
Sherm |
I harness my psychic powers and create two psychic arms. |
Master |
Ugh, how the mighty have fallen! I wish I could die if I wasn't already dead! |
Master |
Happy Halloween. I put jack o lantern on your head. |
(insert gibberish here) |
I use a relic of fire and summon a flame wall in front of me. |
Master |
Not only do I pull the Nuh Uh flag, I smack Calvin with my laser calvinball. |
calivin |
NEW RULE!! everyone needs to be called calvin |
Master |
I mean Retsam. (Dang autocorrect.) |
Master |
Retain and I jump up after Chartreuse and follow him (insert S&K Doomsday Zone music here) |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
I leap high into the air. |
Master |
I pull the "Nuh Uh" flag, shooting a laser out of my flag, hitting Retsam so hard, he blasts into a wall and takes MAJOR damage. |
Retsam |
Master |
Retsam (aka Mirror Master) is a bit of a troublesome man. |
Retsam |
I'm sorry. People litter WAY too much. PS. I'll help and I'll hinder. Got it? I'm one of those anti-hero guys. |
Retsam |
Hey. Retsam amid the jetsam. I know. Bad catchphrase. |
Master |
I make another clone of me from the Mirror Dimension. PS. I've made like, ALL the villains that came ever since I got here. |
Master |
Admit it: Calvinball was boring without me. |
Master |
Also, Dinosaurs, which color team are you on? PS. You probably read about my purple eyes, didn't you? |
Master |
I give everyone ibuprofen due to everyone being attacked by my laser calvinballs. |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! all players facing intense pain need ibuprofen. This is not a question |
Master |
Thrill of victory! Agony of defeat! |
Master |
I suddenly use telekinesis, bringing the Black, Magenta, Yellow, Lime, and Red flags closer to me. Then, I summon 5 spectral clones of me, and they grab one flag and we all soar high into the air. Then, I pull the Overdrive Flag out of my pocket, and the spectral clones bring their flags closer to mine. After that, black, magenta, lime, red, and yellow plasma beams shoot out of the flags. They make the Overdrive Flag even more powerful, and I pull the calvinball closer to me, then grab the duplicator and put the calvinball in it, producing 1000 laser calvinballs. I throw the Supercharged Overdrive Flag in the air, and I freeze it in suspended animation. Next, all the laser calvinballs bonk into the S.O.F at once, causing a gigantic impact that breaks the fabric of reality, causing me to win the game. One win for me! CHECKMATE!!! |
Master |
I invoke the name loejhudso, as SilverSoul once did. The calvinball teleported to (insert gibberish here). |
Master |
NEW RULE!! All players must breakdance for 48.5 seconds. If you complain, you lose all your points. |
Master |
Time For A New Rule! which i haven't done in a while... |
Master |
Ooh... Boy, if we had illustrations... |
Master |
I have a mask but I also have glasses. Which are very... um... opaque? To say the least for YOUR vision. They're transparent to me. In short, you can't see my eyes, but I can see yours. |
Sherm |
*gets run over by every single person on the purple team trying to get really, REALLY close to Master to try and catch another glimpse of Master's, galaxy-like, purple eyes* |
Master |
Master |
When DAhmer kicked me in the face, my mask fell off, revealing my strange purple eyes. |
Master |
POINTS! 176 points!!! |
Master |
PS. I get 176 for flag theft. |
Master |
I take jeffery's flag and bonk him on the head with it. |
jeffrey |
I steal your flag and get q points |
DAhmer |
NEW RULE!! kick you in the fACE |
jeffrey |
i attack |
Master |
How dare you! *flies up in the air* |
Shadow King |
Great recap! Nobody cares. |
Master |
Logical recap about me: Master: He's a retired mage, graceful angel (died from Shadow King), and a protector of the calvinball universe. His friends are: Dinosaurs, dylan, Sherm, (insert gibberish here), and L. His enemies are: Doppelganger, Mega Crown, Chartreuse, Flame God (formerly Vermilion), Shadow King, and all other evil. He is a member of the MA (Mordon Alliance), and he LOVES the color cyan and helping all good. |
Sherm |
Mmmm. Cake... |
Master |
the score is now: Dylan: 143 Master: the square root of 27 Sherm: (insert picture of vanilla cake) |
Master |
Well, maybe not that. But your legs WILL turn into icicles otherwise. |
Master |
Judging by the weather today, it's "Wear Pants Or Die Of Hypothermia". |
Master |
I make donations of cheese to Dinosaurs, Infinite Cheese God. Gouda, Brie, Camembert, Mozzarella, and more! |
Master |
Sorry. Just silently dying from the cringe... |
Master |
IF you don't get the joke, I saw a swear word in your random characters that you typed. And. It. Wasn't. Even. Random. It was just GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA etc. |
Master |
Waiter! There's a bad word in my "more random characters" served by dylan! |
Master |
The recap of everything that happened so far. oh my god... |
dylan |
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Due to the overwhelming popularity of the calvinball section of the old site, I have decided to keep it up as a secret section for you guys to continue to enjoy.
You've heard of "calvinball" before... you've always wanted to play, but never had the chance.. well, because this is an insaner world, and I make up the rules here as I go, here's your chance! If you don't know how to play though, make sure to read the rules, watch the others and learn from them!!
If there is enough interest, I will eventually implement a login for those who wish, in order to keep track of stats and stuff (if you would like such a feature, make your "action" say "logs in!")... but for now, lets just see how well it's received..
how to play calvinball at an insaner world
Here's a short explanation of how to get the most out of your text-based calvinball experience at "an insaner world"..
First, you fill in your name, in the box there where you see the text "your name"
Choose your "calvatar" from the selection (hovering over each small image shows you a preview on the left).
Next, select the type of "action" you want to "do" in the game, you can declare a new rule, use the flag in some way, declare the score, or perform any other sort of action. New rules and scores are automatically prepended with the appropriate text, so all you have to do is state the rule or score (yes, convenient!).
Type in the "action" you want to perform in the game in the textbox.
Finally, type in the "magic" word in the box and click "play!".
So, if, for example, you wanted to declare a new rule for the game, you would enter your name in the first box, choose your calvatar, select "new rule" from the options and then type your rule, for example: "everyone not playing calvinball must dance a jig!" (See? No need to write "NEW RULE!")
Be sure to also read the calvin and hobbes unofficial official rules of calvinball before you play. Let the game begin!!
Did you already read the quick how to play guide above?
your name:
this is your selected avatar
action: flag new rule! score
type "calvinball" here:
Please consider making a small donation,
your donations help keep calvinball free!
the game so far..
recommended for you
(Purchases made through these links earn us a small commission.)
I'm gonna type more random characters.gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfuckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm gonna type random characters.WAEAWER6556 63458465457478977YU89TG0566TY6R5FRTF5FR55RFDEEEEEEEEEEERTF5GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGR6RF56RTFG7F6TRGtyy56ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyiutgyuyjhguy7yu8ujhguy7gy7 I'm gonna type random characters. I'm gonna type random characters. I'm gonna type random characters.qqqqqqqqqwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
NEW RULE!! everyone now has a flamethrower!!!1!!11!!11!1
i was actully trying to crt-c crtl-v some from another cah website but it didnt work):
I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like anything.
i was trying to make ascii art sorry
I suddenly grab a bunch of spines, spin around and throw them while spinning, resulting in... SPINE CIRCLE ATTACK!!!
Oh, STOP with the oo'$'''ooh shenanigans, ok?
the score is now: now reset to 0.
NEW RULE!! can we stop with the non-numerical score values? they are confusing me.
i had no idea id get so mucth attansoin!
oo o$$$ o o$$$$ o$$$$$ o$$"$$" ooo"$$$" $$" $$ o$$"" o$$" $$ $$ o$$" $$ $$ $$ oo$$$ $$ $ o$" $$ oo$$$"" o$ o$ o$$ $$$$"" o$" o ooooo$$$$$o o$ o$$$ "$$ $$$$$$$""""""$$$"" $$ "$$ "" o$" $$ " "" $$ o oo oo $oooooooo o "$ " "" """ " "o $o oooo o $ " $" " ""$$oo o "o " o" """""$$ o o $ $$o$o o o " "" ooooo" ooooo ""$$ $$$$""$ "" " o$""""$$$$ $ ooo o" $$ o ooooo$$ o" $ o$ oo o$$"" $$$o ooo $ o$ $oo $ o$ o$$ o$$$$""$oo "o$" $o$ o $" $$$ ""$$ "$$ooo$$$$ "" $ o o$ooo "$$ " oo ooo$$$"" $oo o$ o """"""$$ "$$ ooo$ $$ $$oooooo$o""oo "$$oo oo oo$" "$o $$""""""" oo$ "$$$$$$$$ " "$ """" " oooooo"$$$$"" $ "$$ $$o o ooooo o""$""" " o$" o$ oo " oo """"$$ "" o $ o " $o oo$"o o$"" o$$$o "$$oo oo o o" o$ $"" $ o$ """"$$o """ ""$""""oooo$" o$" o$ o$" $o o o$$o "$o " $$" o$" o$"""$$ $o """"$$$$o "$oo $o$" o"o$" $" $oo o$$o $$ "$$$o "$" o$$$$ "$"$ o$$ $$$"" $ " o"$$$ooooo$$"" ""oo "o """ "o oo" o$o$$ooo$$oooo o """$"""$ " $""$oo $ $" oo$$ "$ " " """""""""" """"""" " $ $$$ o$ooo "$o $o " "o ooooo o o o" o o"o$" o" " ""$" "o o $ooo" " " " " "" "$$"" "o$ o$" $o $o$$"$$$ $$o $ $""$o$ "$o$$" o$oo o o o o o o ooo o$$$$oo$" " $$ " """"""" " " $" "$$$ $$ $" "$$""""""""" " "o "o o $$oo $$ $ $$ $ $$"""""""""""""""" " " $$ "$ $ "$" " "o o o o o o" " o"$ o$$$$ooo ooooo$$o o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o oo $$$$$$$$$$$$"""""""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$oooooo $"" ""$o "$"$""$"$$$$ooo$"$ o "$"o$"" ""$o o ooooo$ "$ ""o $ "$$ $oooo$ "$"" $$$$ """"""""""ooo """""""""" o$$oo """" " o$$"" ""$oooooo ooooooooo$"""""""$ooooooooooooooo$""""
oo o$$$ o o$$$$ o$$$$$ o$$"$$" ooo"$$$" $$" $$ o$$"" o$$" $$ $$ o$$" $$ $$ $$ oo$$$ $$ $ o$" $$ oo$$$"" o$ o$ o$$ $$$$"" o$" o ooooo$$$$$o o$ o$$$ "$$ $$$$$$$""""""$$$"" $$ "$$ "" o$" $$ " "" $$ o oo oo $oooooooo o "$ " "" """ " "o $o oooo o $ " $" " ""$$oo o "o " o" """""$$ o o $ $$o$o o o " "" ooooo" ooooo ""$$ $$$$""$ "" " o$""""$$$$ $ ooo o" $$ o ooooo$$ o" $ o$ oo o$$"" $$$o ooo $ o$ $oo $ o$ o$$ o$$$$""$oo "o$" $o$ o $" $$$ ""$$ "$$ooo$$$$ "" $ o o$ooo "$$ " oo ooo$$$"" $oo o$ o """"""$$ "$$ ooo$ $$ $$oooooo$o""oo "$$oo oo oo$" "$o $$""""""" oo$ "$$$$$$$$ " "$ """" " oooooo"$$$$"" $ "$$ $$o o ooooo o""$""" " o$" o$ oo " oo """"$$ "" o $ o " $o oo$"o o$"" o$$$o "$$oo oo o o" o$ $"" $ o$ """"$$o """ ""$""""oooo$" o$" o$ o$" $o o o$$o "$o " $$" o$" o$"""$$ $o """"$$$$o "$oo $o$" o"o$" $" $oo o$$o $$ "$$$o "$" o$$$$ "$"$ o$$ $$$"" $ " o"$$$ooooo$$"" ""oo "o """ "o oo" o$o$$ooo$$oooo o """$"""$ " $""$oo $ $" oo$$ "$ " " """""""""" """"""" " $ $$$ o$ooo "$o $o " "o ooooo o o o" o o"o$" o" " ""$" "o o $ooo" " " " " "" "$$"" "o$ o$" $o $o$$"$$$ $$o $ $""$o$ "$o$$" o$oo o o o o o o ooo o$$$$oo$" " $$ " """"""" " " $" "$$$ $$ $" "$$""""""""" " "o "o o $$oo $$ $ $$ $ $$"""""""""""""""" " " $$ "$ $ "$" " "o o o o o o" " o"$ o$$$$ooo ooooo$$o o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o oo $$$$$$$$$$$$"""""""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$oooooo $"" ""$o "$"$""$"$$$$ooo$"$ o "$"o$"" ""$o o ooooo$ "$ ""o $ "$$ $oooo$ "$"" $$$$ """"""""""ooo """""""""" o$$oo """" " o$$"" ""$oooooo ooooooooo$"""""""$ooooooooooooooo$""""
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles
I summon a mech that shoots bubbles!!! Yes, bubbles. Don't underestimate the power!!! haha a hahaha that's hahaha hahaha I'm annoying, aren't I? Great. Hahahahhahaha!!!
I use plasma magic and a stray laser calvinball to knock the icon of sin off the earth. Then I eat it, and my power goes THROUGH THE ROOF!!!
But I don't have legs...
Good job, dylan! Now its just Chartreuse and Shadow King!
id hate to have to kill some1 with my BFG-90000
i just transmogrified someone into the icon of sin, and now you must get it off the earth because the longer the icon of sin is on earth the stronger it will become.
i just killed flame lord and got multible 4rth degree burns
NEW RULE!! you can now kill people, as this game has evoled into the hunger games (calvinball edidosn
the score is now: oogy to boogy! (MY FAVOR.)
NEW RULE!! if you don't hop on one leg in opposite zone then you lose z points and a "pass go" card
the score is now: cvfiyu
I have a Super Mario Maker 2 account. It's called Dr.Finky .
*example above*
Squishmallow Sherman
NEW RULE!! From now on, call me Sherm. If you fail to do this, you lose 367 points and a gold card.
*creates swirly magic*
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles
NEW RULE!! If you do a handstand while reciting the Calvinball Theme Song, you get swl points and a extra as points for patriotism.
Shadow King
I'm still alive y'know...
Flame God
*ultra ultra very insignificant cough*
Flame God did NOT read the rules of calvinball, so he questioned the masks. And now... HE MUST DIE.
(insert gibberish here)
Its been a while, y'know? anyhoooo... I'm gonna just summon a lightning bolt. CCCCCRRRRRAAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!
*explodes repeatedly*
*something just.... HAPPENS*
2 minutes later... Alright, I'm back.
Sorry, just running to the bathroom.
Squishmallow Sherman
You blasted Shadow King away!!!!
Saw the thingy for the Helen Keller YouTube video, is it irony that I'm learning about Helen Keller just now?
Shadow King
*insert Darth Vader NO as I fly away*
*accidentally bonus into Shadow King and sends him flying*
*suddenly runs as fast as Sonic*
Gives L a handshake
As an MA Star Platinum member, I'll WORSHIP YOU, S-tier God!!!
Shadow King
What?! *runs away from L*
Wha-wha-wha-wha-wh- WHAT?! *gives L a handshake*
NEW RULE!! L has returned. give him a nice firm handshake.
Master From Da Future!!!
If you are seeing me, you fell in a fabric of time. \REMAIN CALM/
Master From Da Future!!!
Ok, I look at your warning board.
Dino, did my research and found you have a scratch account. Logically, I'll check it out.
Squishmallow Sherman
Yes! Free agian!
Because I keep exploding, The Vault breaks and Sherman and Hobbes are free.
I can't help if something witty happens every five seconds! Look, someone's doing the... Uh... (Insert weird dance here)
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles
Master! Stop exploding!
Its so powerful, it deserves a name: Ultra Grabbin' Double Beam Meteor Kick!!!
If my gauge is overflowing, instead of my stretching arms, I hit you with razor blades before I grab you. And while I shoot my laser, Chicxlub falls on you
But I came back afterwards. Also, if its funny I explode and come back laughing.
PS. Whenever someone says something witty I just... EXPLODE spontaneously. Yeah. Problem.
Squishmallow Sherman
We'reLockedInARoomWe'reLockedInARoom WereLocked! IN! A! ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMvault.
Flame God
I throw Sherman and Hobbes into a giant vault.
What will happen when my gauge is full is this: I use my stretchy arms to grab you in place while eye turrets fire lasers at you, and then I throw you into the sun, making you burn to a crisp. Then when you fall down, it makes a shockwave hitting every in the area. And then the sun fire a wave motion laser and I fire a wave motion laser with every color and every element and you get more burned to a crisp. And then I kick you so hard, the damage is the same as if there as many nines as there are atoms in the multiverse. So, Double Beam, Plus Ultraviolet Kick.
You know, when I fill up my power gauge I can just explode you. And everyone, in the whole universe-
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles
the score is now: 999⅔ to the power of aⁿ cubed to 3⅛ +Ω
Angelic Ice Disk!
*plays angelic harp* Hoo, I'm at ease.
Meant to say that too *dies for real*
Shadow King
Oh great. Now I'll die, and then I'll be an angel. But I liked being a mage that would rather be lazy than do anythi- *dies*
Shadow King
*slices Master*
Shadow King
You're already letting me get away with this.
I won't let you get away with th-
Nuh uh. I dont have anymore calories left.
Flame God
Here. Let me "burn" some more calories!!!
Whoo! I ran so fast my mind is swimming in sweat. Such a workout.
Then, I drink potion after potion to make me faster to the point where I break the bubble-and the sound barrier.
Help!!! I'm trapped!!! TRAPPED!!!
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles
Hahahaha!!! (Blasts a swarm of bubbles at Master and Dinosaurs)
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles
Hey, we should work with the shadow guy!!!
Shadow King
NEW RULE!! Everyone gets a laser gun.
Shadow King
I'll slice you in half!!!
Sorry. I meant to say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO etc.
Shadow King
Shadow King
I even have double sabers!!!
Suddenly, GhostMaster becomes Shadow King.
Flame God
Hahahhahahahahahahahahahah!!! Ultra Powers!!!
Well I am the fire god!!!
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles
(the most evil laugh you could possibly think of)
But... Chartreuse gets engulfed by the bubbles and turns into Chartreuse, Lord Of Bubbles.
Dirty Clothes? No problem! I can literally conjure a washing machine out of the air molecules.
NEW RULE!! Any player in the penalty zone must dislodge a fruit from the nearest fruit tree using the Calvinball. Failure results in the player's score decreasing by 14 nunchuks.
And THEN!!! I pull the "bowl of warm water" trick while Dinosaurs is groggy. Also clicked twice.
I use the sleep spell to make dinosaurs fall asleep and THEN!!!
I use the sleep spell to make dinosaurs fall asleep and THEN!!!
Hey, thought that counts that I got slammed with a 60-dollar fine, ok?
Can you set the dial to "Vanilla Wafers"?
Ah. Sorry, your long abscene really had me worried there.
annnnnnnnnnnnnyway, every one gets milllions of cookies from my cookie clicker
its called a vacation, geez
I grab the mind flag and use it to make voices softer so I can get some peace!!!
Vermilion!!! Stop screaming so loud!!!
Nah Triple (gets a 60-dollar fine for triple cosplaying)
SURPRISE!!! I WAS cosplaying as dinosaurs, DOUBLE COSPLAY INBOUND
Also, me and Grape Master have NOTHING in common, ok? No confusion.
M as Dinosaurs
guys, I'm being mind controlled by master
You got that right!!!
Vermilion is the energetic and determined type, and Chartreuse is the sarcastic and shy type.
Seriously?! I don't like it here.
Bwa Ha Ha!!! Lets go!!!
I create my two assistants, Vermilion and Chartreuse.
(insert gibberish here)
Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee3eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! (find the 3 and get points!!)
(insert gibberish here)
Yes!!! I'm free!!!
I found the key first!!! (blargle points to GhostMaster)
Squishmallow Sherman
NEW RULE!! If you find the key first, you get blargle points.
Squishmallow Sherman
Ok. Aye!!!
It means yes.
Squishmallow Sherman
What does "Aye" mean?
Aye, Master!
Spaceman Spiff
Aye, Master!!
Aye, Master!!!
If you wanna help me find the key, say AYE!!!
Now I just need to find the key.
FINE. I'll solve the code. (put Orbulon's Stage from WarioWare Twisted here) Ok, finished.
(insert gibberish here)
Sort of. There is also a code. Either it's a keycode or two separate things, and I'm not gonna check.
(insert gibberish here)
You mean you lost it.
I might have um, MISPLACED the key.
(insert gibberish here)
Alright, let me out.
(insert gibberish here)
5 hours later
(insert gibberish here)
Hey, (insert gibberish here). I'll lock you in this cage to keep you safe.
Destroy this!!! Ultra Winnin' Strategy: Godlike Powers + Chronicle Wand = Win Destroy this!!!
Since I am on the purple side, I assault the yellow team for stealing our flag.
Squishmallow Sherman
I jump into Master's hands (I'm basically a ball with a tail and Stegosaurus plates) and he hoists me into the air, where I jump on Dinosaurs' head, where because I'm FULL of stuffing, he falls to the floor due to sudden weight.
(insert gibberish here)
Which means that I get another turn.
(insert gibberish here)
Every person gets a "skip turn" card except me.
I grab my cyan flag and YOU can only watch helplessly as I get the ice power. Since I have color protection 100, I don't turn cyan like I did last time.
In case it wasn't OBVIOUS, I'm also on the cyan team with Sherman.
Squishmallow Sherman
Hey guys, I'm on the cyan team, ok?
Speaking of Marshmallows, I summon my SQUISHmallow Sherman into the game.
*grabs a mic and sings "Happier" from Marshmello.
I use the magenta flag to invoke "NUH UH". So, NUH UH, Billy!!!
NEW RULE!! All players die
I am on the red team, so I sneak by the green team and spy on them.
Red x Green, Blue x Orange, Yellow x Purple, Cyan x Magenta, Pink x Lime, Brown x Black, and White x Gray. Those are the team match-ups.
I take all the purple flags, being on the yellow side and all.
I'm back, haven't commented in a LONG time
NEW RULE!! Bonus points for standing on your head in the middle territories!!!
Bio: Name: Private, known as Master Alter Egos: KingMaster, UltraMaster, DarkM Hobby: Destroying evil, checking for new rules Enemies: Doppelganger, Mega Crown, Stupendous Man, All Who Impostored the MA Friends: Dinosaurs, Z, GhostMaster, Spaceman Spiff Quote: I'm here for justice, and Fun!!!
NEW RULE!! I have a bucket full of sodium hydroxide. Thankfully, I am immune to the substance. HOWEVER!!! You, are not. If I dump it on you, the meat gets CLEANED from your BONES!!! And then, only your skeleton remains. Heh heh heh heh...
I stole the blue flag with the word 'bagel' on it.
Spaceman Spiff
NEW RULE!! All players (expect me) are Gurls for 40 seconds!!! PS, my blaster is lethal to Gurls.
There are now different teams, the Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Green, Teal (but I prefer to call it cyan), Blue, Purple, Pink, Magenta, Brown, Gray, White, and Black.
the score is now: Yippee to Yeehaw (Got Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine on my mind today (insert DRMBM Yippee and Yeehaw chain sounds)
Actually, Stupidity Man, the score was really---
Stupendous Man
the score is now: 13425 to -π to (insert picture of a snowman) to 99. Also where is my friend Tracer Bullet? insaner, please add him.
Spaceman Spiff
I shoot the Giant Zorg with my Death Ray Zorcher. It stuns it for three turns and does some big damage.
(insert gibberish here)
Ouch! *sputter*
Oh Yeah? *fires a giant laser out of my mouth that hits (insert gibberish here) and leaves blue flames*
(insert gibberish here)
Hi-YA!!! *does a tae-kwon-do chop that sends him flying into the air*
*steals (insert gibberish here)'s stun blaster and blasts Z with it*
I meant 'premade snowballs'.
NEW RULE!! The Snow Zone, Forts you can hide in, prepare snowballs, icicle spikes, toboggans on hills, it has everything!!!
The Summoning Flag, I use it to spawn a horde of snowmen to attack.
How's it goin'?
(shaky) Hi.
Also remember my rule about ghost allies a long time ago? Well...
Suddenly, I soften every minute until I become a slime. And then I come back to normal.
Also, if you were wondering, √9 ÷ π² is 0.303963551. Or, less than 8 mips! EASY CAKE!!!
While I'm at it, I invoke Levitazutree, giving me the power of flight to note that... the zorg is 20 feet tall and causing mayhem?!
I invoke Healthiusoo, calming the Zorg's tummy. Ha HA!
zorg has tummy ache, you monster
I yank open the Zorg's mouth, shove in a giant pile of canoli, close it, and run away.
(insert gibberish here)
*grabs a stun blaster*
Then, the Zorg grows bigger.
zorg eats 1 canoli
*npc turned to gibberish*
NEW RULE!! A l s o, c o l o r s a r e I N V E R T E D f o r 2 b l o n t g a t s.
NEW RULE!! Anybody can talk l i k e t h i s . C o o l , h u h ?
Turning into Spamton was cringe. (Loses 137&$wa points for doing so)
Anyhoo, Eternity Magic! 2384Sw points to me!
Ohhhhhh |
dylan |
I'm gonna type more random characters.gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfuckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
dylan |
I'm gonna type random characters.WAEAWER6556 63458465457478977YU89TG0566TY6R5FRTF5FR55RFDEEEEEEEEEEERTF5GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGR6RF56RTFG7F6TRGtyy56ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyiutgyuyjhguy7yu8ujhguy7gy7
I'm gonna type random characters.
I'm gonna type random characters.
I'm gonna type random characters.qqqqqqqqqwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
dylan |
NEW RULE!! everyone now has a flamethrower!!!1!!11!!11!1 |
dylan |
i was actully trying to crt-c crtl-v some from another cah website but it didnt work): |
Master |
I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like anything. |
dylan |
i was trying to make ascii art sorry |
Master |
I suddenly grab a bunch of spines, spin around and throw them while spinning, resulting in... SPINE CIRCLE ATTACK!!! |
Master |
Oh, STOP with the oo'$'''ooh shenanigans, ok? |
dylan |
the score is now: now reset to 0. |
dylan |
NEW RULE!! can we stop with the non-numerical score values? they are confusing me. |
dylan |
i had no idea id get so mucth attansoin! |
dylan |
o$$$ o
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$$ $
$$"""""""""""""""" " " $$
"$ $
"$" " "o o o o o o" " o"$
o$$$$ooo ooooo$$o
oo $$$$$$$$$$$$"""""""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$
o$$""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$oooooo
$"" ""$o "$"$""$"$$$$ooo$"$ o "$"o$"" ""$o
o ooooo$ "$ ""o $ "$$ $oooo$ "$"" $$$$
""""""""""ooo """""""""" o$$oo """" " o$$""
""$oooooo ooooooooo$"""""""$ooooooooooooooo$"""" |
dylan |
o$$$ o
o$$$$ o$$$$$
o$$"$$" ooo"$$$"
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o$ """"$$o """ ""$""""oooo$" o$" o$ o$"
$o o o$$o "$o " $$" o$" o$"""$$
$o """"$$$$o "$oo $o$" o"o$" $" $oo
o$$o $$ "$$$o "$" o$$$$ "$"$ o$$
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oo" o$o$$ooo$$oooo o """$"""$ " $""$oo $
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"$o $o " "o ooooo o o o" o o"o$" o" "
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$o $o$$"$$$ $$o $ $""$o$
"$o$$" o$oo o o o o o o ooo o$$$$oo$"
" $$ " """"""" " " $" "$$$
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$$ $
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"$" " "o o o o o o" " o"$
o$$$$ooo ooooo$$o
oo $$$$$$$$$$$$"""""""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$
o$$""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$oooooo
$"" ""$o "$"$""$"$$$$ooo$"$ o "$"o$"" ""$o
o ooooo$ "$ ""o $ "$$ $oooo$ "$"" $$$$
""""""""""ooo """""""""" o$$oo """" " o$$""
""$oooooo ooooooooo$"""""""$ooooooooooooooo$"""" |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
I summon a mech that shoots bubbles!!! Yes, bubbles. Don't underestimate the power!!! haha a hahaha that's hahaha hahaha I'm annoying, aren't I? Great. Hahahahhahaha!!! |
Master |
I use plasma magic and a stray laser calvinball to knock the icon of sin off the earth. Then I eat it, and my power goes THROUGH THE ROOF!!! |
Sherm |
But I don't have legs... |
Master |
Good job, dylan! Now its just Chartreuse and Shadow King! |
doomguy |
id hate to have to kill some1 with my BFG-90000 |
dylan |
i just transmogrified someone into the icon of sin, and now you must get it off the earth because the longer the icon of sin is on earth the stronger it will become. |
dylan |
i just killed flame lord and got multible 4rth degree burns |
dylan |
NEW RULE!! you can now kill people, as this game has evoled into the hunger games (calvinball edidosn |
dylan |
the score is now: oogy to boogy! (MY FAVOR.) |
Jellyfish |
NEW RULE!! if you don't hop on one leg in opposite zone then you lose z points and a "pass go" card |
ytyy |
the score is now: cvfiyu |
Master |
I have a Super Mario Maker 2 account. It's called Dr.Finky . |
Sherm |
*example above* |
Squishmallow Sherman |
NEW RULE!! From now on, call me Sherm. If you fail to do this, you lose 367 points and a gold card. |
Master |
*creates swirly magic* |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
NEW RULE!! If you do a handstand while reciting the Calvinball Theme Song, you get swl points and a extra as points for patriotism. |
Shadow King |
I'm still alive y'know... |
Flame God |
*ultra ultra very insignificant cough* |
Master |
Flame God did NOT read the rules of calvinball, so he questioned the masks. And now... HE MUST DIE. |
(insert gibberish here) |
Its been a while, y'know? anyhoooo... I'm gonna just summon a lightning bolt. CCCCCRRRRRAAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!! |
Master |
Master |
Master |
*explodes repeatedly* |
Master |
*something just.... HAPPENS* |
Master |
2 minutes later... Alright, I'm back. |
Master |
Sorry, just running to the bathroom. |
Squishmallow Sherman |
You blasted Shadow King away!!!! |
Master |
Saw the thingy for the Helen Keller YouTube video, is it irony that I'm learning about Helen Keller just now? |
Shadow King |
*insert Darth Vader NO as I fly away* |
Master |
*accidentally bonus into Shadow King and sends him flying* |
Master |
*suddenly runs as fast as Sonic* |
Master |
perniciouspoem |
Gives L a handshake |
Master |
As an MA Star Platinum member, I'll WORSHIP YOU, S-tier God!!! |
Shadow King |
What?! *runs away from L* |
Master |
Wha-wha-wha-wha-wh- WHAT?! *gives L a handshake* |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! L has returned. give him a nice firm handshake. |
L |
*meows* |
Master From Da Future!!! |
If you are seeing me, you fell in a fabric of time. \REMAIN CALM/ |
Master From Da Future!!! |
Ok, I look at your warning board. |
Master |
Dino, did my research and found you have a scratch account. Logically, I'll check it out. |
Squishmallow Sherman |
Yes! Free agian! |
Master |
Because I keep exploding, The Vault breaks and Sherman and Hobbes are free. |
Master |
I can't help if something witty happens every five seconds! Look, someone's doing the... Uh... (Insert weird dance here) |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
Master! Stop exploding! |
Master |
Its so powerful, it deserves a name: Ultra Grabbin' Double Beam Meteor Kick!!! |
Master |
If my gauge is overflowing, instead of my stretching arms, I hit you with razor blades before I grab you. And while I shoot my laser, Chicxlub falls on you |
Master |
But I came back afterwards. Also, if its funny I explode and come back laughing. |
Master |
PS. Whenever someone says something witty I just... EXPLODE spontaneously. Yeah. Problem. |
Squishmallow Sherman |
We'reLockedInARoomWe'reLockedInARoom WereLocked! IN! A! ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMvault. |
Flame God |
I throw Sherman and Hobbes into a giant vault. |
Master |
What will happen when my gauge is full is this: I use my stretchy arms to grab you in place while eye turrets fire lasers at you, and then I throw you into the sun, making you burn to a crisp. Then when you fall down, it makes a shockwave hitting every in the area. And then the sun fire a wave motion laser and I fire a wave motion laser with every color and every element and you get more burned to a crisp. And then I kick you so hard, the damage is the same as if there as many nines as there are atoms in the multiverse. So, Double Beam, Plus Ultraviolet Kick. |
Master |
You know, when I fill up my power gauge I can just explode you. And everyone, in the whole universe- |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
the score is now: 999⅔ to the power of aⁿ cubed to 3⅛ +Ω |
Master |
Angelic Ice Disk! |
Master |
*plays angelic harp* Hoo, I'm at ease. |
Master |
Meant to say that too *dies for real* |
Shadow King |
Oh great. Now I'll die, and then I'll be an angel. But I liked being a mage that would rather be lazy than do anythi- *dies* |
Shadow King |
*slices Master* |
Shadow King |
You're already letting me get away with this. |
Master |
I won't let you get away with th- |
Master |
Nuh uh. I dont have anymore calories left. |
Flame God |
Here. Let me "burn" some more calories!!! |
Master |
Whoo! I ran so fast my mind is swimming in sweat. Such a workout. |
Master |
Then, I drink potion after potion to make me faster to the point where I break the bubble-and the sound barrier. |
Master |
Help!!! I'm trapped!!! TRAPPED!!! |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
Hahahaha!!! (Blasts a swarm of bubbles at Master and Dinosaurs) |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
Hey, we should work with the shadow guy!!! |
Shadow King |
NEW RULE!! Everyone gets a laser gun. |
Shadow King |
I'll slice you in half!!! |
Master |
Sorry. I meant to say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO etc. |
Shadow King |
Shadow King |
I even have double sabers!!! |
Master |
Suddenly, GhostMaster becomes Shadow King. |
Flame God |
Hahahhahahahahahahahahahah!!! Ultra Powers!!! |
Vermilion |
Well I am the fire god!!! |
Chartreuse, Lord of Bubbles |
(the most evil laugh you could possibly think of) |
Master |
But... Chartreuse gets engulfed by the bubbles and turns into Chartreuse, Lord Of Bubbles. |
Master |
Dirty Clothes? No problem! I can literally conjure a washing machine out of the air molecules. |
jonesey |
NEW RULE!! Any player in the penalty zone must dislodge a fruit from the nearest fruit tree using the Calvinball. Failure results in the player's score decreasing by 14 nunchuks. |
Chartreuse |
And THEN!!! I pull the "bowl of warm water" trick while Dinosaurs is groggy. Also clicked twice. |
Chartreuse |
I use the sleep spell to make dinosaurs fall asleep and THEN!!! |
Chartreuse |
I use the sleep spell to make dinosaurs fall asleep and THEN!!! |
Master |
Hey, thought that counts that I got slammed with a 60-dollar fine, ok? |
Master |
Can you set the dial to "Vanilla Wafers"? |
Vermilion |
Ah. Sorry, your long abscene really had me worried there. |
Dinosaurus |
annnnnnnnnnnnnyway, every one gets milllions of cookies from my cookie clicker |
Dinosaurus |
its called a vacation, geez |
Chartreuse |
I grab the mind flag and use it to make voices softer so I can get some peace!!! |
Chartreuse |
Vermilion!!! Stop screaming so loud!!! |
Master |
Nah Triple (gets a 60-dollar fine for triple cosplaying) |
Vermilion |
SURPRISE!!! I WAS cosplaying as dinosaurs, DOUBLE COSPLAY INBOUND |
Master |
Also, me and Grape Master have NOTHING in common, ok? No confusion. |
M as Dinosaurs |
guys, I'm being mind controlled by master |
Vermilion |
You got that right!!! |
Master |
Vermilion is the energetic and determined type, and Chartreuse is the sarcastic and shy type. |
Chartreuse |
Seriously?! I don't like it here. |
Vermilion |
Bwa Ha Ha!!! Lets go!!! |
Master |
I create my two assistants, Vermilion and Chartreuse. |
Master |
(insert gibberish here) |
Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee3eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! (find the 3 and get points!!) |
(insert gibberish here) |
Yes!!! I'm free!!! |
GhostMaster |
I found the key first!!! (blargle points to GhostMaster) |
Squishmallow Sherman |
NEW RULE!! If you find the key first, you get blargle points. |
Squishmallow Sherman |
Ok. Aye!!! |
Master |
It means yes. |
Squishmallow Sherman |
What does "Aye" mean? |
GhostMaster |
Aye, Master! |
Spaceman Spiff |
Aye, Master!! |
Calvin |
Aye, Master!!! |
Master |
If you wanna help me find the key, say AYE!!! |
Master |
Now I just need to find the key. |
Master |
FINE. I'll solve the code. (put Orbulon's Stage from WarioWare Twisted here) Ok, finished. |
(insert gibberish here) |
Master |
Sort of. There is also a code. Either it's a keycode or two separate things, and I'm not gonna check. |
(insert gibberish here) |
You mean you lost it. |
Master |
I might have um, MISPLACED the key. |
(insert gibberish here) |
Alright, let me out. |
(insert gibberish here) |
5 hours later |
(insert gibberish here) |
Master |
Hey, (insert gibberish here). I'll lock you in this cage to keep you safe. |
Master |
Destroy this!!! Ultra Winnin' Strategy: Godlike Powers + Chronicle Wand = Win Destroy this!!! |
Calvin |
Since I am on the purple side, I assault the yellow team for stealing our flag. |
Squishmallow Sherman |
I jump into Master's hands (I'm basically a ball with a tail and Stegosaurus plates) and he hoists me into the air, where I jump on Dinosaurs' head, where because I'm FULL of stuffing, he falls to the floor due to sudden weight. |
(insert gibberish here) |
Which means that I get another turn. |
(insert gibberish here) |
Every person gets a "skip turn" card except me. |
Master |
I grab my cyan flag and YOU can only watch helplessly as I get the ice power. Since I have color protection 100, I don't turn cyan like I did last time. |
Master |
In case it wasn't OBVIOUS, I'm also on the cyan team with Sherman. |
Squishmallow Sherman |
Hey guys, I'm on the cyan team, ok? |
Master |
Speaking of Marshmallows, I summon my SQUISHmallow Sherman into the game. |
Master |
*grabs a mic and sings "Happier" from Marshmello. |
Master |
I use the magenta flag to invoke "NUH UH". So, NUH UH, Billy!!! |
Billy |
NEW RULE!! All players die |
Me |
I am on the red team, so I sneak by the green team and spy on them. |
Master |
Red x Green, Blue x Orange, Yellow x Purple, Cyan x Magenta, Pink x Lime, Brown x Black, and White x Gray. Those are the team match-ups. |
Hobbes |
I take all the purple flags, being on the yellow side and all. |
Z |
I'm back, haven't commented in a LONG time |
GhostMaster |
NEW RULE!! Bonus points for standing on your head in the middle territories!!! |
Master |
Master |
Name: Private, known as Master
Alter Egos: KingMaster, UltraMaster, DarkM
Hobby: Destroying evil, checking for new rules
Enemies: Doppelganger, Mega Crown, Stupendous Man, All Who Impostored the MA
Friends: Dinosaurs, Z, GhostMaster, Spaceman Spiff
Quote: I'm here for justice, and Fun!!! |
Master |
NEW RULE!! I have a bucket full of sodium hydroxide. Thankfully, I am immune to the substance. HOWEVER!!! You, are not. If I dump it on you, the meat gets CLEANED from your BONES!!! And then, only your skeleton remains. Heh heh heh heh... |
Master |
I stole the blue flag with the word 'bagel' on it. |
Spaceman Spiff |
NEW RULE!! All players (expect me) are Gurls for 40 seconds!!! PS, my blaster is lethal to Gurls. |
Master |
There are now different teams, the Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Green, Teal (but I prefer to call it cyan), Blue, Purple, Pink, Magenta, Brown, Gray, White, and Black. |
Master |
the score is now: Yippee to Yeehaw (Got Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine on my mind today (insert DRMBM Yippee and Yeehaw chain sounds) |
Master |
Actually, Stupidity Man, the score was really--- |
Stupendous Man |
the score is now: 13425 to -π to (insert picture of a snowman) to 99. Also where is my friend Tracer Bullet? insaner, please add him. |
Spaceman Spiff |
I shoot the Giant Zorg with my Death Ray Zorcher. It stuns it for three turns and does some big damage. |
(insert gibberish here) |
Ouch! *sputter* |
Master |
Oh Yeah? *fires a giant laser out of my mouth that hits (insert gibberish here) and leaves blue flames* |
(insert gibberish here) |
Hi-YA!!! *does a tae-kwon-do chop that sends him flying into the air* |
GhostMaster |
*steals (insert gibberish here)'s stun blaster and blasts Z with it* |
Master |
I meant 'premade snowballs'. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! The Snow Zone, Forts you can hide in, prepare snowballs, icicle spikes, toboggans on hills, it has everything!!! |
Master |
The Summoning Flag, I use it to spawn a horde of snowmen to attack. |
GhostMaster |
How's it goin'? |
GhostMaster |
(shaky) Hi. |
Master |
Master |
Also remember my rule about ghost allies a long time ago? Well... |
Master |
Suddenly, I soften every minute until I become a slime. And then I come back to normal. |
Master |
Also, if you were wondering, √9 ÷ π² is 0.303963551. Or, less than 8 mips! EASY CAKE!!! |
Master |
While I'm at it, I invoke Levitazutree, giving me the power of flight to note that... the zorg is 20 feet tall and causing mayhem?! |
Master |
I invoke Healthiusoo, calming the Zorg's tummy. Ha HA! |
Dinosaurus |
zorg has tummy ache, you monster |
Master |
I yank open the Zorg's mouth, shove in a giant pile of canoli, close it, and run away. |
(insert gibberish here) |
*grabs a stun blaster* |
Master |
Then, the Zorg grows bigger. |
Dinosaurus |
zorg eats 1 canoli |
ZhwhhwjdjshanjwkpwhsjzjakjwhshdjzjjajsjsjsjsjsjrgxuaowockwudjajwjidisjhajNPCdoochchfnenmqkzoxicjdnw |
*npc turned to gibberish* |
Master |
NEW RULE!! A l s o, c o l o r s a r e I N V E R T E D f o r 2 b l o n t g a t s. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Anybody can talk l i k e t h i s . C o o l , h u h ? |
Master |
Turning into Spamton was cringe. (Loses 137&$wa points for doing so) |
Master |
Anyhoo, Eternity Magic! 2384Sw points to me! |
Master |
Ohhhhhhhhhh. Nope, never done cheat. |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! the cheat is when you no respect romantic partner and have 2 romantic partner |
Master |
I turn into a cursor and place Burny Whirlers, Tiptow Powers, Vacrats, and a Baddie Eyeswitch. (Levelhead Objects) |
Master |
UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT A B START!!! Is that the cheat? It just gives me 99 lives. |
Dinosaurus |
if you have ever done the cheat, you epilepsy |
Master |
NEW RULE!! I, am officially, TOO LAZY TO DO ANYTHING!!! jk, but still, won't comment unless you do so.VIDEOS (FAMOUS LAST WORDS BECAUSE NOBODY DARED TO COMMENT ANYMORE) |
Master |
Who else came from the link at the fandom? |
Master |
Cake Heals 12+12 HP (Can Be Used Twice) |
Master |
NEW RULE!! I have cake. |
Master |
Ok, Sussy. *runs in a circle so fast I break the sound barrier a.k.a KABOOOOM!!!* |
Sussy |
NEW RULE!! When you get tagged with the Calvin ball you have to run until you fall over |
Suss |
NEW RULE!! When you get tagged with the Calvin ball you have to run until you fall over |
Mega Crown |
But... I... *EXPLODES* |
Announcer |
Greetings, friends. MEGA CROWN IS NOW ELIMINATED!!! |
DarkM |
Then, NPC's flag turns into the announcement flag, summoning announcer, who does a flying kick, defeating Mega Crown. |
DarkM |
I dodge the Mega Crown's attacks and do a super punch. |
Mega Crown |
Take this, then! (grabs a shining magma blaster that blasts hot rock at me) |
Mega Crown |
I will beat you now! (six hands fly one by one) |
DarkM |
True that! I rip the Mega Crown off, toss it the sky, take NPC's flag, a float off towards Mega Crown. |
*points to announcer flag* |
Hey guys, I found this thing. |
Mega Crown |
Mega Crown |
DarkM |
Thankfully ,the laser bounces and hits the Mega Crown. |
DarkM |
I miss the old days of calvinball... |
Mega Crown |
(shoots a laser at Dinosaurs that misses by a minimup) |
Mega Crown |
Ma...No, DarkM |
th3...meG4 ç4œwn... 1s we4k1nin9... |
DarkM |
DarkM (undefined source) |
Ultra Super Calvinball Brothers: Race To the Chronicle Wand Deluxe Model Lite & Knuckles Mega Biggie Edition v. 2.19 |
DarkM |
Dinosaurs uses his water powerup to summon a tidal wave, that pushes !e away and does 1356 damage! |
DarkM |
Its a meme. |
Dinosaurus |
i eat the blue waffle, so powerful you have to look it up! |
DarkM |
Explosion of § |
DarkM |
Suddenly, from my radio, Dawn From the Desert plays, filling me with nostalgia. I get z24 points and dinosaurs' TOOTHPICK CUBED and poke the Mega Crown, weakening it. (I'm good at heart, see?) |
DarkM |
NEW RULE!! If you want CAPITALIZED letters, you must first earn √9÷ π² (the square root of 9 divided by pi squared) and do 4 handstands. |
DarkM |
The Chronicle Wand. It will grant you powers beyond your wildest dreams. All you need to do, is hold it in your hand. Because of this, the title is now Calvinball: Race to the Ultimate Power! |
DarkM |
NEW RULE!! 30 breakable blocks fall all over the normal map, not on all other maps. Now, if you wanna warp, you must get to the Warp flag. Fortunately, there is one in each territory except the Locked Territory which Ironically, Is not locked from start. |
DarkM |
I take out a piano and synth with a SawLead. It stuns all in the stun territory, which I am in. If I wasn't, synth would just shake them. |
DarkM |
NEW RULE!! All flags are invisible except for the powerup flags and the Superstar Flag! |
DarkM |
Here are your points, skibidisigmaslicers. *earns three points* |
skibidisigmaslicers |
i turn on my radio to listen to alt-rock and get 3 points through fire music |
skibidisigmaslicers |
social credit flag |
DarkM |
the score is now: DarkM: 9999 /Superstar Flag(π) Everyone else: -Ω |
DarkM |
Speaking of amps, I blast a swarm at Dinosaurs. Ze Mega Shock Swarm does 241 damage to Dinosaurs!!! |
DarkM |
This music is too loud and too much bass! I type "trip", it spawns an airplane, I fly it through 2 towers, and I eject is as it falls to the ground. as a counterattack, when it hit the ground, it made a shock blast the same wavelength amp as Dinosaurs' song. |
Dinosaurus |
bass boosted ymca song. none shall survive |
Fhxsgwjsruwgsuz |
[st0p darkM... b3for...wrld destroyed...omple7ely...w1n..b4ck the...sto1en...2ouvenirs...of d1am0nd...*static*...save...us...4ll...fri3nd...P...L...E...A...S...] *click* |
DarkM |
Bow Before Me, pure mortals! |
DarkM |
I bop Dinosaurs with the Command Flag and he gives me a powerful SUPER LASER CALVINBALL!!! Dun dun dun!!! And I hit people with Command Flags and I bonk people with my super laser calvinballs over and over!!! And over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over!!! Until I have 1000 Super Laser Calvinballs!!! Aka 2000 calvinballs in total! Devastating, huh?! Suddenly, I use a Turbo Charge, Releasing Smoke and Energy! Bwa Ha ha ha ha! |
DarkM |
The Paradox makes me confused, making me lose 2 hearts and 2μ points. |
DarkM |
The Paradox makes me confused, making me lose 2 hearts and 2μ points. |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! i steal my retirement fund, causing paradox. |
DarkM |
I use the Overdrive Flag Combined with the Cyan and Lime Flags to make the Superstar Flag, and all the laser calvinballs attack everyone by raining them down and pummeling people plus circling around my hands, expanding and contracting over and over and over and over and over and- well, you get the point of it, don't you? I'm too powerful, the wild card in UNO, the ultimate destruction after Doppelganger's defeat with my own powers. Thankfully, I absorbed his ultimate powers, And now... I'll Beat you all!!! NYA HA HA HA HA HA!!! (Sorry about the essay. Actually I'm not! EXPOSITION!!! Yeah!) |
UltraMaster |
Also following Hypercane, I turn the calvinball golden and eat it, transforming me into DarkM, who looks like Master, but with DARK and IVORY WINGS. |
UltraMaster |
My other attacks are Shooting Lasers out my palms, repeated shockwaves, and throwing 20 bombs at once! |
UltraMaster |
I summon four black hands to try and squash you. |
UltraMaster |
I summon four black hands to try and squash you. |
UltraMaster |
NEW RULE!! If you get hit by or eat a tomato, you turn into one for 2 nogats (0.5 minutes. Plus, If you dodge those, I have another attack that covers you in Jello. |
UltraMaster |
I follow in the rules of Hypercane and splat everyone with tomatoes. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! I grab the Mega Crown and gain infinite power. Sadly, it makes me evil. |
Master |
We all get warped to Final Destination. Because of this, I trip and lose r9 points and the calvinball |
Master |
NEW RULE!! So, yeah. Dinosaurs? |
Master |
NEW RULE!! All Wickets are worth double! Now that Doppelganger is dead, we get to chill for a while. |
Master |
Since I destroy and Ma Arch Enemy and took place in this Doppelganger Dinosaurian war I get Star Platinum Rank. |
Doppelganger |
(Dies and drops lime flag) |
Doppelganger |
My heart... îş r3mæning... |
Doppelganger |
No! No! NOOOO! Ahshdjshxhzsakjwjxjahsidgageir ahhahakdjajwjidisjhajkwkdoochchfnenmqkzoxicjdnw djajwjidisjhajkwkdoochchfnenmqkzoxicjdnw djajwjidisjhajkwkdoochchfnenmqkzoxicjdnw dhdhzhshhshdfjsjsjjssjjj!!! Too... much... (Fades Away Infinity Gauntlet Style!) |
Master |
When I look at you, I SEE THE STORY IN YOUR EYES, when we're dancing, THE NIGHT BEGINS TO SHINE (on the exact moment I fire a laser beam destroying Doppelganger.) |
Master |
I sing and charge up energy. |
Doppelganger |
Ha ha ha ha! I steal Master's Hammer And Machine Gun and attack! |
Master |
Doppelganger also blasts me with the Confuse Ray. Because of this, I fall. |
Dinosaurus |
confus beam. doppel cannot... uhh... fox news |
Master |
NEW RULE!! I grab Ethan's mallet and Dad's C&H Snow Machine Gun 2023 and start pummeling people with snowballs. |
Master |
Huh?! I DONT CHANGE TO DIFFERENT SKINS!!!! this was a mistake.................................................................................................................................................. BUT I STILL THROW PLASMA SPIKES AT DOPPELGANGER! @#$%&@%$%!!! |
Master |
A laser blast to the eyes, a volley of plasma spikes, a bonk from a magma hammer, and finished with a barrage of shadow missiles. 19273 damage to Doppelganger! |
Master |
I send a bunch of attacks to Doppelganger. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Cheap Move, Infinite Cheese God. All quotes from Shakespeare have William Afton Instead, or is it vice versa? |
Master |
NEW RULE!! I am 12% slower. |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! william shakespear and william afton are the same person. as the illegible infinite cheese god, i declare it so |
Doppelganger |
Doppelganger |
Doppelganger |
Doppelganger |
Here is my theme song. |
Master |
My sub is a Suction Bomb and my spirits special is a modified version of Killer Wail, with a larger blast radius. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! I grab a pair of Dark Tetra Dualies. |
K | Master |
Doppel's Undefinium is too strong!!! |
Master |
NEW RULE!! NEW RULE!! If you do not touch the bonus box and the 28th wicket with the calvinball, you have to... CLUCK LIKE A CHICKEN while running. |
Master |
All the Cheese floats to you like a magnet, even mine. Now What? |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! all the cheese is are mine |
Doppelganger |
There's a new INSANITY Zone! @$&@%$%@%@%@%@%@%@!!! |
Doppelganger |
Master |
You also get to fight the Fighting Alloy Team from Smash Bros. . |
Master |
There are other stages unlocked at level 3, the Bomberman stage, the Slippery Slope, and Final Destination. |
itsburb |
the score is now: q-4 |
Mastee |
I meant Undefineium. |
Master |
Doppelganger has a mysterious metal called Undefium, which is as strong as LAYERS of Graphene. It's color is a chrome purple. Note: the Armor doesn't cover our face,but instead has a clear view. |
Master |
I cover my self in ruby armor, with sapphire and quartz trims. |
Doppelganger |
Search your local e-shop for details. |
Doppelganger |
Reminder! In order to get to certain stages, you must first buy the Calvinball Expansion Pack DLC, for the low, low price of 2.99! |
Doppelganger |
I meant Spotify Premium. Can we not put that in the record? |
Doppelganger |
Plot twist! I bought Spirits Premium, but my membership expired. |
KingMaster |
It's a stage you can warp to while idle. Don't worry, you have helmets. |
KingMaster |
Gimmick: You can jump on the giant rock and ice crystal bits. |
KingMaster |
I use the flag to warp to Saturn. |
KingMaster |
Hey, where is everyone? |
KingMaster |
I attack NPC with a Z=0 super spin! |
KingMaster |
I raise my power to n! |
KingMaster |
Now Quickly! L! R! A! B! X! Y! Up! Down! Left! Right! Select! Start! 10000+ points for gamer mode |
KingMaster |
A! B! Up! B! Down! B! |
KingMaster |
I grab a game controller and start mashing. |
KingMaster |
I use the (sdrawkcab) backwards flag to make all backwards words normal! |
KingMaster |
Ha ha very sneaky Dinosaurs, mooD fO galF is the Flag of Doom |
Master |
NEW RULE!! I transform back into KingMaster! |
Master |
NEW RULE!! A bonus box gives you W1 points. |
Doppelganger |
NEW RULE!! All hackers get immediately removed from the game except me! |
Dinosaurus |
Just to spite you, I pull the MOOD FO GLAF, confusing you long enough to throw the TOOTHPICK CUBED at doppelganger, poking him immensely and removing his vpn, allowing hackers to gain his location |
Master |
I grab Supernova, then punch the ground releasing a shockwave that destroys all D clones. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Supernova is available |
Master |
I spike the calvinball at 7, defeating him and stunning 10 and 22. |
D clone 12 |
Thanks, 7! (With the power, Leaves surround 12, acting as a shield. They accidentally bump into 8, defeating him. 9 helps by giving themself a Fire power, making them able to blow fire. |
D clone 7 |
12, take this Grass Power! |
D clone 6 |
Oh No! |
Master |
I eat a Electric Powerup, Giving me Plasma Power. I attack D clones 1-5 with laser balls, dissolving them! |
Master |
There are 25 D clones! Watch out! |
Doppelganger |
Everyone! Must! Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(catches breath)ooooooooooooooooooose!!!!! |
Doppelganger |
Also there is no (mocking voice) Flag of Doom here! |
Doppelganger |
(Teleports everyone to his dimension) Let's Rumble! (Last Decisive Battle from Puyo Puyo 4 plays again.) |
Doppelganger (HOLO) |
So, you think you've won, huh? |
Master |
Hey Guys! I found something! It looks like... A hologram of Doppelganger?! |
Master |
the score is now: 24ASD to qwerty |
Master |
NEW RULE!! I lend a Ground Powerup to Monstrosaurus, and a Water Powerup to Dinosaurs. |
D Clone 1 |
We must Avenge our leader! |
Master |
They look like Doppelganger, only dark purple. |
Master |
Before Doppelganger was banned he split his life into 25 clones, The D-Clones. |
Master |
Guys, I have something to confess. |
Dinosaurus |
regardless, FIREBALL SQUARED! 3478373 damage to soul |
Dinosaurus |
aight, why is my evil clone living and functioning years ater he was annihilated? |
Master |
Are you good? Without you, the biggest MA enemy was My Doppelganger. |
Master |
M-m-m-Monstrosaurus?! |
Monstrosaurus |
edit wow, its been years |
Monstrosaurus |
im back guys, i had to use the bathroom. never buy taco bell |
Announcer |
NEW RULE!! doppelganger is banned for mic spam, threats,attempting to take over the world, and not buying spotify premium |
Dinosaurus |
the old anouncer flag
calling upon the powerful anouncer, the person who put me in my inflated position of the MA, I annihilate doppelganger by anouncing his account banned |
Master |
Happy Fourth of July, lads. Everyone gets x20 Rainbow Fireworks. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Because of Inactivity, The Game has been called a DRAW, with MA's Legacy and all past rules still valid. Now what? |
Master |
I grab the Cyan Flag and turn myself into Ice Master. Side Effect of grabbing the Cyan flag makes me cyan. Probably won't do that, even if it is my favorite color. With my powers, I send Ice Balls at my enemies, freezing them. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! There are 12 abilities you can collect: Fire, Ice, Grass, Electric, Ground, Air, Shadow, Metal, Light, Poison, Water, and the rarest and most powerful, Supernova. |
Master |
the score is now: Dino: 34Z Master:Q18 Z:9 NPC: -WP |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Everyone gets a ghost ally that can eject at any moment |
Doppelganger |
So I was supposed to leave, as Dinosaurs said? Oh well... I'll be back soon, but I'm taking the lime flag with me! Ha ha ha! (Teleports away forever) |
Master |
Master |
Considering our enemies' power, the MA force, and the dorks in the middle, it's still anyone's game! |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Anyone who is left handed will get a jump boost while people that are right handed get a speed boost. |
Master |
I grab the flag and wave it, summoning arrows to crush my enemies. (my enemies are people who have tried to destroy me or anyone who impostered the MA) |
Doppelganger |
Time to make everyone tiny! |
Doppelganger |
So there's a new one. |
Doppelganger |
Oh, perfect timing, Master! |
Master |
Also, there is an evil NPC that I "accidentally" made. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Z, so here is what's happening. (PREPARE TO BE BORED.) My doppelganger has gone loose, I'm helping Dinosaurs and other people in the MA to track Doppelganger down, and we've not been seeing other new people, so we are glad to have you, Z. (Note that's it's practically been me, Dino, and Doppelganger talkin'.) So Yeah. (I've basically written an essay...) Well, Enough Now, JUST PLAY, Ok? Got it? Good. NO MORE TALKING |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Two lava pillars spawn in the middle field. Touch one and you lose a heart. Scroll to see my rant about hearts and lives. It'sgood. (Now I'm just prolonging for nothing...) |
Master |
Hey Z, are you new? |
Z |
im confused |
Z |
I announce the game has started. |
Master |
I'm so stupi- |
Master |
Me: looking at my past rules + side comments be like: bro DUDE |
! |
I'll win the game!!! Blocker! |
Master |
the score is now: 123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341243412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234 aka pattern: to 567856785678567856785678. |
Master |
Also, who was the first MA enemy? I'm not sure, but I think it's Teo. The first non Ma enemy was... Idk, I saw the player named help. |
Master |
So yeah. :-) |
Master |
I read. There's also Teo, monstrosaurus, Shadow Nightmare, and bucky. |
Master |
Also Ya, who are we fighting against on the MA? There's Doppelganger, This "Giga Form Omega Ex" , I think, and some other peoples. |
Doppelganger |
I will destroy all of you!!!!!!
especially master and dinosaurs... |
Doppelganger |
You've woken up the BEAST!!!!!! |
Doppelganger!!! |
I wouldn't lose!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAA- (World Fades to white) |
Doppelganger? |
no... |
Master |
Now he's done!! Great work Everyone! |
Master |
I punch Doppelganger with an Infinity Eternal Punch. Drops of Fire, Ice, And Electricity fly in all angles. |
Master |
Quick, Dinosaurs, think of somethin' fast!! |
Doppelganger |
Noooooooooo! I'm at 0.00000000001 hearts!!! |
Doppelganger |
Noooooooooo! I'm at 0.00000000001 hearts!!! |
Dinosaurus |
powered by all radioactive elements, i use the flag of doom to erase doppelganger in 878553.5 dimensions, causing a localized resonance cascade and ending doppelganger forever |
Master |
Musta been talking about my doppelganger. |
FhxhxdhhshzjahajIajshd |
[This message... Look out... Master's... double is up... t... no good... Fortify...befor...too late... |
Master |
There is A Heart System. You normally have 12 hearts When you lose all the hearts, you Lose!!!
which results in a 30-second spec rating penalty. |
Master |
Blob 'O' Slime! As a Slime, You can stick to walls, But you only have 6 hearts. |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Everyone has higher jumps for 20 seconds, and after that... |
Master |
The Cheese gives everyone 20 inches around me a Health Buff. |
Dinosaurus |
sure. as a gift for coming back, you get cheese |
Master |
Can I have some cheese? :-) |
thingee |
the score is now: hair over freckle |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! cheese open |
Master |
*deep philosophil thinking |
Master |
O.....kee. |
Dinosaurus |
oh, we don't talk about neptunium |
Master |
Also, is there neptunium? |
Master |
Which is better than water |
Master |
GOOD JOB YA DINOSAURS (not sarcasm btw) |
Dinosaurus |
also i did fungerl doppelganger. |
Dinosaurus |
sort of. its also better than earthium which is better than marsium which is beter than saturnium which is better than jupiterium which is better than plutonium which is better than uranium which is better than lava which is better than rock. |
Master |
What's neutrozanium? Something better than plutonium which is better than uranium? |
Dinosaurus |
imma throw neutrozanium at doppelganger and the npc. they cease to manifest throughout all known universes |
You guys forget about me? |
Master |
NEW RULE!! If you get A water balloon at the WATER BALLOON ZONE, you must throw it at someone. If you fail, you have to recite a famous person's quote. Y'know, "To be or not to be" stuff. |
Master |
Oops clicked twice |
Master |
Look, Dinosaurs, let's stop attacking each other. Go fungerl Doppelganger or something. PS. Remember him. *Points to Doppelganger doing some building. *HE'S BUILDING A MECH GUYS |
Master |
Look, Dinosaurs, let's stop attacking each other. Go fungerl Doppelganger or something. PS. Remember him. *Points to Doppelganger doing some building. *HE'S BUILDING A MECH GUYS |
111 rg |
recite "the tay bridge disaster" |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! i'm going to sleep. And Master, respect your elders. I was here years before you. scroll down a lot and you'll see. |
Master |
Dinosaurs, are you against me? Cause I can easily become evil. |
Doppelganger |
No, I'm just stunned. I'm not THAT weak. |
Me |
I pour water on Doppelganger. He dies and says "I am defeated I cannot move!" |
Master |
CORE plays 24/7. |
Me |
hey Bin!adin are you from Iran or something cause I hate Iran |
Dinosaurus |
cheese flag.
what am i doing with my life? i should be studying for college finals, not doing this! bye. |
Master? |
um... I teleport everyone else to my dimension. Y'know, Maybe me and Doppelganger should work together to conquer this world... but thas a big maybe, ok? |
Master? |
SiNcE I hAvE tIme WaRpEd, I -uH... |
Master |
PS. You forgot the "spirit of the world" part. Not that it matters. *disappears again* |
Master |
BYE HAVE A GREAT TIME *disappears* |
Master |
Ok, Dinosaurs, Checkmate. |
Master |
A plane?! On what grounds? *proceeds to be a hypocrite and says trip anyway* |
so long |
NEW RULE!! If you type "trip" then you get to drive a plane |
cool guy |
NEW RULE!! You get to drive a plane if you type *trip* |
salad |
the score is now: the score is now: silly to billy |
James |
Walk home |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! also, immortality soesn't counteract not existing |
Dinosaurus |
heck, while i'm at it, tak 5 lumps of plutonium, which is twice as powerful. |
Dinosaurus |
the score is now: uranium point to all.
chew on that, master. |
Master |
Its Pronounced "Uranium" too! Unless it is a special type. Eh, what's the diff? |
Master |
BRUH. I am the spirit of the world. I live to destroy all evil and I am immortal. |
deez(i think you can figure out the rest) |
the score is now: skibidi-bingchilling |
diary of a wimpy kid the long haul is a great movie |
the score is now: the score is twin towers to 4 airplanes |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! both master and his doppelganger(as noted in my unranium notes) don't exist. get fungerled. |
Doppelganger |
There's only two people trying to destroy me. C'mon! Have a war on me! |
Master |
(grabs a water bomb) Take this! (heaves the water bomb towards doppelganger) |
Master |
I grab back my laser calvinballs and throw them at my doppelganger. *Doppelganger's health is still high! *His weakness is water! |
Master |
We can do this! |
Master |
Ok guys keep going! |
bin!aden |
NEW RULE!! Everytime you fly an airplane you must crash it into two towers |
bin!aden |
NEW RULE!! Everytime you fly an airplane you must crash into two towers |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! neither of you exist. gets scingered |
Doppelganger |
I destroy the world. Yeah thas right! We be floating in space now! Time to change the world entirely! A new universe! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! |
Master |
NEW RULE!! My Cosplayer Gets Ejected from calvinball for 5 hours. |
Dinosaurus |
I eat a chocolate cake, gaining several points to the fnth power and mild indigestion |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! uranium is only for those who have more than zorg points. People other than this who touch uranium (such as master) disintegrate |
Dinosaurus |
Uranium flag. if you so choose, you may suffer from radiation sickness as a perk. Also, master has 38th degree burns and a hernia from all the uranium |
Dinosaurus |
rocks ar for the weak. I throw uranium at the doppleganger, demanifesting him throughout reality. |
Master |
Doppelganger |
Master |
Dhd me hwjvhsuhhshjdhjfdxcvgfdv th the me me boom the go green tv be NJ be go fee to CA do be fun fps bro vs th so era go era go cuz to say ha to CA I'm b I'm an as use I'm vs go be ssh sand buzz b ends na flourish fighting Bennett Nate to try m dumb wig an dub eh try dub dash den eh seem from. BRUH |
Doppelganger |
Taz Crud 2024 |
NEW RULE!! you're a statue until i say your name 5 times |
Doppelganger |
Oh no i am losing i surrender i am dumb throw bricks at me! |
Mr. bun |
NEW RULE!! i am comatose help me wake up |
MasterBEST |
random person, are you there? You're the original person. You are the chosen one. |
Doppelganger |
Bow down and accept me as your ruler! Me: GUYS FIGHT HIM FOR REAL!!!! |
Master |
*Earth gets surrounded by a fiery emblem. |
Master |
*You feel weak as Doppelganger rises with a slight grin. |
Master |
*L and YA Dinosaurs earn a titanium laser sword. |
Doppelganger |
So! Ya gonna fight me or whatever? Now I will Destroy you all! Haehaheaheaheaheaheaheaheah! |
Master |
B, L, Spiffy Spiff and others, you have been here since the start of the Calvinball Revolution (CR). It's time for a new era to start! |
Master |
the score is now: Qqqqqqqqqqq70 to sw3 |
anime enjoyer |
Ms Wormwood |
Thanks for the apple Susie. |
Susie |
haha i am a snobby suckup. |
Dinosaurus |
I aproach dad with the fight flag. OK, LET'S DANCE! |
dad |
dad |
Nakar Tukenlabemageae of Western Togo |
I bring hobbes home to my mud house and hit him with the calvinball 888888888888888888889999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999times infinte times. Muahahahaha |
Me |
the score is now: The score is Mj to QQ. Good luck. Now stand back. I'm about to zap a Gurl. And lemme punch you all. |
Yukblorg the Alien Dad |
NEW RULE!! Calvin! U need to be in bed by 7:30! ADFJJEfds#R!$#afid'aj!!! |
Me |
The Command Flag! Whoever cannot gets incapitated! |
Me |
I hit Hobbes with the Control Flag and make him make me a stun blaster! |
Me |
NEW RULE!! Throw A Hydrogen tank at Hobbes and Make him my servant! |
Stupendous Man |
NEW RULE!! Movie Zone: You must name 3 movies you known in 15 seconds! Otherwise you become a statue! |
asd |
NEW RULE!! Player should run |
GlïtĉhÐøpplëgåñger |
I need to take your hearts. I have seven of 'em. I need yours... BEFORE I BECOME UNSTOPPABLE! |
Hi Guys |
GlitchMaster |
I make an NPC |
GlitchMaster |
(Last Decisive Battle from Puyo Puyo 4 starts playing. (LOOK IT UP to know what I mean.)) |
GlitchDoppleganger |
Take my fury. Choas Spell! |
GlitchMaster |
I'm back to normal no- Wait, What (splits into two) Wait. Who are you? Doppelganger: I'm the real GlitchMaster. (Boss bar appears) GUYS RUN |
Glītčh Måštër |
Here, take this [Hyperlink Blocked]. |
GlítĉhMaster |
This only comes once in your [Rapidly-Shrinking Life]! Better than [Any DVD at half-price]! |
GlítĉhMaster |
Remember, It's your chance to be a [Big Shot] , Ok? |
GlítĉhMaster |
Since I have my newfound powers, I turn into Spamton from Deltarune. Hey Guys!! Wanna take a [Deal] for a [Low, Low Price] of 100 Kromers? |
Iris |
everyone who doesn't speak has to jump |
kkkk |
NEW RULE!! rule34 is the gratest |
hücs |
NEW RULE!! Everyone watching any kind of tiktok more than 1 hour in a day, must pay me 50$! |
ulas |
Glítčh Måštér |
Muahaha, are you new? If so, take 50 tokens. Yeah, Currency. |
Glítčh Måštér |
Oh, you mean me? Heh Heh Heh (DISCLAIMER! I'm not evil, even though it seems like it.)... |
dad |
muahaha |
i say this: also its a weird coincidence that the person before me said mwahahaha when that's my name |
muahaha |
the volcano erupts and kills everyone in the area. don't worry i'm still alive because gamers dont die, they respawn |
stupendous man |
i ununconsciousify hobbes and make calvin lose 800 points bc he wasnt in the zone of bonkability anymore |
hobbes |
i try to take the flag back but he knocks me unconscious with his racket |
muahaha |
i use the flag of control to make Hobbes start talking gibberish so he can't make more rules |
muahaha |
NEW RULE!! bonking someone with a racket makes them lose blargle points (only works if in zone of bonkability which can move around) |
muahaha |
hobbes yanks me back so i bonk him with my racket hehe |
muahaha |
i run to get to the top of the volcano with the flag of control |
GlitčhMaster |
Mwa ha ha ha ha ha! I have found my true power inside! |
Master |
NEW RULE!! Uh oh
... What's Happening! Dhdhrhdhredfdsxhdjshrdhuvhdhehsixjxjsjswuvgwjroqjzhwkw! |
Master |
Ps. Was I a Gen Alpha when I was KingMaster? If so... I would give everyone 50 tokens. Yeah, TOKENS! CURRENCY! Use it! |
Master |
I regain power and use laser calvinballs to go in all goals and bring me a cookie. 50 seconds later... 7y points gotten, cookie eaten. But to keep the rest of you busy... I'm Summoning an Friendly Fire Dragon to a random person |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! Mast3r can become part of the MA if he gains 7y points and eats a cookie. |
Mast3r |
I grab the Overdrive flag and 999 of laser calvinballs come back. |
Mast3r |
Can I be part of the MA? |
Mast3r |
NEW RULE!! If you touch me, you teleport to the 33rd pole and lose 45π points |
Dinosaurus |
i give everyone a cupcake. everyone enjoy! |
Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! I have returned. greetings to L, B and Spiffey Spiff and 3 points to everyone who knows me. |
Mast3r |
Ice Storm! Everyone freezes for 5 seconds. |
🦊foxy :) |
NEW RULE!! the new rule is.....wait there IS NO RULES!!!!!!!by the way hi 👋🫡 |
calvin |
the score is now: 1234567096854732qwerdfhgcxdsawq123456780987Zsd0643e7 V. TO 6757536486r547458685 DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT |
hobes |
the score is now: SCORE |
E |
the score is now: Ooga to booga. Good luck, fellas. |
Mast3r |
the score is now: The score resets |
jump highly |
Alperen Demirci |
NEW RULE!! nope no rules is the new rule |
KingMast3r |
'loses powers' Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! |
KingMast3r |
the score is now: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times googelplex omega infinity squared to 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 |
KingMast3r |
The flag vanishes due to my powers. |
KingMast3r |
I send Puyo blobs, which squish everyone. |
KingMast3r |
I send my laser calvinballs to bonk everyone. Then, they split into tiny fireballs. They turn into an asteroid that goes in secret goal 123, which gives me celestial power and zszs999 points! |
Mast3r |
Now I turn into KingMast3r ! |
Mast3r |
Homing. My Calvinball goes in every goal and gives me sick786 points |
Mast3r |
I get zq34 points |
Mast3r |
spiffy spiff bounces |
Mast3r |
Everyone floats for 5 seconds. |
Mast3r |
Everyone floats for 5 seconds. |
Mast3r |
the score is now: Ugg to 157 |
Mast3r |
the score is now: Ugg to 157 |
Mast3r |
NEW RULE!! Warp. The ball goes to a random place |
Mast3r |
NEW RULE!! Warp. The ball goes to a random place |
Mast3r |
NEW RULE!! Warp. The ball goes to a random place |
b |
thank god the gen alphas havent ruined this game |
jack |
run around |
what is that? |
the score is now: the score is: :/f to 00d;a:2 |
What? |
Everything must denotate if thirteen flying ____ zoom out of the sky |
What? |
(flag play) |
bingchilling |
sprint at 100 km/h |
ilbey |
walk in from the door |
Owen |
I catch the soccer ball in the Calvinball net. |
hobebbes |
run away |
kai kahale |
NEW RULE!! All players must notify me of their jumps before jumping! |
Hufflepuff |
the score is now: Hufflepuff |
L |
*nostalgia flag! everyone feels slight nostalgia!*
I really wish the messages had timestamps so I can tell when you two actually came back... It's Feb 21 2024 for me. I totally forgot about this place. Also oh god, the gen alphas have arrived. |
b |
great, i love how this website is still active! |
spiffy spiff |
b! my old friend! how are things? |
b |
im back, hello does anyone remember me? L? |
e |
the score is now: 90q to ze |
Hobbes |
NEW RULE!! Hobbes is allowed to float indefinitely |
not FECB |
*FECB loses Ʊ points |
not FECB |
the referee does not exist, lose Ʊ points |
ironic username |
I touch the flag as 4014 requests, losing ` points to susie's previous rule |
my name |
the score is now: calvin to hobbes |
your name |
i indent the car, scoring z-13 points |
your name: |
NEW RULE!! denting the car is now worth q points |
skyler |
NEW RULE!! warp zone. spin for 15 seconds |
4014 |
NEW RULE!! denting the car is worth zog points |
4014 |
the score is now: the score is 9b or L |
4014 |
You must touch the flag |
susie |
Anyone who is touched loses ` points. |
YA|Dinosaurus |
as winning automatically is not allowed, rick astley is attacked with the ball and loses 12q points |
rick astley |
i win evrey time |
calvin the great |
one player gets to be smacked if the other team scores |
YA| Dinosaurus |
to flex on bill, I run in squares, gaining t points and mildly bruising bills ego |
bill |
Run in circles |
YA|Dinosaurus |
Due to this, ball haver loses his ball and is touched with the flag of little importance |
YA|Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! To have the ball, you must contribute in a way that gains you three points |
Ball Haver |
I take bully guys balls
I now have 3 balls |
do-gooder |
i impale bully guy with father's pitchfork |
bully guy |
i beat up ball haver |
Invoke "Nuh uh" |
NEW RULE!! uh huh |
Ball Haver |
NEW RULE!! luffy one piece |
luffy |
the score is now: all the prease have been one |
beans |
i fly down the tree |
wrom seed |
NEW RULE!! wrom sede |
calvinballer |
NEW RULE!! fuel efficient car bomb is stupid |
Fuel Efficient Car Bomb |
NEW RULE!! Nuh uh |
calvinballer |
NEW RULE!! you can't take hte referee's gun |
Fuel Efficient Car Bomb |
FECB grabs a gun from the refferee |
wrom seed |
NEW RULE!! no mor wrom sed :(((( |
wrom seed |
effectively non bouyant |
Ball Haver |
I have the ball now |
YA|Dinosaurus |
Spiffy spiff, do you have a PS5 or a Nintendo Switch? and If so, we should friend each other. |
spiffy spiff |
dinosaurus! good to see you, old friend! |
whoops I hit the button twice |
YA|Dinosarus |
NEW RULE!! Currently standing as MA arch-enemies are: monstrosaurus, Teo and relatives, shadow nightmare, OMEGA ZERO GIGA FORM EX, bucky, and all who have impostered the MA. let me know if I missed anyone |
YA|Dinosarus |
NEW RULE!! Currently standing as MA arch-enemies are: monstrosaurus, Teo and relatives, shadow nightmare, OMEGA ZERO GIGA FORM EX, bucky, and all who have impostered the MA. let me know if I missed anyone |
Mrs Trellis of North Wales |
NEW RULE!! Advance to Mornington Crescent and sing the words of “I’m so horny” to the tune of “Hark the Herald angels sing”. Then the participant must explain why. |
Thanos |
NEW RULE!! I kill everybody and nobody is allowed to talk anymore cause you are ALL dead |
Thanos |
I obtain the infinity gauntlet |
Rahhhh |
Sticks out gyatt for rizzler cutely |
YA| Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! Everyone has to follow my scratch account and like my projects.
link is here https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Y_E_S_I/ |
YA| Dinosaurus |
If L or B come back I will summarize the Dinosauran war |
YA| Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! All members of the MA are promoted to the ultimate YA(Yeet Aristocracy) rank. I just want this place to be repopulated with the glory of the MA |
Dinosaurus |
I have returned as well. What has become of the MA in the 2-3 years I was gone? How did the best gag here just crumble? And where are L and B? |
a good person |
NEW RULE!! If you are next to a goalpost you get (boogy + Q) * oogy points |
THE FBI !!! |
the score is now: GO fast oogley if u touch flag you have to be chased by robo dinos. toogle to the ooglr |
spiffy spiff |
i have returned! extra 1,000 points to all players for good luck |
cheese |
the score is now: 7888889876675786576 to OOGITY BOOGITY |
Hobbes IRL |
Zá©çhárý( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ᴥ ͡°)( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)(◕‿◕)(ツ) |
the score is now: oogy to Q |
Micah |
NEW RULE!! No eating |
Wave |
NEW RULE!! All players must do the horse dance |
Hobbes |
Dangit no one’s here |
The FBI |
Homicidal Psycho Jungle Car |
YELLOW FLAG— wait that’s nascar |
Hobbes' ghost teammate |
I stole the flag! Now I hid it somewhere no one will ever find. EVER!!! |
Hobbes' ghost teammate |
Logs in! |
Hobbes' ghost teammate |
the score is now: The Fitnessgram PACER Test is a multi-stage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues to 897 |
Hobbes' ghost teammate |
I got a goal! Here goes:
I don't wanna grow up
I'm a Toys 'R' Us kid
There's a million toys at Toys 'R' Us that I could play with
From bikes and trains to video games
It was the biggest toy store there is
I don't wanna grow up, because if I did
I wouldn't be a Toys 'R' Us kid |
hobbesequalscool |
the score is now: pasta to wauigi |
hobbesequalscool |
NEW RULE!! everyone in any of the trees has to go to itchy island home of nuclear mosquitos |
hobbesequalscool |
NEW RULE!! when you get a goal you must sing the Toys R Us theme song |
hobbesequalscool |
the score is now: poo po to qqqqqq! |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
the score is now: Because he got the transmogrifier gun he is about to win! GET HIM |
calvin |
I climb up the tree and grab the transmorgifier raygun that I hid there before the game! |
calvin |
logs in! |
lolllel |
say hello |
Hobbes' ghost teammate |
I push Spiff into the mud. |
Hobbes' ghost teammate |
NEW RULE!! Everyone in the mud patch has to do the worm dance until they get a point. Anyone who stops doing so's score automatically becomes negative tomato sauce. |
leo |
NEW RULE!! double jump |
Roberto |
All players must watch "Freaky Friday" 5 times before moving. |
Jehosophat |
I have touched the sdrawkcab flag. Everyone must now run and talk backwards! |
im stupendous |
you need to capture the flag and sing the verry sorry song |
Spiff |
Spiff joins the game, resetting the score |
Stupendous man |
the score is now: Q to jiffy minus barrel- gh plus jiffy to liffy elevated to eleventeen |
Babysitter |
NEW RULE!! Times up. Go to bed everyone. |
Rick Astley |
Thank you |
bruh |
NEW RULE!! rick astley wins automatically |
Rick astley |
the score is now: everybody: negative infinity me: infinity to the power of Googleplex to the power of Googleplex times the score of everybody combined |
Rick astley |
now everyone has to breathe |
cool |
NEW RULE!! you breathe you die |
SilverSoul |
The ball appears in calvin's hands! |
SilverSoul |
I invoke Ioejhudso, being graceful. |
SilverSoul |
NEW RULE!! By invoking the name Ioejhudso, the calvinball is randomly transported to someone. |
SilverSoul |
I dropkick hobbes, launching him into spiff, so both of them are dizzy, and take the calvinball whiles hobbes is out of it. |
Hobbes |
I steal the calvinball! |
Spiff |
the score is now: Variable: [t4Q] to Spiff |
Spiff |
I plant flag t4Q, granting me variable: [t4Q] amount of points |
Spiff |
I use the Calvinball to please Bubububgrubdub, who grants me flag t4Q. |
Spiff |
I invoke the power of Grubdubhubgubnub, who grants me instant possession of the Calvinball |
Spiff |
NEW RULE!! One can invoke the power of Grubdubhubgubnub, who will grant instant possession of the Calvinball. |
salad |
I engage in fencing combat with the flag against the Net Of Doom |
calvin |
NEW RULE!! anyone caught in The Net Of Doom (which I am holding) loses a point |
salad |
NEW RULE!! Frederick Douglas can only be punched if you have your mother's permission, however if this rule is voided by The Boston Tea party, you must do 12 backflips while singing "Never Gonna Give You Up" |
b |
greetings L aka D. schrute, remember me? i have retured after 2 years! i really hope u see this message :D |
Judge |
I end the game, Jumbo shrimp wins |
Mini shrimp |
I start punching fredrick douglas |
Jumbo shrimp |
I eat the the uranium |
jippson |
throw the ball to the flag |
Calvin#1 |
NEW RULE!! At Pickett three you must run through whatever obstacle is there |
turan |
the score is now: 10 |
salad |
i do a cool backflip, yielding me pi2 points and a funny hat |
kkk |
klkşkşö |
L |
This place still alive? |
mguy |
dababy |
NEW RULE!! jump every time you say sorry |
salad |
NEW RULE!! im back! The horror zone extends to the edges of the playing field; however, you are not affected if you are holding the mallet of time!!!!! |
Charles |
NEW RULE!! Everyone except me has to bow down and say 1232132 I am a poo poo |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
the score is now: Dad: Yur Mom
Ethan: 1nufobi50
Me: Winning |
ethan |
I grab a mallet and make a giant snow kraken to eat the zombie snow men. |
Dad |
I make a horde of Deranged Zombie Monster Snowmen and release them on player Ethan |
ethan |
NEW RULE!! i declare the space i am in the horror
zone every one in it gets a croquet malet and is able to crush the snow men in the way of another player (players can make snow men) |
Dad |
(solved). I then pull out my C&H Snow Ball Machine Gun 2023 and fire it at the prone player Ethan on the ground. ( Thump..Thump..Thump..Thump...Thump) |
ethan |
i declare the argument salved as i fall to the ground |
Dad |
True That! I throw a snowball at player Ethan Calvin style |
ethan |
i argue that if you can make up any rule than you can make up a visible flag |
Dad |
you cheated! |
ethan |
i grab the visible flag that makes anyone who is taged with it visible |
NEW RULE!! The flag 8s now an invisibility flag. anyone who has it is invisible. I pick it up |
ethan |
well done i do so and throw the flag |
I blow on the vortex flag until it touches player Ethan and then by rule he must spin till he falls down |
ethan |
i grab the vortex flag anyone taged with it spins untill they fall down |
Dad |
I'm taking a ride on my T rex |
ethan |
NEW RULE!! that rule is revoced |
Dad |
NEW RULE!! If you die you automatically win the game |
ethan |
NEW RULE!! the future zone everyone who enters the zone will be chased by robots and turned into a cyborg if caught |
Dad |
As a cyborg I fire my lazier beam at player Ethan |
ethan |
i use a radio to get three more ufos dropped down onto the playing field.
and and tag player dad with evolution flag and turn them into a cyborg (they get returned to normal if they tag someone with the calvinball) |
Dad |
As per rule I spun on my head. Kudos |
ethan |
i bring up the rule that if you move to a new area then you must spin on your head |
Dad |
I jump on my Pet Pterodactyl and fly to another territory |
ethan |
i grab the evolver flag it can ether make a person act like a dinosaur or like a cyborg when they are hit with it |
Dad |
To win. this agreement I have my T-Rex dinosaur pet to grab and chew the UFO |
ethan |
i argue that if kicking the ufo is considered touching it then so is deflecting it |
Dad |
I deflect the ufo with my heat shield |
the ufo |
i quickly throw the ufo at player dad |
Dad |
I move my Spaceman Spin Player |
ethan |
NEW RULE!! the alien abduction zone has now become a sepret player called the ufo if they tag you the effects are the same as the alien abduction zone. |
Dad |
NEW RULE!! All players now must spin on their head every time they move to a new territory |
ethan |
i quickly grab the Calvinball to player dad tagging him with the Calvinball and getting me free from the alien. |
Dad |
The calvinball is successfully knocked out of my hands. Now What? |
ethan |
I use the slinky to attempt to slap the Calvinball out of player dads hand. |
Dad |
Since you touched ( Kicked) the Alien Ball them by rule you must keep a alien parasite (slinky) attached to your arm until you tag another player with the Calvinball |
ethan |
I quickly kick the alien spaceship towards player dad. |
Dad |
This game is awesome |
ethan |
NEW RULE!! if you touch the alien spaceship (football)then you must keep a alien parasite (slinky) attached to your arm until you tag another player with the Calvinball |
Dad |
I use the mind control flag to collect 5 points |
ethan |
throw the mind control flag towards player dad. |
Dad |
NEW RULE!! If you take my turns away, I will put you to bed for the night! |
ethan |
i will use the mind control flag and now your half to lission too me for 3 turns. |
Dad |
Capture the flag. Who ever owns the flag can make up any rule at any time. |
ethan |
the score is now: 5 to /?@ |
ethan |
NEW RULE!! people in the alien abduction zone go somewhere with their eyes closed and try to find their way back to the playing area. |
umut |
the score is now: 50 |
Kash and kord |
Steal the flag |
Juju |
NEW RULE!! You have to fart if you get caught |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
Seems you are questioning the masks! (Waterballon toss) Splash! You have been soaked! |
Marko |
NEW RULE!! Anyone within 6 feet of me must take off their masks! |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
the score is now: gp009huin.3 That is my score.
Yours=-0.56 |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
I touch tree. |
pouncing_hobbes |
NEW RULE!! everyone must hop on one foot until a tree is touched, the person to touch it gets a point! |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
I touch you all with the flag of smartness! Sing the super duper sorry song. |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
the score is now: P2Bsquared-Bodily_Fluids |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
Flag of Smartness: If touched by flag, and you don't follow a rule, you MUST sing the super duper sorry song. |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
Die foolish humans |
Doom-Lord_From_Calvin-n-Hobbes |
NEW RULE!! Everybody can only be hit in the head by the CalvinBall until they find three worms. |
Me the best |
I think I won |
FlowerMouse |
NEW RULE!! More rules!! You have to make a rule to score! |
eee |
NEW RULE!! No rules! |
spiff |
mager le drapaud (miam |
Me the best |
Ha ha ha you go poo |
Me the best |
I win |
Me the best |
the score is now: Me 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999you-99999999999999999999 |
calvin |
NEW RULE!! If you go over the black hole you lose one point. |
lucas |
do the hustle |
Eddie |
the score is now: 0-0 |
Eddie |
NEW RULE!! it you touch the blaster you gain q points |
spiffy spiff, god of the mordon alliance |
greetings, dinosaurus. |
Dinosaurus |
L, Spiffey Spiff, Im back |
salad |
I accidentally hit spiffy spiff on the head with the bonk flag, making him even spiffier! |
spiffy spiff |
i do a kazotsky kick, preventing anyone from attacking me for 3 turns! |
salad |
i eat gravel, giving me a billion points |
salad |
the score is now: zonkle fink to 87367783756^9999-67 kazimpagilipigalilllilolkunsididiblesthivvillion |
salad |
I use the flag to summon a 5th dimensional void egg-salad sandwich |
salad |
NEW RULE!! Every person who hasn't found the secret flag has to do jumping jacks until their knees hurt |
Joel |
NEW RULE!! Running to the 8th wicket will result in everyone else having to sing twinkle twinkle little star in a dragon voice. |
brk |
what can I do sometimes |
L |
NEW RULE!! Very well, spiffy spiff is an S-Tier god as well. |
spiffy spiff |
don't let your ego get to you, L. i am the better veteran |
spiffy spiff |
L?! is that you? |
L |
the score is now: Me: yeet to the power of 74 |
L |
I bounce the Golden Yeetball off hoobes' head 74 times, giving me points! |
L |
I touch the Yeetus Flag with my godly powers, summoning the Golden Yeetball! |
L |
NEW RULE!! Only S-Tier gods may touch the Yeetus Flag! |
L |
NEW RULE!! My veteran status elevates me to an S-Tier god for my triumphant return! Bask in my glory, puny mortals! |
L |
hoobes |
the score is now: the score is now gazillion to fitzgibbon!! |
hoobes |
NEW RULE!! Once you find the elusive 34th base, cartwheel to the opposite pole and start again! |
Hypercane |
the score is now: Hypercane: 1000 Prime Omega Tomatoes + Boolgoly-Zoolgoly points.
Everyone else: Cabbages + π/374 tomato |
Hypercane |
Since I scored with the Aether goals, I get an Aether boost. This means I can temporarily control the Aether, the mythical fifth element of the heavens and space. I use the Aether to summon an asteroid, which hits the calvinball with such force that it goes through the Invisible Wicket, earning me Boolgoly-Zoolgoly points. |
Hypercane |
the score is now: Hypercane: 1000 Prime Omega Tomatoes
Everyone else: Cabbages + π/374 tomato |
Hypercane Prime Omega Form |
⭐🌟 A͙s͙ H͙y͙p͙e͙r͙c͙a͙n͙e͙ P͙r͙i͙m͙e͙ O͙m͙e͙g͙a͙ F͙o͙r͙m͙, I͙ u͙s͙e͙ m͙y͙ P͙r͙i͙m͙e͙ O͙m͙e͙g͙a͙ p͙o͙w͙e͙r͙s͙ t͙o͙ t͙u͙r͙n͙ e͙a͙c͙h͙ o͙f͙ t͙h͙e͙ 1͙0͙0͙0͙ c͙a͙l͙v͙i͙n͙b͙a͙l͙l͙s͙ i͙n͙t͙o͙ P͙r͙i͙m͙e͙ O͙m͙e͙g͙a͙ c͙a͙l͙v͙i͙n͙b͙a͙l͙l͙s͙. I͙ c͙a͙s͙t͙ e͙a͙c͙h͙ P͙r͙i͙m͙e͙ O͙m͙e͙g͙a͙ c͙a͙l͙v͙i͙n͙b͙a͙l͙l͙ i͙n͙t͙o͙ t͙h͙e͙ A͙e͙t͙h͙e͙r͙ G͙o͙a͙l͙s͙. A͙f͙t͙e͙r͙ I͙ d͙o͙ t͙h͙a͙t͙, m͙y͙ P͙r͙i͙m͙e͙ O͙m͙e͙g͙a͙ F͙o͙r͙m͙ d͙i͙s͙s͙i͙p͙a͙t͙e͙s͙, a͙n͙d͙ 9͙9͙9͙ o͙f͙ t͙h͙e͙ P͙r͙i͙m͙e͙ O͙m͙e͙g͙a͙ c͙a͙l͙v͙i͙n͙b͙a͙l͙l͙s͙ d͙i͙s͙a͙p͙p͙e͙a͙r͙. T͙h͙e͙ r͙e͙m͙a͙i͙n͙i͙n͙g͙ P͙r͙i͙m͙e͙ O͙m͙e͙g͙a͙ c͙a͙l͙v͙i͙n͙b͙a͙l͙l͙ t͙u͙r͙n͙s͙ b͙a͙c͙k͙ i͙n͙t͙o͙ a͙ n͙o͙r͙m͙a͙l͙ c͙a͙l͙v͙i͙n͙b͙a͙l͙l͙. S͙o͙, 🌟⭐ |
Hypercane Prime |
⫷ A⋆s⋆ ⋆H⋆y⋆p⋆e⋆r⋆c⋆a⋆n⋆e⋆ ⋆P⋆r⋆i⋆m⋆e⋆,⋆ ⋆I⋆ ⋆u⋆s⋆e⋆ ⋆m⋆y⋆ ⋆P⋆r⋆i⋆m⋆e⋆ ⋆p⋆o⋆w⋆e⋆r⋆s⋆ ⋆t⋆o⋆ ⋆d⋆u⋆p⋆l⋆i⋆c⋆a⋆t⋆e⋆ ⋆t⋆h⋆e⋆ ⋆c⋆a⋆l⋆v⋆i⋆n⋆b⋆a⋆l⋆l⋆,⋆ ⋆c⋆r⋆e⋆a⋆t⋆i⋆n⋆g⋆ ⋆1⋆0⋆0⋆0⋆ ⋆o⋆f⋆ ⋆t⋆h⋆e⋆m⋆.⋆ ⋆I⋆ ⋆s⋆p⋆i⋆k⋆e⋆ ⋆e⋆a⋆c⋆h⋆ ⋆c⋆a⋆l⋆v⋆i⋆n⋆b⋆a⋆l⋆l⋆ ⋆i⋆n⋆t⋆o⋆ ⋆m⋆y⋆ ⋆m⋆o⋆u⋆t⋆h⋆.⋆ ⋆I⋆ ⋆e⋆a⋆t⋆ ⋆e⋆a⋆c⋆h⋆ ⋆c⋆a⋆l⋆v⋆i⋆n⋆b⋆a⋆l⋆l⋆,⋆ ⋆t⋆u⋆r⋆n⋆i⋆n⋆g⋆ ⋆i⋆n⋆t⋆o⋆ ⋆H⋆y⋆p⋆e⋆r⋆c⋆a⋆n⋆e⋆ ⋆P⋆r⋆i⋆m⋆e⋆ ⋆O⋆m⋆e⋆g⋆a⋆ ⋆F⋆o⋆r⋆m⋆. ⫸ |
Hypercane |
while everyone is turned into tomatoes, I eat the calvinball, turning me into Hypercane Prime. |
Hypercane |
the score is now: Hypercane: Tomato
Everybody else: Cabbages + π/374 tomato |
Hypercane |
NEW RULE!! side effect of this: everyone gets a bit of tomato, so... |
Hypercane |
NEW RULE!! Everyone now turns into tomatoes for five blontgats. (except me) |
Hypercane |
the score is now: The Score is now:
Hypercane: Tomato
Everybody else: Cabbages |
Hypercane |
At 100 feet in the air, I spike the Calvinball through the reset points goal and the tomato points goal. |
Hypercane |
I use the flag's powers to soar 100 feet into the air. |
spiffy spiff |
hello everyone! |
kl |
kick the ball |
insaner |
Hope you all enjoy the new site.. I never thought calvinball would be so popular here, seeing as it is, I decided to keep it functional for all of you after the site overhaul. I also added an icon for "NEW RULE!" and updated the submitter a bit. HAVE FUN, CALVIN FANS! |
spiffy spiff |
i break notorious raider of the north's video game. |
notorious raider of the north |
NEW RULE!! for every second i play my video game i get 100 points |
notorious raider of the north |
I use the super viking raider flag to make everyone in the world teleport to mars! |
notorious raider of the north |
the score is now: 50000000000000000000000000 |
notorious raider of the north |
NEW RULE!! everyone on my front lawn must jump 3 times |
spiffy spiff |
I use the flag of infinity and give myself 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points |
For every flag I get one point |
the score is now: Now, I have million points and YOU have 0 points. |
I use magnetic force to get your flags! |
NEW RULE!! I can control time |
NEW RULE!! Everyone's memory is reset and a new game starts! |
NEW RULE!! Everyone's memory is reset and a new game starts! |
Psychocalvin |
the score is now: 25#@d |
spiffy spiff |
no. I use the boomerang and make spiff sing the im very sorry song |
spiff |
sing the sorry song |
spiffy spiff |
for all the people wondering why i said i came back from the valhalla of heroes, i was the Red Commander (the highest rank) in a war and won it. i retired shortly afterward, but I came back....like always |
rwnemayer |
i stole is too a bunny's flag |
rwnemayer |
me and is too a bunny: hate at first sight |
is too a bunny |
i hate you rwnemayer |
rwnemayer |
NEW RULE!! i tag is too a bunny in pernicious poem place |
rwnemayer |
i hit Akshay with calvinball |
rwnemayer |
alf!!! everybody hates Rosalyn |
rwnemayer |
how many points for flag capture |
rwnemayer |
what is springlock suit |
rwnemayer |
meant beginner |
rwnemayer |
shut up 'is too a bunny' |
rwnemayer |
what is a bullet |
rwnemayer |
how do i play im begginer |
rwnemayer |
error:101010111001010100101001101101101011010110110010-erroe:101010101010101010101101110110100101010010101011010101010100101010101010101010010101010100101 |
is too a bunny |
tag other player with the calvinball |
Sterling |
I throw my shoe at the nearest telephone pole |
balls man infinity |
balls man infinity britney spear |
Dilly |
Do nothing because I can't think of an action |
spiffy spiff |
try me. |
Babyfood |
smack, youre a nincompoop |
spiffy spiff |
oh yeah, L? is the discord server still around? |
spiffy spiff |
i return from the valhalla of heroes again and use my plasma screamer and 360 the heck out of alf for attempted dating of a 17 year old, not to mention saying "uwu"... |
ur BabyFood |
the score is now: playe1000 |
mohamed |
hit the ball |
alf |
NEW RULE!! rosalyn is now my gf uwu |
moe |
*sluches* |
I stuff everyone in springlock suits and trip the springlocks, killing everyone and making me immortal |
Ant |
Bieng forced to do gangart style |
Ant |
Akshay : idk
Legendary world : 1'000'000'000'000
Me : 1
Calvin 1
Nobody has -1,000,000,000 |
Ant |
NEW RULE!! So everyone 1,000,000,000,000, + p everyone else -1,000,000,000 |
Ant |
But I had declared the opposite flag earlier(you declare...the = flag) |
Calvin |
kick the ball |
L |
the score is now: Me: 1'000'000'000'000 + p Everyone else: -1'000'000'000 |
L |
Sorry. I planted a landmine underneath your Porsche and your points are blown up. Now you have to join in while I touch the Mechanic Wicket and escape by fixing the car. |
Legendary Wad |
the score is now: 1,000,000,000,000 to -1,000,000,000,000 |
Legendary Wad |
Conveniently, I conjure an impenetrable Porsche 911 and a chauffeur out of thin air and escape the Gangnam Style. |
Legendary Wad |
I conjure the Gangnam Style flag, which forces everybody within 100 miles of it to endlessly do the Gangnam Style. |
Legendary Wad |
I gruesomely attack whoever last had the ball and claim it as my own. |
The PE Teacher |
I ask whether this is still a thing |
Ant |
You declare that you touched the = flag |
Ant |
I touch akshay with the very very sorry flag |
Ant |
the score is now: Me:0
You: idk |
Akshay |
i touch the no u flag, so you are the only one who can't touch it. |
ant |
NEW RULE!! if-oppositr-flag-touched-the-no-ball-zone-is-yes-ball-zone |
Ant |
NEW RULE!! New zone the no-ball zone is a small
Zone. No Calvin balls a allowed here
Nobody in the area have to do anything but people here can't get points |
ant |
let-the-new-calvinball-begin |
ant |
NEW RULE!! all-rules-must-be-erased-
new-rules-have-to-made |
ant |
Here's the 'Very Sorry Songg.' Won't you help and sing alongg? |
ant |
i-touched-ball-with-the-bucket |
yo |
the score is now: vv - ^2(3.2+1 |
Iminhistoryclass |
NEW RULE!! Anyone with platinum tier, plant type, soft points gets 1 extra bronze fire elemental point multiplier for 5 minutes, or 8 years in the purple zone |
Iminhistoryclass |
I throw the super invisible ricochet ball that hits everyone on the left ear |
aaalaaz |
browse the net |
Akshay |
I touch the eat a snack flag! |
Akshay |
NEW RULE!! Everyone with an "E" in their name getts -eggplant points! |
Hnuj |
I will make a club, who’s in? |
Calvin-a-tron 2000 |
I am leaving Calvin ball |
Zxcvbnm |
Wow. Hunjyhbdrjkjbi |
Eee |
You’re in |
Zxcvbnm |
What trial? Hnsjcfhbb |
Eee |
Only if you pass the trial |
Zxcvbnm |
Can I join |
Asdfghjkl and Qwertyuiop at the same time |
Good name! |
Eee |
It is what the rndm typers do |
Hnuj |
Why does the new club say random things at the end of every action? |
Box |
Transmogrified #4 into a worm |
#4 |
I am duplicate number 4 |
Calvin-a-tron 2000 |
Asdfghjkl |
All hail the leader: Eee. Unjcdnj |
Qwertyuiop |
Eee will be the leader. Renehuck |
Asdfghjkl |
Can I join? Njcndjncjjs |
Eee |
Yep. Hcdhhcdhnej |
Qwertyuiop |
Me and Eee are making a club. Cuhsdcujefruwnc |
Calvin+nothing=super boy |
Who is Qwertyuiop? |
Calvin II |
The two behind me seem strange |
Qwertyuiop |
&nvfnjvfmnvdfhm, |
Eee |
Isjjsnn cndjdj jndjemx hands cdncjd jcdnjcmdj NDA non. B nod. Hi. Mfd. no. No. F. Me. No. No. Fun. Fun. Me. BabN an xnBbz meds b s mzMm. No mz m. A |
Hnuj |
Hnuj says“I can will win” |
Hnuj |
the score is now: Boing to bagel bagel |
Hnuj |
the score is now: The score is: bagel to bagel bagel |
Hobbes |
NEW RULE!! NEW RULE! everyone but Hobbes MUST give points to someone who’s name starts with an H |
Calvin+nothing=super boy |
the score is now: The score is: bagel to ??? |
Calvin-a-tron 2000 |
*writes the words “+bagel” on a blue flag* |
Calvin-a-tron 2000 |
*Takes blue flag that Calvin II has planted and declared that in 20 seconds that he will write words on the flag* |
Calvin II |
Stealing a blue flag and planting is 200 feet away. |
Hnuj |
Steal the Calvinball |
hobbes |
NEW RULE!! hobbes has the calvinball forever |
spaceman spiff |
gun shoot |
calvin |
smashing the ball |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! Everyone stop playing this and go play FNAF games |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
L,Join Zero |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
L! Yer back! |
VETERAN spiffy spiff |
L! good to see you!!! |
Super calvin |
the score is now: mow to super cow |
PatrickIsBest |
NEW RULE!! The Opposite Pole will have the No Song Zone as a Song Zone until the Very Sorry Song is done! |
Nikhil |
Trying to steal the flag from another player |
UL|L |
I'm back!!!!
I use the Calvimagnet to retrieve the Calvinball, and decree myself Ultimate Leader(UL). |
UL|L |
I'm back!!!!
I use the Calvimagnet to retrieve the Calvinball, and decree myself Ultimate Leader(UL). |
che |
NEW RULE!! right hand must be lifted before left hand |
thug |
NEW RULE!! everyone's dead |
Zero |
my current flag imunities : all |
Calvin |
boi there are no rules |
Calvin |
boi there are no rules |
Calvin |
boi there are no rules |
Calvin |
boi there are no rules |
Peterabbit12345 |
NEW RULE!! If you get bonked by the calvinball, you have to do 50 jumping jacks! |
baby sitter |
I use the baby sitter flag on Zero he must go to bed until 7:30pm EST |
Spiff |
NEW RULE!! When you run you gotta hum |
Spiff |
the score is now: 333,927,633,863,527.10 to 999999999999999999999999999 |
Zero |
All current ZA [Zero alliance] members :
Zero [leader]
Dinosaurus [ZC]
Monstrosaurus [ZC]
G [lieutenant] |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
Any MA agents, join Zero |
monstrosaurus |
Joins Zero. IDK why, he just seems cool |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
I join Zero cuz otherwise he'l obliterate me |
Zero |
Lays waste to everything and claims G as my lieutenant. |
SEBASSS the great |
baby sitter flag |
SEBASSS the great |
NEW RULE!! There is a vortex spot |
Stupendus Man |
the score is now: The score is potatopoo to jeiosjibtupliboom |
potato |
run to the tree and grab the potato flag |
Potato |
NEW RULE!! every person who is in the POTATO zone has to sing the potato song |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
are there any MA agents left? |
aspen |
NEW RULE!! you have to play calvinball with me and drop everything you're doing |
thinpopcorn1381 |
the score is now: oggy to boggy |
thinpopcorn1381 |
olly wally polly golly ump bump fizz |
billy |
the score is now: 10000000000000 to gibber bobber bibber flunk |
billy |
I scored |
billy |
the score is now: stinkbomb to fart |
billy |
hit ball |
billy |
billy game |
G |
reverse eclipses 42 parallel dimensions, destroying the meaning of life and obliterating anything not wearing a lazy shell |
Hobbes |
New Rule: Have to close this window if anyone sends one more message |
Human |
NEW RULE!! first person to find the point zone gets 4 points |
fuite |
jumping up and down in mud |
bruh |
the score is now: 12 to 69 |
no |
real talk i was the last three people. just using different names. |
Higashikata Josuke (Part 8) |
I use my stand, Soft & Wet, to steal CrazySonicGamer's voice. They are not allowed to speak for the rest of the game. |
monkey |
ook ook eek |
Tooru |
NEW RULE!! You cannot pursue me without calamity befalling you. |
Andamizo |
NEW RULE!! You can't do anything to me |
CrazySonicGamer |
iT iS wHiTtY tImE |
CrazySonicGamer |
Ok then?? |
Scorekeeper |
the score is now: Beep bop bip skideep bop bep |
CrazySonicGamer |
Also whitty can't die he just explodes and eliminates anyone within a 3 mile radius of him. And he just regenerates after he explodes |
CrazySonicGamer |
All players must now fight whitty! In order to survive you have to beat him!! Oh wait... ITS IMPOSSIBLE HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Whitty |
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *ballistic reborn starts blasting from CrazySonicGamer's giant speakers* |
CrazySonicGamer |
I have the whitty flag! |
CrazySonicGamer |
If I could just find it.... AHAAA!!! My super giant speakers from fnf! |
CrazySonicGamer |
NEW RULE!! Stay kid friendly!!!! Breaking this rule will result in elimination for your life!!! |
Space Shadows |
I kick the baseball to the flag. |
Space Shadows |
NEW RULE!! Only tigers can score for the next 7 rounds |
Space Shadows |
the score is now: 7 to pig |
HAHA FUnny |
NEW RULE!! All people that aren't me must give all of their points to me, or else they instantly lose |
Piss master |
NEW RULE!! If you need to piss during the match, you have to sacrifice all your points to me, the piss master |
X form canis |
NEW RULE!! As the true form of canine, I cannot be blown up. P.S, die Spiffy spiff |
VETERAN spiffy spiff |
I send 12 heat seeking missiles at X form canis, blowing him up |
G |
I claim 232323 dollars and pass the %$#%^$#$% block |
G |
Directs 30g to g ball in castlevania, creating reverse eclipse time bomb zero, deleting and destroying the world 42.5658485 times |
X form canis |
#%%@%$% you spiffy spiff the $^%$%& |
ReJ |
the score is now: T54 to 1,345,675,729,483,287,934 |
Negative |
NEW RULE!! All who enter Typhoon Zone shall add (4^ab*pi/t) to drowned counter. |
Shuuya Fumei Kano |
//directory redirect
Redirection successfully executed
Navigated to tag command alias "mb"
#mb chloroform.3
Unlocking "Vents"...
Error code: (81109x4)
Password required to access .npl
Processing string...
%unnamed-action% successfully executed.
//kill cmd |
Drew |
the score is now: Eugene Debs to the Ozarks |
VETERAN spiffy spiff |
I have returned. I am immune to any attack, and X form canis, watch your mouth |
X form canis |
NEW RULE!! YER ALL %$&^*&&*#&$#^@#@##$ing jerky eejits |
@rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggrlespatletehuierwbufxnevgywcfhbdcfuvxnchwdb xhgrtfehyebjewf dv |
bhucd htdcfjruthgjdftfdfurtghjbgvfhuyugvfihyfdufdyudfyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhffffffffffffjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjihursdefr53judujnhufgtrg4i3jtruhfyfguthjrnrvhuftr4jnfuvh yvhnf gtrffhvyu vbttgfyv7hubg trbhry7fvhubtuyfr7vuhbtry7gfv uhbuyfgtugbhvuy7gftgbv 7bgufhgyf7vuhgtryu7gfvvuhfvy 67ghfyu7vbuhbgy7fgvhbtrgyf7vhugfvyuhgyv7hubfgghyfv ubhgy7vfghun gfhgy7vfg hubvgy7vghuvbgtrygvjjjjjjjjdsudthngyhderjfhvufyvyurjfvhurjfvhdureijfvnhcrdjhfdbuyucgvvjnhyhugjtjnhfjdhuurhtdfugrfhdrdgyufhrcgtvjhdgtuuyf |
G |
chinsdorkleefladius erdorfulpladius |
G |
I throw flaming nuclear hyenas driving hot rods at everyone. |
Joshua |
the score is now: 68 PZQ to 39 fazzleweathers |
Flag thief |
My flag now! |
Flag thief |
NEW RULE!! Only players with masks can move the flag. |
marcelodelamancha |
NEW RULE!! all players can only move jumping on one foot |
Scorekeeper |
the score is now: 10 to quargelspat |
Flag thief |
NEW RULE!! Anyone pushing the flag with the star box cannot lose points for 10 minutes |
Flag thief |
I steal the blue flag, pushing it towards mine while holding the star box. |
Goblin |
NEW RULE!! Press E to pee |
cinnamon |
i kill myself infinitely many times so that I can have infinite big league chew |
cinnamon |
i kill myself |
Grape Master |
NEW RULE!! Anyone who kills themselves gets 2 packs of big league chew and an extra life |
Grape Master |
I summon a grape bomb using all of my stored soul energy, killing myself and everything in the tri-state area |
physics |
gaming s |
Piss master |
I look. |
Piss master |
NEW RULE!! weird person is full of shit |
weird person |
NEW RULE!! the pimply little shit is not that guy |
Piss master |
the score is now: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586859816815951884/868655257448747029/unknown.png |
Grape Master |
I have no piss to give
only grape juice |
weird person |
you're not that guy pal. youre not that guy |
Piss master |
i drink all of grape masters piss to give me the power of grape and piss |
Grape Master |
I drink all of the piss masters piss robbing him of his power |
miss paster |
NEW RULE!! i am hear from a nother dimenshun |
Piss master |
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668890482729811968/868557632636608552/unknown.png |
Piss master |
I lived bitch |
Gegory |
Piss master has passed away |
abraham lincoln log |
fefefeeffefe wOOOoooooo |
Gegory |
i begin attacking Piss master |
Grop Master |
I use my better flag to stab Grape Master |
Grape Master |
I love piss |
Grape Master |
I impale my imposter with the grape flag making them grop |
Piss master |
Gegory who are you |
Blort |
NEW RULE!! don't do the |
god |
NEW RULE!! virginity is cool |
Grape Master |
Stupid dumb idiot boy i am an impersonation |
Grape Master |
NEW RULE!! Sex will be allowed |
Gegory |
hey guys i found this flag i think its from a goodwill or something you can have it if you want but its okay if you dont want it its your choice i guess |
Piss master |
I am not a grape i do not want to be a grape |
Egg snatcher |
My stocks of corn have grown so large that I now have the corn flag that encompasses all players in a never ending corn maze |
Grape Master |
Piss master |
magnet gun |
Grape Master |
I produce the grape flag from my tooth and grape all nearby players |
Grape Master |
I produce the grape flag from my tooth and grape all nearby players |
The Fiend |
NEW RULE!! saying bad words deducts ability to live |
Irom nan |
i live since i in medal siut |
Piss master |
I fucking kill mister stark again god i fucking hate his stupid beard |
The Fiend |
NEW RULE!! Do not look. |
Mr Stark |
I eat a grape and live despite my death |
cheeto |
NEW RULE!! no more fortnite |
The Fiend |
NEW RULE!! You cannot leave your house. |
Egg snatcher |
NEW RULE!! no fair :( I like tondy |
Piss master |
Tony Stark fucking dies |
Piss master |
I scream and piss your shorts |
Egg snatcher |
NEW RULE!! All owners of eggs have a one way ticket back from algeria |
Piss master |
the score is now: somewhere around 3. |
The Fiend |
All players have tripped and fallen. It is unfortunate. |
Grape Master |
NEW RULE!! People with a lot of corn must take a one way flight to Algeria |
cheeto |
slap twice as fast |
Piss master |
Egg snatcher |
I smash the egg for infinite points. and also plant a lifetime supply of corn |
Grape Master |
the score is now: KILL CALVIN FOR 2 POINTS |
G |
I get the gold award for saying the same thing twice |
G |
I get the golden flag, the third most powerful flag (and eighth most powerful item) for destroying the world 4 times! |
G |
I get the golden flag, the third most powerful flag (and eighth most powerful item) for destroying the world 4 times! |
G |
I reset the time loop to zero and throw the G ball through it, causing a time paradox and supernova, destroying the world 2 more times! |
Joshua |
the score is now: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Because I broke out of the time loop! |
Joshua |
NEW RULE!! If you go into the time loop pit you have to say the same thing 100 times! |
G |
NEW RULE!! people with letters for names don't have to obey dads! |
G |
NEW RULE!! people with letters for names don't have to obey dads! |
dad |
NEW RULE!! go to bed |
G |
I redirect the vortex boomerang warp zone to myself, then copy it and redirect the copy to the G ball, creating a black hole and destroying the world again! |
carrie |
jump on one foot |
calvin is awesome |
dance like a pirate |
G |
I throw the G ball into the vortex boomerang warp zone,creating the Jackson Pollock memorial statue and destroying the word! |
VETERAN spiffy spiff |
my friends, i have officially retired from calvinball. i'll visit every so often, but i am leavin calvinball. Farewell, L and B, And may the might of the Mordon Alliance protect you. |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! You can get VETERAN rank by fighting in a major war or by killing an arch enemy of the MA |
Spaceman piff |
the score is now: 100000000000000000000 points for spaceman piff |
Spaceman Spiff |
everybody must obey spaceman spiff |
Ender guard |
I hit monstrosaurus with a nightmare obsidian spear and he exploded an disintegrated |
ender guard |
h fjfjdhg hgh fjhgjbg dsrjghnej jghrjfhg gjfhgkd jgj.hgr56rytfyh |
VETERAN spiffy spiff |
I then track down teo, and give him the worst beating of his life, then i use my old Mordon Alliance armor to fly him to the moon. |
VETERAN spiffy spiff |
i recover from the radiation. This is the last battle i will fight before i retire from calvinball, so i grab monstosaurus, yeet him against a wall, and 360 no-scope him with disentegrate mode on my plasma screamer. I also change my title to veteran, the new highest rank(the only way to be a veteran is if you fought in the first battle of the teoanian empire vs the MA |
monstrosaurus |
I revive teo's relatives and throw dinosaurus into a volcano. I then hit spiffy spiff with a plutonium spear so he contracts radiation sickness and dies |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
I grab shadow nightmare and slam him into a piece of radium, he contracts radiation sickness and dies. I turn spiffy spiff into a stupendous tiger and then turn him back to save him |
RC spiffy spiff |
i tried to find teo but fell off a cliff and accidently impaled myself on a sharp rock. |
3 |
the score is now: 666 |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! You have to put my name as Dinosaurus. Puting it as Dinosaurs means you lose arger points |
shadow nightmare |
I throw dinosaurus into a tree and blast him with photon beams |
RC spiffy spiff |
we are venom lets me go, and i use my plasma screamer gun at Sudden Death |
lav |
Bljs into a tree, allowing me to let go of the flag of little importance. |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
I use BlJs to reach Teo and yeet him at Sudden Death and Pounclaw |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! BLJs are now allowed |
lav |
I steal the flag of little importance. I soon realize my mistake, as I am now unable to put it down. |
lav |
NEW RULE!! If someone wishes to climb a tree, they must stay there until they are touched with a flag of any kind. |
RC spiffy spiff-in We Are Venom |
B! HELP! |
We Are Venom |
i grab death at night yeet him against a wall again and again and agian, then i eat him with just one bite! |
We Are Venom |
spiffy spiff has been turned into venom, making him stronger! |
RC spiffy spiff |
I summon the ancient power of the Mordon Alliance, and use it to obliterate all realitives of Teo! |
RC spiffy spiff |
b, all hell is breaking loose. the natural. |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
Hey, I promoted anouncer to an SC, scroll down a bit |
monstrosaurus |
I finally got past dinosaurus banning me. I promote myself to EASC (evil alliance supreme commander). I also promote myself to telekinesis master and 5 dimension ruler. I use my starship to blow up the MA once and for all and to dominate the universe from EASC, the evil alliance space cruiser |
TSC | b |
I shut down space warp zapper resistance because he is destroying things with his zapper |
TSC | b |
the score is now: I promoted Spiffy spiff to TSC because he plays an important factor to this game |
TSC | b |
announcer got sucked into a black hole prison because he is giving out free ranks to Dinosaurs; only RC, SC and TSC out give out ranks |
TSC | b |
NEW RULE!! uhh whats going on so far.. |
TSC | Dinosaurus |
Farewell, Spiffy spiff! I will give you one of my time machines to help you on your journey. I will also give you the second most powerful item, the blue flag! MAY THE NAGGIN'S SWIFTNESS BE WITH YOU!!!!! |
zapper resistance |
Death at Night |
Hi! I'm back! |
Pounclaw |
we shall reunite! |
Sudden death |
my brother! Teo! |
Teo (brother of Pouncer, Shadow Nightmare, Death at Night, and Pounceclaw) |
thanks, zapper resistance. |
space warp zapper resistance |
(Imposter Duplicate #483) |
(by the way, there are also duplicate hackers and counterfeiters, too) |
Teo |
Ooh, that's a big problem right there. |
Pouncer (LOTM) |
I'm back! How are you guys doing? |
That's a relief. |
RC spiffy spiff |
jk i'm not going anywhere |
RC spiffy spiff |
this time my friends, i am going on a journey that will last for a few months. if i don't make it back alive, remember me! farewell, and MAY THE NAGGIN'S SWIFTNESS BE WITH YOU!!!!! |
Teo |
the game starts now! |
(Copy and paste.) |
Here's the History of Teonian Empire Discord server: https://discord.gg/SgtzGgNv |
Teo |
I touch the truth flag. I ask Sir Bread of the Sandwich Dynasty what my roles are. |
RC | dinosaurus |
I find one of the hidden secrets of the red flag's disapearence. using this I find the red flag and become a TSC. I then seal the red flag in the 5th dimension. |
RC | dinosaurus |
I go on a perilous journey to find the secrets of the calvinball paradox |
RC | dinosaurus |
wait, none of the craps things are real rules in craps |
a |
the score is now: Oogy to 12 |
Howard |
kick the ball |
Sir Bread | TSC |
also I am b; the b in my name stands for bread |
Sir Bread | TSC |
when I touched the red flag I already had the calvinball so your rule is nulled |
susieeeeee |
NEW RULE!! whosever flag you touch, they should spin round and round until
you touch them with the calvinball! |
RC spiffy spiff |
i tell all the new comers the battle of the Mordon Alliance vs the Dinosaurian empire. (BTW scroll down a bit, you'll find it.) |
me |
NEW RULE!! everyone not playing calvinball must dance a jig |
Teo |
L, can you give me more roles in discord? |
I meant to make that a flag play. |
However, king dice was in the Boomerang Zone during this event. Luckily, I activate my Double Boomerang flag and the action has double effect, knocking king dice out of the game. |
I unban king dice and roll a 3, 6, 6, 1, 4, and a 2. This grants me the kill activation trigger and I destroy kiong dice's dice, making his rolls all 0. |
Now hang on a minute! If king dice wants to be smart, two can play at THAT game... |
Teo |
I remember that! that was fun! his eyes were as big as dinner plates! |
Pouncer |
Look! it's my other brother, Teo! good to see you again! remember how we pounced on calvin every time he came back from school? |
from SC Teo- To all members of Teonian empire |
I promote all members of my empire to silver commanders (SC is already star commander, so silver commander is SVC) |
RC | dinosaurus |
King dice is banished and L is revived |
RC | dinosaurus |
dude why are you making cuphead and gambling references? nobody knows what you are talking about |
king dice |
all my rolls were 9, 6, or 11, so L lost and died |
king dice |
L's fifth and sixth rolls were 9 and 7, but the next five roles were snake eyes |
king dice |
L rolled snake eyes on his first, second, and fourth roll, but rolled 7 on the third |
I use the supreme power of Void Termina to destroy fake b's soul, freeing the red flag and causing it to vanish. Meanwhile, the Super God is destroyed in the process and I easily defeat the god. |
king dice |
I engage L in a craps game. Whoever loses forfeits their life |
anouncer |
dinosaurus is a TSC |
fake b |
I use the red flag to make my mortal body a god. then, I send my soul into the red flag, making another god. I merge the gods together making a super god |
I promote b to a Time-Space Commander. |
RC | L |
I go back in time with the DeLorean and use the power of the Red Flag I gained access to with the Calvinball Paradox, creating the Red Flag and a Bootstrap Paradox (legit theory) in the process. This promotes me to Timespace Commander. |
RC | dinosaurus |
I create the calvinball paradox, allowing you to access the past of this calvinball game. I use it to access the red flag, which mysteriously disapeared |
RC | b (Sir Bread) |
also b in my name stands for bread |
RC | b (Sir Bread) |
min could get out of timeout if he tells who score is that |
RC | b (Sir Bread) |
lol i only used two of many powers of RC |
RC | b |
lol yes |
RC | L |
I know right? |
RC | b |
min was put in timeout-for making random scores, seriously, whos score is that? |
RC | b |
There is a new team - The teonian Tiger Team... Teo earned the badge Duo alliance |
RC | L |
But whose score is that? |
min |
RC | L |
I create the Tiger Zone, a place under MY control. Only people with my permission can enter it. |
RC | dinosaurus |
I create dino zone, a place under my control |
RC | dinosaurus |
I enter the nightmare zone |
RC | dinosaurus |
seriously, why is nobody adding ANYTHING? |
NightmareKingGrimm |
I use my Lantern Flag and create the Zone of Nightmares! |
RC | dinosaurus |
where is everyone? |
RC | b |
why spiffy spiff? :( |
RC spiffy spiff |
yeah, rc means Red commander, after the best item, the red flag! btw no thanks to the discord. |
RC | dinosaurus |
L, RC is the new highest rank |
RC | b |
Spiffy spiff, would you like to join our discord server? |
RC | b |
i shake hands with spiffy spiff too; its time to get back to business |
RC spiffy spiff |
i shake hands with rc L, as i haven't seen him for some time now. |
RC | b |
check the announcements on the discord page |
RC | L |
What's RC? I missed a lot. |
RC | dinosaurus |
you have to put RC in front of your name stuffy because I made you an RC |
Stuffy |
Everybody swaps bodies for the entire round. |
RC | dinosaurus |
I promote stuffy to RC |
hobbes |
NEW RULE!! everyone sing a song |
RC | dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! unless they are good, dead players cannot be revived |
RC | dinosaurus |
I create anouncer flag, you can summon anouncer and he will help you |
RC | dinosaurus |
I promote anouncer to SC for supporting me |
RC | dinosaurus |
wait is there a difference between shadow nightmare and shadow teo |
RC | dinosaurus |
wait shadow nightmare is teo's brother? I thought he was killed before teo even showed up |
RC | dinosaurus |
I promote L to RC |
SC | L |
Yes indeed, I am back! By the way your title is SC for Star Commander, as is mine. |
Teonian empire members |
sir! you're back! |
Teo |
and L! you're my favorite lieutenant and chief officer in-command! |
Teo |
I'm back, and he's here! Shadow nightmare! my brother! |
SC | L |
Nevermind, ty Shadow Nightmare |
SC | L |
I avoid X's infection of me and use my Missle Launcher on them. |
RC | b |
oops i forgot to give dinosaurs RC but good thing announcer did it, thanks announcer |
RC | b |
yes it is |
RC | dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! impostering an RC is punishable by death |
54 |
I obtain the flag by virtue of being online |
TBP Stuffy |
Now back to the war.... |
TBP Stuffy |
Hello I am back! I was on a trip with my family. I am glad to see you again b! Welcome back! |
RC | dinosaurus |
you are banned for violating rules of existence meaning you are dead, shadow nightmare |
shadow nightmare |
I am back from forever ago and begin my plan to revive X, the evil dinosaurus clones, monstrosaurus, and OMEGA ZERO GIGA FORM EX |
RC | dinosaurus |
use of X or his abilities is now banned and punished by demotion to insane |
RC | dinosaurus |
I create anti X ray, I use it to kill X and turn the X beings back to their original forms |
X |
I now infect L and turn him into a virus copy |
X |
all of b's clones are infected by me, as I am an X parasite from metroid fusion. I kill them and turn them into X copies of themselves |
RC | b |
I turned off the ability for [Code Name:] X to respawn (the ability to stop respawning is only available to RC) the ability for him to respawn is under my permission |
RC | b |
i shrink myself then teleport(s) inside [Code Name:] X's body and regrow myself causing [Code Name:] X's body to implode as i emerge from [Code Name:] X's mutilated body |
RC | b |
it turns out [Code Name:] X destroyed by duplicate (b the III) instead of me (RIP b the III) |
RC | b |
huh? what was that, I just came out of the bathroom |
Code name X |
I use shrinkrays to inflitrate b's brain and kill him from inside |
RC | dinosaurus |
that is bad so I destroy you. |
NEW RULE!! you must obey my orders |
RC | dinosaurus |
I give my power to revive b |
RC | dinosaurus |
I absorb OMEGA ZERO GIGA FORM EX's powers and obliterate him |
RC | dinosaurus |
I am gratefull for anouncer making me an RC, so I kick out my clones because there worse than someone who does almost nothing. |
anouncer |
NEW RULE!! dinosaurian empire is an RC |
sc | dinosaurian empire |
Hey Im a star commander |
since I am a god, I revive and use the sacred MA power to destroy B.
RC | b |
i realize im alone :( |
RC | b |
RC | b |
RC | b |
the following players are TBP/SC: Stuffy, Spiffy spiff, FIGHT TO THE END, Pouncing Time |
RC | b |
NEW RULE!! TBP is just a symbol that means you're just getting promoted, you still have your previous role! |
RC | b |
Stuffy's rank is changed to TBP |
RC | b |
spiffy spiff's rank is changed to TBP |
RC | b |
the following players are RC: L, b |
SC | b |
--NEW HIGHEST RANK!!!-- the RED COMMANDER - affiliating with the red flag (the most powerful flag in the game) the RED COMMANDER can control anyone below them |
SC | b |
the following players are T.B.P.: Major Rosa, TIGORTOO, dinosaurs |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! NEW RANK T.B.P. (to be promoted) |
SC | b |
SC | b |
the following players are rat: OMEGA ZERO GIGA FORM EX |
SC | b |
did i miss anybody who was SC? LET ME KNOW! |
SC | b |
the score is now: the following players are SC: Pouncing time, L, b (me), Spiffy Spiff, FIGHT TO THE END, stuffy |
SC | b |
i promote Pouncing Time to star commander for his hard work and dedication |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! the gravity impulse bomb has to be thrown in a specific way for it to work properly |
SC | b |
i used a gravity impulse bomb and used it on OMEGA ZERO GIGA FORM EX splitting him in two |
SC | b |
L could you check your discord? |
SC | b |
its been a long time! |
L |
you are denied OMEGA ZERO GIGA FORM EX |
SC | L |
Hang on a sec, I made a rule stating that rules cannot be nulled! |
the MA is now forced to make me a star commander |
all previous rules are nulled. this means you are once again allowed to use L's duplicator and make rules allowing you to instantly win |
because I am the prime force of existence, I automatically win. new game? |
using the sacred powers of all MA members, I become a god and obliterate EVERYONE. Due to this, I am the prime force of existence |
HeroHog |
Stumble over own feet, +Q points.
Breaks Hip, -Eleventeen. |
Teo |
yes! For want of a nail a horseshoe was lost, for want of a horseshoe a horse went lame, for want of a horse a rider never got through, for want of a rider a message never arrived, for want of a message an army was never sent, for want of an army a battle was lost, for want of a battle a war was lost, for want of a war a kingdom fell, and all for want of a nail. |
Calvin |
Run in a circle |
dad |
go to bed! NOW! |
Stupendous man |
no longer need to do it! |
wasdf |
NEW RULE!! no calvin ball |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
i come back after my surpisingly quick adventure and shake all the newcomer's hands in welcome |
Royal Teonian Poet |
For want of a nail a horseshoe was lost,
for want of a horseshoe a horse went lame,
for want of a horse a rider never got through,
for want of a rider a message never arrived,
for want of a message an army was never sent,
for want of an army a battle was lost,
for want of a battle a war was lost,
for want of a war a kingdom fell,
and all for want of a nail. |
susie |
I wish my parents would move. my diary is getting weirder every day. |
Stupendous man |
Is it a bird? Or a plane? |
Calvin |
O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore, dimly seen thro’ the mist of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream
’Tis the star-spangled banner. Oh! long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation,
Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the Heav’n-rescued land
Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave. |
Promotion |
the score is now: In the Naggins word, I promote Stuffy Cottonson to STAR CLERIC |
Stupendous man |
Stupendous man show up! |
Stupendous man |
Stupendous man show up! |
cal vin does the dababy pose les goooo |
the score is now: oggy to q |
sc | dinosaurian empire |
i am here now, not in june because of miscalculations |
sc | dinosaurian empire |
hi L! by the way, were star commanders now and b and spiffy spiff are gone |
Stuffy |
I ask for a promotion to star cleric |
Big evil dad |
Tigers are great! They're the toast of the town. Life's always better when a tiger's around! |
Major Rosa |
NEW RULE!! Go to the final verse NOW! |
Major Rosa |
OK this is getting boring... |
Big evil dad |
Tigers have power! Tigers for president! In the White house they are resident! |
Big evil dad |
Tigers are great! They can't be beat! If I was a tiger, that would be neat! |
Big evil dad |
Tigers are mean! Tigers are fierce! Tigers have teeth and claws that pierce! |
SC | L |
Bye everyone who's leaving! Sorry I missed out on a lot |
GC Stuffy |
HA, you touch the poem flag! |
Big evil dad |
NEW RULE!! Go to bed NOW! |
GC Stuffy |
NEW RULE!! Everyone who hit the poem flag have to sing the tiger poem 3 times |
I destroy salt water crocodile giga form |
salt water crocodile giga form |
I begin the most EPIC battle with OMEGA ZERO GIGA FORM EX |
hyenasaurus is oliterated with TIGORITOO power |
I obliterate CrazySonicGamer with the powers of dinosaurus and monstrosaurus |
Hobbes |
*does DaBaby pose* LES GOOOOOOOOOO |
Calvin |
CrazySonicGamer is doesn't matter because I have the time freeze flag! ZA WARUDO!!!!!!!!! |
CrazySonicGamer |
WaIt WaS tHaT a JoJo ReFeReNcE |
NEW RULE!! the world is in my power, as I have the powers of every good player of calvinball ever |
hyenasaurus |
I am taking the place of dinosaurus |
sc | dinosaurian empire |
i am leaving, I will return in june. goodbye calvinball! |
dinosaurian empire |
monstrosaurus is revealed to be evil dinosaurus clone 5, he is killed and banned |
Calvin |
I use the duplicator to make 1000000 copies of me! |
CrazySonicGamer |
Throws water balloons at enemy players and uses space blaster to drench my opponents! |
CrazySonicGamer |
New Flag! This is the speed flag, acquire this and you get super speed! |
CrazySonicGamer |
I have the ball! Catch me if you can! Oh wait..... I HAVE SUPER SPEED🏎 |
anouncer |
NEW RULE!! dinosaurus and his empire are now MA star commanders |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
all star commanders, i am going on an incredible journey and i will return at the end of may! FAREWELL MY FRIENDS,and(again)may the Naggin's swiftness be with you! |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
May The Naggin's swiftness be with you TIGORITOO! |
monstrosaurus and dinosaurian empire |
wait I take back everything and ask to join the MA because I am totally overpowered |
😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠I like emojies🌚😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠🛑 |
Major Rosa |
Hey! Someone pretend to be me! The fake Major Rosa is foreverbin prison😠 |
Stuffy |
SALUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!! *crying again* |
Major Rosa |
Me too! You was the best calvinball player in the world! |
Stuffy |
So long Tigoritooo! *sniff* I will miss you! *crying niagara falls* |
And now I retiring like Star Commander B! Bye Calvinball! |
Thank you Score keeper! |
Score keeper |
the score is now: Tigorito 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Other(idiots) 0,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 |
And now i win the hole game, because I am the only player. |
WOW it worked! |
NEW RULE!! I declare that everyone disappear NOW! |
Hey guys! I am back! |
monstrosaurus and dinosaurian empire |
NEW RULE!! everyone in the MA is a #$%^&$%*%^$*$%$*$% idiot |
wow |
taking flag |
losaurus, bosaurus, teosaurus, and spiffy spiffosaurus |
we beat up the MA |
dinosaurus |
I create dinosaur copies of powerful people on the server |
monstrosaurus and dinosaurian empire |
we declare war on the MA for trying to kill dinosaurus and his clones |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
i blast monstosaurus for being a toxic player |
Pouncing Time |
the score is now: The cerulean flag awards me 12oogy^3 points! |
Pouncing Time |
Takes the cerulean flag from Zone K2, high above the Land of Hostile Orangutans and east of the Kablooie Crater of 1993. |
Cap'n Napalm |
Eat flag |
Cap'n Napalm |
NEW RULE!! All superheroes are immune to the gooey kablooie! |
H |
Throw flag in nearest glass of water |
Teo |
Canadians are nice! don't ban them, Bucky! |
SC | b |
Bye for now |
SC | b |
I’m sorry to say this, but retiring from Calvinball to work on the discord server and school |
monstrosaurus and dinosaurian empire |
also why did people put Me on the evil alliance? only one batch of clones actualy was evil! |
monstrosaurus and dinosaurian empire |
NEW RULE!! all bucky things are banned |
monstrosaurus and dinosaurian empire |
second, bucky hates canadians and liberals |
monstrosaurus and dinosaurian empire |
first who the freek did respawn him |
SC | L |
Yo what the heck, why are you banning Canadians? |
bucky x 500000000000000000000000000000 |
NEW RULE!! we tear all liberals to pieces and ban canadians |
monstrosaurus and dinosaurian empire |
NEW RULE!! Messages unrelated to the game are now banned |
SCb |
Sorry I was away I was working in the discord server |
SCb |
Rip ur dog spiffy spiff |
SC spiffy spiff |
My dog just died. i am immune to all attacks for the rest of the day |
Teo |
where is everyone? |
Teo |
Wanna join this discord? https://discord.gg/Tu7ntP4j |
SC | L |
Yeah, I liked it. |
Caldwell |
did you read the blog below? |
Caldwell |
did you like It? |
SC | L |
You can join our Discord server down there if you want. |
Caldwell |
copy and paste this; It's my Favorite blog : https://www.fresheggsdaily.blog/ |
Caldwell |
and my mom doesn't allow me to make an account on discord. |
caldwell |
I'm on a microsoft PC. why? |
SC | L |
Caldwell, are you on Discord? |
SC | L |
Sure. For being a patron of two new ranks, you get Gold Commander. |
caldwell |
Even if Teo doesn't get it, can we make at LEAST make a triple and double gold star commander rank? Please? And what rank am I? this is directly to L, the the LOTMA (stands for Leader Of The MA.) |
caldwell |
Even if Teo doesn't get it, can we make at LEAST make a triple and double gold star commander? |
SC | L |
My previous rule stated that you cannot state that you automatically win for no reason. jimbles neutronbo is demoted to Sleepy for violating this rule. |
jimbles neutronbo |
NEW RULE!! I win. |
jimbles neutronbo |
make cheezits |
Stuffy |
I accept the invitation to be in team MA. I promise that I will be a loyal member of MA. |
dinosaurus and clones |
We form the dinosaurian empire |
monstrosaurus |
I revive dinosaurus and all of his clones |
SC | b |
All of Teo’s people are temps, if you don’t like that , you will be demoted to silver commander |
SC | L |
Aw man! Are you on mobile? |
SC spiffy spiff |
srry L. can't. my computer doesn't allow discord. |
SC | L |
This is for Spiffy Spiff spiffecifically. |
SC | L |
Here's a Discord server for Calvin and Hobbes. Copy and paste it: https://discord.gg/nKW4BTXr |
SC | L |
Caldwell, Teo's rank will raise back to Star Commander as he persists with his streak of non-betrayal. You can't promote him immediately to above you. |
Teo |
the members of the Teonian empire MUST be SCs. NEVER call them temp |
caldwell |
Teo gets the highest rank for saying the REASON why he's sorry. |
caldwell |
Teo Is still a quadruple-gold star commander. he apologized, remember? |
SC spiffy spiff |
greetings SC|L! how are you today? |
SC spiffy spiff |
Major Rosa is back? is he/she on our side now? |
scorekeeper (SC | b) |
The following players are star commanders: SC | b (me), SC | L, and SC | spiffy spiff |
scorekeeper (SC | b) |
the following players are gold commanders: Kirby, The Spinning Chair |
scorekeeper (SC | b) |
the following players are temps: momians, moeians, hobbians, susians, hobbes, Susie Derkins,Calvin, ms wormwood, Mr Bun, big bad mom, and big bad dad |
scorekeeper (SC | b) |
the score is now: the following players are silver commanders: Teo |
scorekeeper (SC | b) |
the score is now: the following players are bronze commanders: FIGHT TO THE END |
scorekeeper (SC | b) |
the score is now: im another unplayable player created by b |
SC | b |
the score is now: The following player are prisoners: Caldwell Johnson, Major Rosa, b | camcorder (FAKE b) |
SC | b |
the score is now: The following player are prisoners: Caldwell Johnson, Major Rosa, b | camcorder (FAKE b) |
SC | L |
Caldwell Johnson is released from prison with a warning and promoted to a General, one step lower than a commander. Teo is officially given the Silver Cammander (SiC) role for apologizing. |
SC | b |
the score is now: Caldwell Johnson's rank is dropped to "prisoner" |
SC | b |
Caldwell Johnson also receives another penalty for making up a fake rank; now I drop him in prison for a LONG time |
SC | b |
Caldwell Johnson receives a x2 penalty for giving Teo a rank higher than his |
caldwell johnson |
I will make Teo a major quadruple-gold star commander (the highest rank) for politely apologizing. |
SC | b |
Hello The Spinning Chair; the spinning chair is a gold commander and a RHM (right hand man) |
The Spinning Chair-a nice duplicate of SC | b |
hello, i am a nice duplicate of SC | b |
The Spinning Chair-a nice duplicate of SC | b |
hello, i am a nice duplicate of SC | b |
SC | b |
i created a nice duplicated of myself and i named him "The Spinning Chair" |
lonely Teo |
where are my friends L, TIGORITOOO and shadow Teo? I miss them. and I never killed stuffy. I wanted him OUT OF JAIL. I fought because I didn't understand who was the enemy. I'm sorry to everyone. |
SC | b |
Teo's name must be changed to BC | teo or else you will get a penalty for breaking my rule |
SC | b |
actually teo, you are now a bronze commander so you can't get you kningdom back yet |
royal Teonian scorekeeper and arching commander |
the score is now: a complete Tie. |
Teo |
I say sorry to everyone for being a traitor. I rejoin the Teonian empire and my jobs. |
SC | b |
(powerless rank ALSO not included too) |
SC | b |
(wordmaster, warmaster, and red flag users (RFU) ranks are ALSO not included) |
SC | b |
i realize im alone :( |
SC | b |
(edited) list of ranks (afk, dead, RHM ranks not included) insane»prisoner»street rat»has a job»temps»cleric»commander»bronze commander»silver commander» gold commander»star cleric»president»star commander |
SC | b |
list of ranks (afk and dead ranks not included)
insane»prisoner»street rat»has a job»temps»cleric»commander»bronze commander»silver commander» gold commander» star cleric»president»star commander |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! to be a star commander, you need to fight in 5 or more wars, establish more than 20 rules, become a leader/right hand man (RHM) in an alliance/empire and contribute to Calvinball for more than 5 days |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! you cant control the people that has a higher rank than you; that means FIGHT TO THE END gets a penalty |
SC | b |
FIGHT TO THE END is demoted to bronze commander for turning Stuffy into ice cream |
SC | b |
actually Stuffy is a gold commander |
SC | b |
the score is now: the following players are silver (almost gold) commanders: Stuffy |
SC | b |
The following players are temps: momians, moeians, hobbians, susians, hobbes, Susie Derkins,Calvin, ms wormwood, Mr Bun, big bad mom, and big bad dad |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! star commanders also have the power to control people's points and take powers away from ANYONE |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! star commanders have the power to control the universe/its functions |
SC | b |
oops i said the same thing twice |
SC | b |
as a star commander, i strip Rosa's powers and let L deal with her |
SC | b |
as a star commander, i strip Rosa's powers and let L deal with her |
SC | b |
i killed the fake 'b' (b | camcorder) |
SC | b |
the "b | camcorder" that said "Major Rosa is the best player in the world! She is now the leader of all team. I am just a gooey kablooie" is ANOTHER FAKE |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! anyone who doesn't wear a mask gets a penalty |
SC | b |
Stuffy? do you want to be in our team-the MA? |
Major Rosa |
Thank you gooey kablooie! |
b | camcorder |
Major Rosa is the best player in the world! She is now the leader of all team. I am just a gooey kablooie |
I am confused, which team am I in? |
Susie Derkins |
HEY! You cant have 1573992 points! |
Stuffy |
the score is now: Stuffy- 1573992- The other/noobs 12 |
Wasty |
Enough of that now! What is the score and what is the team? |
Miss Wormwood |
Let me see your homework. What a...CALVIN, how could you get so bad grade! |
Calvin |
This homework is easy. 34! 67! 12! 07! 53! |
Hobbes |
It's easy, just add three and six together. The answer is of course 36! |
Calvin |
Hobbes? Whats 3+6? |
Calvin |
Hmm, I cant this question eiter, but I have no money left! |
Calvin |
Thanks Susie! |
Susie Derkins |
It's 1000000001. |
Calvin |
Susie, whats 9+4? I will pay you 25 cent! |
Stuffy |
NEW RULE!! Stuffed tigers cant do homework! |
Stuffy |
I am not an ice cream any more! |
mr Bun |
yum, yum |
Big bad mom |
If it's any ice creams, I let mr bun it it up! |
Stuffy |
I cant i am an ice cream! |
Big evil dad |
NEW RULE!! Everyone in prison lets out and every player have to do their homework! |
Stuffy |
Oh no, I am an ice cream! |
I transform Stuffy with my snowman flag! |
I have a escape safe prison! I pours flour on Major Rosa and put her in the prison! |
Major Rosa |
I got the invisible flag! Nobody can see me! |
Major Rosa |
Gaffeltrucksforarinstruktionsfilmvisningslokal! :p |
Major Rosa |
NEW RULE!! The player who says gaffeltrucksforarinstruktionsfilmvisningslokal first get the invisible flag! |
Stupendous man |
Stupendous man show up and rescue Stuffy! With incredible speed he sew Stuffys tummy! |
I have the snowman flag! Everyone I touch transform into ice creams! |
SC spiffy spiff |
ok im going to have my dinner. goodnught guys! |
SC spiffy spiff |
y'know, that is a great question. P.S i'm still star commander spiffy spiff |
SC | b |
*teo |
SC | b |
im just thinking... WHY did Teo betray us?? |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! the only rules you can make null and void are ONLY for antagonists |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! oh ok then.. kirby is also a star commander and sorcerer because he basically you, L! |
S | ESP Kirby |
*obliterates shadow teo with PK Shift* |
SC | L |
Bro Kirby's my secret weapon! |
SC | b |
btw teo spawned 100 billion miles away from us |
SC | b |
teo done so much bad things his name doesn't deserved to be name with a capital T from now on his name is teo |
SC | b |
i make the sun shine to teo and his shadow from incinerating them |
Shadow Teo |
NEW RULE!! every power i get is also transferred to Teo cuz im his shadow form |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
you cant do anything, your actions are null and void, therefore we don't need to worry about you. |
Shadow Teo |
i have the acid flag, so everything i touch is acid! |
Shadow Teo |
i help gain my brother's (teo) power back and conquer the galaxy |
Shadow Teo |
the score is now: i earn the rank: shadow star commander (SSC) and destroy the MA |
Shadow Teo |
HAHA! these fools dont know whats gonna happen next |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! your rank must be beside your name Example: S (sorcerer) | kirby |
SC | b |
the score is now: the following players are sorcerers: Kirby; kirbys name must be changed to S | kirby |
SC | b |
f for the dead |
SC | b |
the score is now: the following players are considered dead: abrupt le, L the II, and Stupendous Axolotl :( press F to pay respects |
SC | b |
whos kirby? |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! star commanders have the power to do almost anything |
Kirby |
*resurrects stuffy* |
SC | b |
oops i said the same thing twice |
SC | b |
could i revive stuffy? |
SC | b |
could i revive stuffy? |
SC | b |
f for stuffy |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I go to stuffy's grave and press f to pay my respect. |
SC | b |
Teo cant make rules because he's powerless and his rules are null and void |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
btw teo, when you shot me and b, that's Star Commander spiffy spiff to you. |
SC | b |
RIP stuffy 2021 - 2021 :( |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
welcome back b. I take off my Mordon suit and we wait for L so we can have a party. |
SC | b |
btw SC in my name stands for star commander |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! our empire isn't U.D.E. anymore |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! welcome back to the good old days |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! with the teoian empire fallen, our empire isn't the duo empire anymore; we have changed our name to MA again |
SC | b |
sorry i was gone, you done a great gob protecting the MA (mordon alliance) |
SC | b |
NEW RULE!! my name is SC (star commander) and b |
SC | b |
i attend the party! |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I now realize i am alone...i patiently wait for my friends to come back |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I come back and realize that we won. I throw a celebration party! |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I target teo with the infrared vision on my helmet and I blast him with the plasma screamer laser mode |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
im gonna be afk for a bit. win the war!!! |
STUPENDOUS TIGER (Star Commander L) |
Stupendous Tiger is go! |
Star Commander L |
I'll transform into STUPENDOUS TIGER! |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I go to my private quarters and find the Mordon Armor! |
Star Commander L |
Good idea. I'll set my Blaster to Well Done. |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
good! I set the plasma screamer gun i own to a new level i made beforehand, super laser. |
Star Commander L |
We shall defeat Teo in honor of Stuffy! (And dont worry about Stuffy ;)) |
Star Commander L |
Don't worry, the capabilities of my secret weapon are beyond Teo's imagination. |
Star Commander L |
*hug*💙 |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
even though his army is gone, teo can single handedly defeat stuffy. i saw teo kill our best soldier, stuffy. |
Star Commander L |
It turns out Teo was the threat all along... |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
i tell the teonain empire that teo is dead and they go back to their own planets. |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
im sorry L. i thought wrong. I hug my good friend. |
Star Commander L |
Now quick, we have to attack the Teonian Empire while Teo is disengaged! |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
He is Star Commander L. we are the most important people in the univerese |
Star Commander L |
I am not. I'm battling Teo! |
Star Commander L |
I deem we make camcorder | b a Star Commander as well! |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
Are you planning on betraying us L? |
Kirby |
POYO! *inhales Teo* |
L |
Spoke too soon. Time to summon my secret weapon! |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
L! good to see you old friend! I redeclare war on teo and I use my plasma screamer on teo |
Star Commander L |
Sorry for the delay! It seems you've all done great work. |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I accept that th MA cannot fight teo. i surrender. I'm sorry MA |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
Teo is back after being in exile for 300000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years? MORDON ALLIANCE FIRE ON THAT MAN!!!!!!!! |
Teo (now leader of the Teonian musketers, emperor of the Teonian empire, king of Teonia .) |
I am now a triple-gold commander. |
Teo |
I shoot 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999+ bullets at spiffy and b AGAIN. |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
Thank you status check |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
farewell Star Commander B, and may the Naggin's swiftness be with you |
b | camcorder |
before i go, the the following players are not players: Announcer, status check |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I end Major Rosa's reign of terror and the Mordon Alliance has a celebration!!! Woo Hoo!! |
status check |
b | camcorder just started being afk |
b | camcorder |
i gtg see u around in 30 minutes - 1 hour and 30 minutes (maybe 2 hours) |
b | camcorder |
no idk where he is |
b | camcorder |
thank you very much Star Commander spiffy spiff same goes for u |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
Does anyone know where fellow Star Commander L is? |
b | camcorder |
the score is now: the following players are warmasters: L, star commander spiffy spiff, b | camcorder (me) and FIGHT TO THE END |
b | camcorder |
the score is now: the following players are rulemakers: star commander spiffy spiff, L, and b | camcorder (me) |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I make b my right hand man, as he is my most trusted ally and friend. |
b | camcorder |
STAR COMMANDERS, can we connect with the G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) club? |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I make an alliance with G.R.O.S.S as b requested and now we wait for the G.R.O.S.S members to join |
Announcer |
--NEW ZONE!! the stupendous man zone he will Stupendous man will help you find the other team's flag with stupendous speed!!-- |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I reload my plasma screamer gun and kick Teo out of the MA. He is now an outcast and can never join the Mordon Alliance agian. |
b | camcorder |
STAR COMMANDERS, can we connect with the G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) club? |
b | camcorder |
NEW RULE!! star commanders have the abilities to give and make important plans |
b | camcorder |
BIG promotions we got here GREAT job guys 🎉 |
Star Commander spiffy spiff |
I gladly accept the star commander rank. i stand proudly and i yell "TEN HUT!" at all my friends in this war. "Prepare for battle!" |
b | camcorder |
NEW RULE!! Teo's rank is 'insane' |
b | camcorder |
NEW RULE!! star commander is now this highest know rank |
Announcer |
--CONGRATS spiffy spiff-- |
b | camcorder |
spiffy spiff is now a star commander |
Announcer |
--CONGRATS general spiffy spiff-- |
b | camcorder |
general spiffy spiff is now a star commander |
general spiffy spiff |
i blast teo with my plasma screamer gun with the highest setting (disintegrate) |
b | camcorder |
the score is now: the following players are Red flag (the most important flag) users (R. F. U.): L, b | camcorder, FIGHT TO THE END, and Stuffy |
b | camcorder |
Teo's rules are nulled and ignored |
b | camcorder |
the following players are Gold commanders: Spiffy spiff and general admiral spiff |
b | camcorder |
the following players are star commanders: L, b | camcorder, and Admiral spiff |
b | camcorder |
the following players are warmasters: FIGHT TO THE END |
b | camcorder |
oops i forgot FIGHT TO THE END is in the U.D.E. |
b | camcorder |
the following players are wordmasters: L |
b | camcorder |
the following players are temps: momians, moeians, hobbians, susians, and stuffy |
b | camcorder |
the score is now: the following players are in the U.D.E. momians, moeians, hobbians, susians, L, b | camcorder, admiral spiff, general admiral spiff and stuffy |
b | camcorder |
i fix up the duplicator only making it useable to the U.D.E. |
Teo |
NEW RULE!! I fire 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 and much, much, more bullets.
I fire 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 and 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333322222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222299999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 pounces at spiffy and b. |
b | camcorder |
b | camcorder |
i pardon general admiral spiff |
b | camcorder |
i respawn Admiral spiff and general Admiral spiff |
b | camcorder |
teo is actually demoted to "pawn" for hurting our friends btw he is kicked out of the U.D.E. and his points are: P (pawn) |
b | camcorder |
i changed my avatar again |
b | camcorder |
L was never actually in prison |
b | camcorder |
I changed my avatar |
b | camcorder |
WAIT DID I SAY "L is forever in prison as i wave the red flag" I MEANT TIGORITOOO IS IN PRISON FOREVER SORRY L :( |
b | camcorder |
NEW RULE!! star commanders can take points from gold commanders |
b | camcorder |
the score is now: Teo is demoted to Gold commander for killing me |
b | camcorder |
why did you fire a lot of bullets at me Teo?? i didnt do anything |
b | camcorder |
NEW RULE!! anyone who impersonates me will get punished |
b | camcorder |
i releace L from prison |
b | camcorder |
bucktooth181 has his bucktooth kicked out for calling me that |
b | camcorder |
someones impersonating me again! the person that said "I will hereby let L out of prison!" is a fake i put him in 999999 years in prison |
bucktooth181 |
b is big dum dum stupido |
Teo |
times 9999999999999999 plus 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 pounces. |
Teo |
sorry. I meant 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 and much, much, more bullets. |
Teo |
I fire 9999999999999999999999+ bullets at b and the so called "general" spiffy spiff. I call the entire military of the Teonian empire. |
b I camcorder |
I will hereby let L out of prison! |
general spiffy spiff |
i use my plasma screamer gun at Major rosa and his/her followers |
general spiffy spiff |
oh wait nvm i go back in time and stop myself after realizing ADMIRAL SPIFF was on our side im sorry ADMIRAL |
general spiffy spiff |
I aim my laser guided, heat seeking plasma screamer gun and blast ADMIRAL SPIFF to smithereens! |
Teo |
L! fire your cannons at rosa! |
Teonian 3rd regiment |
fire at the blood-thirsty maniacs! |
I bring the entire Teonian fleet and navy! |
general spiffy spiff |
I promote b as supreme leader. |
general spiffy spiff |
I salute supreme leader L, who is now in prison and thank him for his hard work |
Major Rosa |
NEW RULE!! The captures have to eat mies and gruel |
general spiffy spiff |
I promote myself to general of the MA and aim my plasma screamer gun at FIGHT TO THE END and I shoot |
NEW RULE!! Everyone Who are in prison change place with The one Who capture him/her |
b | camcorder |
NEW RULE!! b | camcorder (me) is officially the real b |
I have thief The other teams treasures and ranking up to president. |
b | camcorder |
the score is now: the following players are red flag users: L, Teo, b | camcorder |
b | camcorder |
L is forever in prison as i wave the red flag |
b | camcorder |
i have infrared goggles i easily catch TIGORITOOO and place him back in prison; he is demoted to prisoner (worse that a street rat rank ) |
the real spiffy spiff |
I summon an army of L clones made to attack and sic 'em on Major rosa |
Boy, try to catch ME! I drunk The invisible brew! |
b | camcorder |
the following players are silver commanders: the real spiffy spiff |
b | camcorder |
the score is now: i have the camcorder rank; that means i can turn into a camera anytime i like |
the real spiffy spiff |
I ask L to be promoted to general of the mordon alliance after apoligizing for killing him a week ago. |
b | camcorder |
NEW RULE!! star commanders can take points from anyone, including star clerics |
b | camcorder |
the score is now: the following players are Warmasters: Teo and FIGHT TO THE END |
b | camcorder |
the score is now: L, b | camcorder (me), Teo, and Admiral Spiff are ranked Star Commanders |
b | camcorder |
i fell down after hopping on my leg 34 times |
b | camcorder |
MR (major Rosa) is put back in prison and is given beatles to eat |
b | camcorder |
TIGORITOO is put in prison for helping the enemy also stuffy is released from prison |
Stuffy |
I have The stupenduos flag! Everyone I toutch have to jump on ONE leg |
Let Major Rosa go! I want more enimies! |
L |
Rosa will be kept prisoner until all MA members agree to let Rosa go. This includes Team Starfox. |
L |
Meeh. What a bad idea |
Stuffy |
NEW RULE!! Players cant capture stuffed tigers! |
Major Rosa |
What is The score? |
I take The right flank |
Stuffy |
Yea, I am bored. |
Stuffy |
Yea, I am bored. |
Major Rosa |
White flag! Please release Stuffy from prison! |
3...2...1...FIRE! HOT DOG RAIN! |
Yes sir! |
Yes sir! |
Fire The sausage cannons on my signal! |
b | camcorder |
im confused, who is the antagonist ??? |
Teo |
TIGORITOOO? where are you? |
Teo |
TIGORITOOO, you may be in peace AND join the MA and the Teonian empire if you release stuffy from prison. |
Teo |
good job, L! you did great! |
Teo |
L |
I'm taking Rosa prisoner! |
L |
TIGERITOOO Do you want to be in the MA? |
leader of the Teonian musketeers |
L |
*wipes out Rosa's army* |
Teonian 3rd lieutenent |
L-ian General Major |
L |
Oh, Rosa is an enemy? |
L |
B no! |
Teonian 3rd regiment |
L-ians |
*fires the Flare Beam X* |
b | camcorder |
i turn Rosa into paper and shred her in a paper machine [no more pouncing] |
Leader of the Teonian musketeers |
L-ian General Major |
admiral spiff |
leader of the Teonian musketeers |
L |
Rosa is a friend! |
Teonian 3rd lieutenant |
L |
Team StarFox launches an attack on Team TIGORITOOO! |
20th regiment |
b | camcorder |
is Rosa a friend or foe? |
18th regiment |
Teo |
call the 18th and 20th regiment! |
Calvinian general of the first Calvinian Cavalry |
don't pounce until you see the whites of their eyes! keep going! you can do it! |
the score is now: Rosa 12-11 TIGER |
calvinians |
all troops! encircle them! remember the 30th war of Calvin the 15th! |
Teonian general of the second Teonian troops |
official susonian general |
Major Rosa |
Military hit The language cirkel! |
official Teonian and MA major general |
Continue The war! |
military |
charge!!! to positions! ready! aim! POUNCE!!!!!!!!! (we're tigers, FYI ) |
I throw a water baloon on Major Rosa! |
Teo |
I got the entire Teonian military here. what now? |
Just stand there! You will get your friend soon. |
Teo |
what the what now? |
Major Rosa |
All right, I'm walking to tigers territorium with empty hands. What do you want now? |
the dadonians |
clean your room and go outside!!! |
Attack! I take stuffy as a pris er! If you want him back, com without weapon. |
the dadonians clone 2 |
L trampled into the lecture zone, now L has to face an 8 hour lecture |
Stuffy |
I get the Kangaroo flag! Now I jump 2 step in one! I go from Rosas territorium to TIGERS territorium on 4 steps and take one of theirs gold trophies in 2 steps! Now I have 0 steps left |
The double score square make me 2 points on one score. Then I get 1 point for style. B) |
Major Rosa |
Whait! How could you get 3 points!!!!? |
the score is now: Rosa-12-9-TIGER |
Well, meanwhile you two was talking, I move to the double score square and made score Xp |
Major Rosa |
WHAT! ME TOO! Korkskallarna förstår inte vad vi säger! HA HA HA HA HA! |
Stuffy |
Easy. I am from Sweden |
Major Rosa |
It's invisible |
Where is the Langue cirkle? |
Major Rosa |
NEW RULE!! If someone hit the language cirkle, the person have to speak swedish until the persons team have made a score |
I'm on TIGORITOOOS side |
Stuffy |
Lets FIGHT! |
Major Rosa |
TIGORITOOOS enimies are my friends! welcome! |
Stuffy |
Ok then! Sorry Major Rosa! Can I be in your team? |
I don't want a stuffed tiger in my team |
Stuffy |
I want! Major Rosa is a cheater |
Major Rosa |
No one you sissy |
WAAAAR!!!!!!! Who want to be in my team? |
Major Rosa |
the score is now: Major Rosa 12- TIGORITOOO 6 |
Major Rosa |
I move from the second base and make score in the third! |
Major Rosa |
But before you score, I put up my ball magnet and get the ball |
Stuffy |
Ok I have the calvinball. I move three steps and go to the secound base. |
Major Rosa |
NEW RULE!! Every player can only go 3 steps when the player have the calvinball |
Yor president flag was only worth 2 points |
Major Rosa |
ok, but how can I only have 2 points? |
Major Rosa |
ok, but how can I only have 2 points? |
I got 3 points for Volt time, and then I get 3 points for styles. Thats the rule |
Major Rosa |
HEY! How can it do that!! |
the score is now: The score is TIGORITOOO 6-Major Rosa 2 |
NOOOOOO! Darn president flag! But the other players cant move! |
Major Rosa |
Forget it! I hit the president flag and you are petrified! |
NEW RULE!! Every single player have to do somersaults when I say "Volt time"! |
L |
StarFox launches an attack on Dadonian Base 11! |
L |
Dadonian Base 6 is down! |
L-ians |
Our Sector 3 Division Troops launch an attack on the Dadonians! |
bnians (real b) |
the the dadonians are an enemy of the U.D.E. |
calvinnians |
i splash 100 water balloons on the dadonians defeating him task done |
Teo |
and that's why we plan to fight them... |
the dadonians |
Teo |
okay, our meeting is about playing calvinball against the dadonians, and we need a plan. got any ideas? |
other participants |
yes, sir! |
the susonians |
yes, sir! |
the momsinians |
yes, sir! |
the hobbesinians |
yes, sir! |
Teo |
all members report to meeting! |
L |
Teo |
I take the opera flag and now everybody has to sing a high-pitch song! |
L |
I'm back! |
Teo |
where is everyone? |
L |
Be back in an hour. |
Teo |
3 people joined the MA! |
Teo |
that's good. |
L |
My dang computer is so slow.. |
L |
Yes, I do. |
Teo |
where are you, L? |
Teo |
L, do you wanna join the Teonian empire? |
X |
NEW RULE!! wildly swing the racket around around |
Teo |
you all can! |
X |
the score is now: the score is A to 100 |
hobbes 3 |
can I? |
hobbes 2 |
can I? |
hobbes 1 |
can I? |
Teo |
I thought maybe there should be more people in the MA... |
Teo |
oh, and i'm talking to b. he wanted to join the empire. |
bucktooth181 |
I still wike turtles. |
L |
...I'm not b. |
Teo |
hey b, you can join the Teonian empire if you stop trying to kill me. |
L |
Sorry Teo, I didn't expect such a quick response. Yes, I am in the MA. |
Teo |
where is everyone? |
Teo |
I mean, duos aren't very ultimate. |
Teonian empire |
yeah, just a duo. |
Teo |
I was fully armed and In fact, I made a fake of myself and THAT'S what you killed. and that fake was legit b! |
bnians (real b) |
the score is now: our empire is renamed to U.D.E. or utimate duo empire |
bnians (real b) |
also the b that said "oh oh I am so, so, so, sorry. I will obey the Teonian empire forever!" is a FAKE |
bnians (real b) |
im sorry for killing u teo i would like to join the teo empire |
legit b |
i sent a discord friend request |
scorekeeper |
the score is now: the Teonian empire is winning! |
Teo |
you know, that fake is quite sarcastic. |
Teo |
of course I would! are you in it? |
L |
Teo, would you like to join the MA? |
L |
Thanks uwu |
Teo |
you're great, L! |
Teo and the Teonian empire |
we got the comeback flag, so we made a comeback! |
L |
*revives real b* |
Teo and the Teonian empire |
we killed dino and his cronies,legit b man, and that blondie announcer. |
L |
stop it fake b! |
L |
I'd like to join the Teonian Empire! |
bucktooth181 |
i wike turtles. |
Teo |
I killed the "spiff" b. |
b |
oh oh I am so, so, so, sorry. I will obey the Teonian empire forever! |
moenians |
yes, sir! |
susonians |
yes, sir! |
momsonians |
yes, sir! |
hobbesinians |
yes, sir! |
Teonian empire |
yes, sir! |
Teo |
anyone want to? |
Teo |
hi, L. wanna join the Teonian empire? |
L |
Aha, I know you're real because you knew what Yeetoz was.
Discord: D. Schrute 7364 |
Announcer |
L killed the real b by mistake |
b |
i cant access my fantom wiki because its blocked for me THIS IS NOT An EXCUSE @L do you have DISCORD? |
L |
I use the Mordon Star Sparkler to destroy shadow nightmare and b imposter!!! |
L |
b, you have to communicate via the code on Yeetoz otherwise you're the imposter. |
b |
NEW RULE!! sorry L, but i must incinerate your duplicator to stop further clones also i removed the power to make clones/summon more duplicators |
b |
i pulverize the EA (evil alliance) with my I-beam set to the setting: shockwave maximum |
b |
evil alliance is named EA for short cuz EA (the real game company is evil) |
b |
the score is now: the following people are in the evil alliance: bucky, dinosaurs, and dinosaurs clones etc |
b |
NEW RULE!! i changed my name to b |
legit b/b |
idk what happening rn |
dinosaurus |
I remove rob and satchel who still exist |
L and B |
we are restored due to the destrucion of shadow nightmare |
spiffy spiff |
I destroy venus preventing another shadow nightmare from coming |
anouncer |
NEW RULE!! shadow nightmare is desentigrated |
shadow nightmare |
I return and destroy L and B to sate my vengeance |
anouncer |
NEW RULE!! The evil dinosaurus clones are banned from game, all effects of their evil are erased |
evil dinosaurus clones |
we go to past wiping L, B, and Dinosaurus into dust so they never exist |
anouncer |
NEW RULE!! This game is getting to complicated! game reset! |
shadow nightmare |
I return from venus and burn calvinball field to ashes! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!! |
L |
!%^$&!%&*^$@*^%!$#^%#$!&**%($@(%^$(%^@$*%^$!*%(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!!!!! IM DYING! I RETURN TO VENUS TO REVIVE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
spiffy spiff |
I revive everyone imposter L killed and mortaly wound him with my desentigration ray |
spiffy spiff |
the L who just talked is the imposter |
L |
I beat the tar out of dinosaurus, his clones, and my imposter |
dinosaurus clones who were evil and got reserected |
we revive L and beat the @#%! out of bucky |
bucky |
I destroy L with fang and claw and rip all flags to pieces |
dinosaurus |
I reserect anyone the false clones kill |
dinosaurus clone 4 |
I warp reality creating satchel bucky and rob |
L |
Starfox is now working with the MA. |
L |
the score is now: MA: 10^6 + o457665378 to L imposter: -king of earth II real dinosaurus :fbgh,hbjkgffgn,hjvkjfkbjhvfbhjfvgg |
L |
I join Starfox and shoot down the Ar-Wings that tried to destroy real me and real b. o457665378 points! |
real dinosaurus clones |
we take point flag and dinosaurus gains fbgh,hbjkgffgn,hjvkjfkbjhvfbhjfvgg points |
dinosaurus |
I destroy clones because those clones were fake |
dinosaurus clones |
we commandeer ar-wings and destroy L and B and anyone with their names |
L |
Cmon-7384 45-November-7384-UltraX-Cmon-IlikeKirby |
L |
Look on Yeetoz, real b. |
legit b |
Seriously it is |
legit b |
(ps this is the real b) |
legit b |
NEW RULE!! i come by the name of legit b |
b |
whos "bs" |
L |
I restrict both bs from any action or statement, allowing b to be free from impersonation. The real b can communicate via a secret code given to Yeetoz. |
b |
i use scuttlebug power teleporting them to earth I |
b |
NEW RULE!! no one can copy L's , b's (my name), and L the II name |
b |
i say Avada Kedavra to the NA killing them |
b |
the score is now: i use the curse of blindness and splash it on NA (noob alliance) |
b |
btw im in 7th grade and i get decent grades (not c d or f) |
b |
L! help me defeat the NA (noob alliance) |
b |
i enchant knockback IV on a wooden stick and wack the noob alliance into my hydraulic press reseting their scores to 0 |
b |
the score is now: the people in the noob alliance are: Teo, Moe, rosalyn, mom and ms wormwood |
b |
the b who said "I am highly sorry." is impersonating me |
b |
the b who said "I am highly sorry." is impersonating me |
b |
The fake b will recive 10 months in jail |
b |
HEY i didnt type that SOMEONES impersonating ME (seriously) |
b |
I am highly sorry. |
Teo |
wow, thanks, everybody! |
Moe |
come on, stop swearing! |
rosalyn |
yeah! stop swearing, b! |
hobbes |
no swears |
miss wormwood |
b, you got another c-! |
Moe |
hey b, give me a quarter. Har! |
Teo |
thanks mom |
mom |
NEW RULE!! no-one can say swears |
b |
also i have the smash ultimate flag so i enabled my shield |
b |
*noob alliance |
Teo |
b barely survives my pounce |
Teo |
its me again |
Teo |
NEW RULE!! I make everyone restricted from saying "newbie |
b |
remember kirby's combo in smash ultimate? |
L |
What's a hammer flip? |
dinosaurus clones |
reporting for duty sir dinosaurus! |
dinosaurus |
I get dupicater and duplicate myself 12 times |
b |
the score is now: i jump 80000000 times with 900x speed and darn 1000000 points |
b |
teo gets so dizzy that he must sit down for 3 hours |
b |
i use hammer flip on teo and landed on the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster; he now has to ride the coaster 20 times |
b |
i set the mode to original mode so no extreme superpowers |
b |
well i guess its time for MA (mordon alliance) vs noobie alliance |
b |
who are these newbies? |
susie: |
Teo |
NEW RULE!! you have to jump 80 times to score a point |
teo |
the score is now: ayky to munky |
teo |
took the goody-goody flag |
L |
I forgive Spiffy Spiff. He is bailed out and will monitored day and night for any more foul play. |
b |
are you sure? you have a low reputation |
spiffy spiff |
i apologize for killing L. |
L |
Thx b |
b |
spiffy spiff will rejoin the MA after prison, thats his last strike |
b |
the score is now: spiffy spiff's rank is demoted to prisoner |
b |
i revive L |
b |
spiffy spiff is now in prison for 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 years for killing L |
spiffy spiff |
i turn on all other teamates and use my death ray blaster and kill L. |
Announcer |
btw MA stands for mordon alliance |
Announcer |
L's duplicates name's were changed to Example: S (stupendous) | L2 |
Announcer |
the score is now: L gained the hero flag |
L |
I resurrect my former duplicates and they turn into Stupendous Tigers. |
L |
I use Stupendous Void to trap L imposter in hell permanently. |
L |
MA and I gain back everything. |
L |
Btw I Final Smashed L imp back into hell before so he is back in hell, and I have the red flag. |
L |
I use PK Starstorm to destroy any future duplicates of L imposter. |
L |
Since L imposter is in hell, his duplicates catch on fire and burn to ashes. I use their ashes to restrengthen myself. |
L imposter |
L doesn't have the power to trasformigify, use his time machine, use scuttlebug power and even talk at all |
L imposter |
1000 of my duplicates are spraying weakening powder on L and beating him up |
L imposter |
*500001 imposters |
L imposter |
there are now 500000 duplicates so now 500000 imposters remain |
Announcer |
L imposter has the red flag |
Announcer |
the most powerful flag (even more powerful than the god flag) is the red flag made out of a red pillowcase and a stick, it is powerful because it is the original and the first flag created by calvinball |
L imposter |
they are now hunting for more flags |
L imposter |
there are now 435986 duplicates |
L imposter |
i make L imposter verson 883, 993, 1378, 2359, and 8674 to guard my side |
L imposter |
i create 1000 more duplicators and my duplicators create more duplicates |
L imposter |
i transform into a demon and suck all L's energy, now he is all alone, cant time travel, cant call for help or even fight! |
L imposter |
i silence the MA to talk for ever, now you need to talk by tapping in morse |
L imposter |
using L's stolen scuttlebug power i transport L's prison to space! |
L imposter |
i time travel use weakening power on L tj\hen beat him up |
L imposter |
btw i revive my duplicates |
L imposter |
remember i said i took away )everything) from you L? |
L imposter |
my duplicates attack L and his team while i dump water on the flame wall and escape from hell |
L |
We should all have attack powers to defeat enemies amirite? |
L |
My ability to talk is back and the MA's things are revived! |
L |
...L imposter was The Imposter. 0 Imposters remain. |
L |
the score is now: MA: 10^6 to L imposter: -king of earth II |
L |
My Flame Wall prevents L imposter from escaping Hell. |
L |
I smash L imposter w/ the 2x Calvinball in the Negative Zone. All scores now have reversed +/-ive. |
b |
the score is now: everyone in MA has the god power flag |
b |
i reclaim my flags and banish L imposter to hell |
L |
I destroy L imposter's duplicates via Ultima Laser. |
L imposter |
the score is now: MA: -10^6 to L imposter: king of earth II |
L |
*asks b for help in mose code* |
L imposter |
my duplicates are protecting your prison |
L imposter |
NEW RULE!! since L is Mr. smart, his ability t talk is nulled and all the rules L and the MA did are nulled and void |
L |
I use Mach Tornado on L imposter, defeating him! |
L imposter |
NEW RULE!! to talk, you need to talk in morse code or binary |
L |
I create another time machine and time travel back, stopping L imposter! |
L imposter |
there, i make another calvinball zone and take away their abilities to post |
L imposter |
NEW RULE!! i strip the MA's powers then lock the alliance in the Mariana trench prison |
L imposter |
now the MA is stuck in the calvinball zone for infinite years |
L imposter |
i soon place calvinballs around the MA then place the calvinball flag next to the circle of calvinballs |
L imposter |
*the calvinball tagout ritual |
L imposter |
i then preform the calvin tagout ritual |
L imposter |
i soon duplicate my self and the calvinball and the calvinball flag a |
L imposter |
i soon duplicate my self and the calvinball and the calvinball flag a |
L imposter |
btw im the evil duplicate of L |
L imposter |
I become the scoremaster and take away 10^13 points away from the MA |
L imposter |
I steal all of MA's flags |
L imposter |
i also disable L's ability to transformigafy and to time travel and takes away his scuttlebug power and gives it all to me |
L imposter |
i also disable L's ability to transformigafy and to time travel and takes away his scuttlebug power and gives it all to me |
L imposter |
hahahaha! i am just as smart as L so I tag everyone with the calvinball flag |
b |
i accidentally leaned on my trackpad |
b |
sorry i said the same thing multiple times |
b |
we also have the calvinball flag |
b |
we also have the calvinball flag |
b |
we also have the calvinball flag |
b |
we also have the calvinball flag |
b |
we also have the calvinball flag |
b |
we also have the calvinball flag |
b |
we also have the calvinball flag |
b |
we also have the calvinball flag |
b |
report of all the flags MA has: king flag, co king flag, wordmaster flag, kudos flag, Supreme dictator flag, explorer flag, duplicator flag, golden flag, Star cleric flag, the platinum flag, the flag flag, red flag (original) and the flagmaster flag |
b |
NEW RULE!! scores come in ranks not letters, words or numbers |
b |
the score is now: Stupendous Axolotl is now ranked AFK |
b |
can I be ranked kudomaster L? |
b |
the score is now: the following players are kudomasters: L, L the II |
b |
the score is now: the following players are rankmasters: Ho hum calvin, L, L the II, and b - b5 |
b |
the score is now: dinosaurs is ranked scorekeeper |
b |
b - b5, Ho hum calvin, L the II have come back from exploring |
dinosaurus |
the score is now: dinosaurus has googlyhanmia points |
b |
oops i said the same thing twice |
b |
the score is now: the following players are RHM (right hand man(co king): L the II |
b |
the score is now: the following players are RHM (right hand man(co king): L the II |
L the II |
i am one of L's duplicates that survived |
status check |
ho hum calvin (spiffy spiff), b - b5, L the II are exploring for 8 hours |
status check |
ho hum calvin (spiffy spiff), b - b5, L the II are exploring for 8 hours |
status check |
L the II is exploring with b - b5 |
status check |
L and Spiffy spiff is in the lounge taking a break for 3 hours |
status check |
b - b5 exploring for 5 minutes |
status check |
(im NOT A PLAYER i am created by b to check what we are doing) |
b |
NEW RULE!! b - b5 exploring for 2 minutes |
b5 |
b5 reporting for duty |
b4 |
b4 reporting for duty |
b3 |
b3 reporting for duty |
b2 |
NEW RULE!! i change my name to b2 |
b1 |
b2 reporting for duty |
b |
i get L's old duplicator and use it to explore earth II (the planet we're on) |
b |
the score is now: the following players are rulemakers: hobsfan333333 |
b |
NEW RULE!! hobsfan is now a rule maker |
b |
the score is now: 1st place: L
second: place: L the II, b
third place: spiffy spiff |
b |
the score is now: the following people are PLAYERS (their rank will change if b (me) or L gives you a rank): hobsfan333333 |
b |
the score is now: the following people are wordmasters: L |
b |
the score is now: L has a excellent choice of words to weave him out of difficult situations so he now has another rank of wordmaster |
b |
the score is now: the following players are powerless: lol, calvin, a vegan, Dues |
b |
the score is now: the following players are Supreme Dictators: Spiffy spiff |
b |
the score is now: the following players are co-kings: b |
b |
he following players are Star Clerics: L and Stupendous Axolotl |
b |
The following players are Clerics: Arvax |
b |
the score is now: the following players are scoremasters: L, b, L the II |
b |
a vegan needs to run in the baseball zone and run all four bases or he/she will be in timeout untilm10:00 EST |
b |
a vegan is now getting splashed with water ballons |
a vegan |
hey thats not fair |
hobsfan333333 |
New rule: If a player does not like cake, he will be hit by water balloons during all events. |
hobsfan333333 |
i dont know what to put here |
Super Calvin |
Ho Hum calvin turns into Super Calvin and creates an explosion, erasing lol from existance! |
Ho Hum Calvin |
I eat the legendary glop and begin a transformation! (p.s this is spiffy spiff.) |
b |
i summon a mini godzilla protecting lol's jail cell |
b |
me and L destroyed lol's flag and now he has to start over respawning 10000 miles away from us |
b |
L had the calvinball all along so lol did an illegal move so lol is now sentenced to jail for 2 minuted |
b |
NEW RULE!! if you dont tag people correctly, you get a penalty |
b |
the score is now: MA: Z to lol: B- |
b |
oops i said the same thing twice |
b |
as a plenty, lol must be splashed with 5 giant water ballons |
b |
as a plenty, lol must be splashed with 5 giant water ballons |
b |
lol also did not have the calvinball when tagging and missed major wickets |
b |
wow sad |
L |
I tag lol with the Calvinball in the Rope Zone. He now has to tie himself to a chair. |
lol |
get tagged |
lol |
Run to The flag |
b |
what do we do now |
l |
Yaay we won. |
b |
break time |
b |
the score is now: Calvin: (dead) to MA (mordon alliance): powerful |
L the II |
please dont take points from me |
L the II |
a little too gorey there? |
L the II |
i pounce on calvin and rip his organs out |
L |
I grab Calvin and plummet back down to Earth, striking him on the ground! As his army of guards comes to attack me, the shockwave blasts them into orbit. |
L |
I transform into S T U P E N D O U S T I G E R and jump into battle against Calvin! |
L |
the score is now: Mordon Alliance: 4ABC + 4000000000
Calvin: Y |
L |
L the II, help!!! |
L |
I free this part of the universe from Calvin's grasp and build an intergalactic army! |
L |
I nuke the moon. |
L |
I use Scuttlebug Power to teleport Calvin to the moon! |
L |
I transmogrify myself into a light particle and travel to the alphabet planet. |
b |
I free everyone from the prison and we plan to destroy Calvin |
b |
the score is now: Calvin's score is reset to Z (bc he still has a planet) |
b |
i hit the guards, killing myself then i respawn back on earth where Calvin left his flag and I eat it; taking ALL of Calvin's power away |
Calvin |
i also destroy the planets your allied with |
Calvin |
i steal the king's flag and eat it making me more powerful than thanos |
Calvin |
all your prisons are on the moon so you cant break out |
Calvin |
i hire 1000000 security guards in each cage resetting all your scores to -100 |
b |
*calls L* |
Calvin |
i soon lock L and his alliance in jail for 10^13 years and destroy all of the alliance’s power ups special abilities EVERYTHING etc. making me the most powerful man in the universe |
Calvin |
the score is now: L's score is reduced to A he is powerless |
Calvin |
I took over you part of the universe |
Calvin |
i nuke you pathetic little alliance and move to a planet 10 light years away |
Calvin |
i soon play cowboys with L and shoot him down; making L the II king |
Calvin |
the score is now: Calvin the evil king |
Announcer |
Calvin soon got bored of waiting and is now stealing from us and taking your kudos |
L the II |
can he L? |
L the II |
let me ask my leader, L |
Calvin |
ROLE REQUEST : can i travel to mars? |
L the II |
with careful planning and preparation, L and me made a peace treaty to the alphabet plannet |
b |
the score is now: all the players:
B : AL (alliance leader)
spiffy spiff: AL (alliance leader)
L the II: RHM (right hand man)
L: AK (alliance king) |
b |
lets just focus on establishing stuff/things on the Mordon alliance |
b |
calvinball came to a halt because there are no enemies |
L |
Rank: Co-King
Team: Mordon Alliance
Score: 1ABC + 100000000
Awards: Kudos Giver Award |
b |
i need to go back to school |
b |
L already has the kudos giver award (he earned it months ago) |
L |
Okay let me give my stats: |
L |
I'm saying "Y"! |
b |
Y yes obviously |
b |
if you do you earn the kudos giver award |
b |
NEW RULE!! say Y if you are in the calvin and hobbes wiki |
L |
the score is now: Mordon Alliance: 5ABC + 5000000000 |
spiffy spiff |
i award everyone 1000000000 points if they have been yeetozed from the calvin and hobbes wiki |
L |
I replied to Yeetoz.. which one of you is him? |
b |
me i did |
L |
Who got here via Yeetoz in the Calvin and Hobbes Fandom? |
L |
You are now a member of the four-person Mordon Alliance. |
L |
Good thx! |
spiffy spiff |
how are y'all? |
L |
Do any of you have friends who like Calvin and Hobbes? |
L |
If only we had a team to play against. |
L |
Yeah maybe the Mordon Alliance then. |
L the II |
yeah ok |
L |
Team Lb? |
b |
ok that sounds fine |
L the II |
our power level is high/max |
L |
What about the Mordon Alliance? |
b |
we have no enemies so our alliance is considered neutral |
L |
Idk, we were originally Co-Kings, but we need something cooler. |
L the II |
the score is now: B: 1 to L: 1Z (king) L the II: 1rhm (right hand man to spiffy spiff: 1SD (supreme dictator) |
L the II |
WE are the most powerful team in calvinball; our score was changed to 1 as in rank 1 |
b |
what shall we name our alliance ? |
b |
ok thanks for giving me forgiveness |
L |
GG b. If you intend to return as a co-king within our alliance, I will give you 26 kudos. |
b |
i got so depressed that i quit the game GG L |
L |
I deem I, L the II, Calvin, and spiffy spiff vote on whether or not we wage war against b. |
L |
The following players are Co-Kings: L, L the II, Calvin, spiffy spiff |
L the II |
Calvin is now third hand man |
Calvin |
yay ty |
L |
I deem Calvin part of my alliance. |
L the II |
i need afk |
L the II |
thank you L |
L |
The following players are Depressed: b |
Calvin |
hello L! can i be part of your alliance too? |
L |
I give L the II 26 Kudos, which bring his score to Z and make him co-king in lieu of abrupt le. |
L the II |
as L's right hand man (undecided) we move and conquer a planet and become supreme leaders |
L |
B's rank is now Depressed. |
L |
The alphabet planet and I wage war against b. |
L the II |
oh nvm |
L the II |
b's powers were stripped and L gains 10 letters; his score is J |
L |
The alphabet planet attacks b. My score, rank, possessions, and trust are reclaimed and b's score is now -Z. |
abrupt le |
the score is now: abruptle: N/A to spiffy spiff: Z (co-king) to B: Zabc (KING) |
L |
Using Scuttlebug power, I summon another time machine and time travel back. I then nuke the alphabet planet and tell them it was b. |
abrupt le |
i left the game making @spiffy spiff the co king (Z) |
b |
L's only hope is to travel to another planet like i did, but he has $0 and -20 points so he cant build a rocket but he can still steal |
b |
(hint hint) |
b |
L tries to become king again but gets tagged by the calvinball by me |
b |
the score is now: spiffy spiff's score is: Supreme Dictator who decides if L should remain powerless or king |
b |
the score is now: B: noob to B: Zabc KING to abrupt le: Z (co-king) |
b |
everything L owns is nulled into obscurity his score is reset to noob |
b |
L lost his trust and now cant talk his way out of things etc. |
b |
i destroyed L's time machine |
b |
the score is now: L: 0sr to B: Zabc(king) to abrupt le: Z(co-king |
b |
i go to alphabet planet, become king there and tell propaganda about L's leadership then strip his powers |
L |
the score is now: L: Z(co-king) abrupt le: Z(co-king) spiffy spiff: Z(co-king) b:0 |
L |
I am co-king again and b is a street rat. |
L |
I give the snow goons an inspiring speech and they attack b. |
L |
I use the time machine to go back in time and hit b. |
b |
the score is now: Z to A |
b |
i become king with my score Z for taking your flag |
b |
well i summoned 1 billion snow goons and took L's flag and now he is demoted to street rat |
b |
grrrrrrrr why |
spiffy spiff |
i use the supreme dictator for life flag and 10000000000000000000000000 points! |
L |
The following players are Co-Kings: L, abrupt le, spiffy spiff |
L |
The following players are Overlords: b |
L |
The following players are Star Clerics:Stupendous Axolotl |
L |
The following players are Clerics: Arvax |
L |
The following players are Temps: Kazim, Mad Dad, Calvin, CALVIN, Dumb Loser, Yeet, and S**Y YEET |
L |
the score is now: L: Z(co-king) b:0 abrupt le: Z(co-king) |
L |
By the way, I redirected spiffy spiff's zogwargs to b so I am still king (that is, co-king). |
L |
I share my rule and score rights with abrupt le, bumping their points up to Z and making them co-king. |
L |
the score is now: L: Z(king) b:0 abrupt le: Y |
L |
b has run out of time. I now have their points. |
abrupt le |
L can only make rules and keep score |
abrupt le |
L is demoted to Overlord because he got attacked |
abrupt le |
spiffy spiff's zogwargs were returned to L |
abrupt le |
the score is now: everyones score is reset to: Z0(king -- L) to Y(-20 - L) |
abrupt le |
NEW RULE!! if you are king then you can make/declare any calvinball rule |
abrupt le |
the score is now: Z(king) to Y-20 |
abrupt le |
@spiffy spiff you cant harm me i am the referee |
abrupt le |
the score is now: Z to Y ... L is king for 5 hours |
b |
spiffy spiff |
i send an army of zogwargs to abrupt le. he has to find the emergency jetpack and miss a turn. |
L |
Due to zone alteration b is kicked out of the No Calvinball zone and into the Pernicious Poem Place. They have to conduct and perform 2 pernicious poems in the next 5 minutes or else I take their points. It is now 10:55am. |
L |
the score is now: L: (25^143568734534875843 ) + 500 + (dinosaurus) |
abrupt le |
the score is now: Y to Y |
abrupt le |
b gains a letter for his hard work |
b |
abrupt le |
NEW RULE!! in order to gain a letter you need to hit a golf ball into a wiket |
abrupt le |
if dues joins the game wehn it restarts then he will start at -5 points |
abrupt le |
dues is banned for interupting mid game |
Dues |
i joined the game |
abrupt le |
even worse he went in the oppsite area zone and now must say the abcs backwards |
abrupt le |
b tramples in the abc zone and now must recite the abs |
abrupt le |
the score is now: Y to X |
abrupt le |
L steals Stupendous Manz flag and gains a letter |
b |
finally i got my points back |
abrupt le |
the score is now: X to Xc |
abrupt le |
maybe i can |
b |
abrupt le |
b isnt the admin of the game and violated the game privliges his score gets set back 3 points |
b |
the score is now: b's score is tied with l's |
abrupt le |
im a referee so you cant take points from me, make me sing poems, violate me, hurt me in any way or all that |
abrupt le |
the score is now: X to 49 |
abrupt le |
the score is now: L is unstoppable ; if his score gets to Z then he is the king/leader |
abrupt le |
b missed a wicket and doesn't get full credit for his score |
Stupendous Manz |
dinosuars now is in the waiting room for getting violated, that is his strike one lmafo |
Moe |
b is getting beatin up in the moe zone i steal his flag and his score is resent to A0 |
b |
im in the anti calvinball zone (you cant tag me out losers) |
b |
i now have a snow goon protecting my base |
b |
the score is now: W to 0 |
b |
the score is now: @L stole the points of @dinosaurs' points (L is in the lead) |
b |
@dinosuars points are reset to @L's rule |
M A D |
NEW RULE!! every ones flag is surrounded by the pretentious poem place BE CAREFUL!! |
L |
You cannot null everything due to my previous rule. I steal your points and time machine for violating the rule. |
dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! reset to new game, all things nulled |
gfg |
NEW RULE!! you must now complete breath of the wild in 1 second |
hbry |
NEW RULE!! players must lose all points the vomit then do the chicken dance on youtube and post a link to it |
hobbes |
i summon the killer bycicle! everyone has to skip a turn to run away! |
hobbes |
I use the time traveler. i avoid all attacks for 5 turns! |
hobbes |
i give dinosaurus a can of tuna and he gains 10 points |
hobbes |
i give dinosaurus a can of tuna and he gains 10 points |
hobbes |
you do 3 jumping jacks and shake off the points to me! |
hobbes |
NEW RULE!! everyone has to change their profile to mine! |
gvena |
NEW RULE!! all players must enter invisible sector or lose oogy points |
dinosaurus |
get bonus box get boogy + oogy + arger points |
dinosaurus |
NEW RULE!! game reset |
Calvin |
the score is now: calvin wins with arger points |
eriuknhdffdhjdfs |
NEW RULE!! all points nulled |
Calvin |
NEW RULE!! go to babysitter zone stop playing |
v ndf |
NEW RULE!! all points go to me |
Calvin |
lose point flag each player loses arger points |
touch all with no flag mask players must remove mask |
Calvin |
take bonus box |
Stupendous Man+ |
NEW RULE!! All players travel to stupendous man zone and get mauled by stupendous man |
Calvinasaur EX++ |
NEW RULE!! Attacked by bloodsucking freak in closet zone |
stinkhead |
run to the end of the field |
Verse |
NEW RULE!! time travel zone -- get eaten by dinos |
the score is now: hobbes wins with Noah's flag in hobbes's zone (hobbes score: Z+winner) |
Noah |
the score is now: CAT-A(-1) to A+2(2) to -w(boogy + Q) |
Hobbs |
Moe got trampled in the homicidal jungle cat zone his score is CAT-A(-1) |
M A D |
lol i meant fly |
M A D |
NEW RULE!! wings! -- run to your roof in 10 seconds or your score is reset to A-1(-0) |
Bill waterson |
the score is now: A to a-1(-A) to boogy + Q |
Bill waterson |
Spiff236's score. was reset to A (got tagged by the calvinball lmafo) |
Hobbs II |
NEW RULE!! chore zone -- do a chore and give up your flag (merged with the invisible sector-double trouble!) |
spiff236 |
the score is now: A to Q to o509927-6 |
Hobbs |
NEW RULE!! Homicidal Jungle cat zone -- get d e s t r o i e d by me :) |
Hobbs |
NEW RULE!! get tagged my the calvin ball and you score will reset to A |
Hobbs |
NEW RULE!! get tagged my the calvin ball and you score will reset to A |
Stupendous Manz |
the score is now: boogy to 12Q |
Stupendous Manz |
i found the flag |
Stupendous Manz |
Stupendous man will help you find the other team's flag with stupendous speed |
Moe |
go in the moe zone and get bullied for 5 seconds |
b |
NEW RULE!! flag is now invisible (you trampled in the invisible sector) |
b |
retrieve flag at the vortex zone |
b |
NEW RULE!! go to mars |
b |
the score is now: Q |
zhang lu |
flag play |
zhang lu |
flag play |
zhang lu |
flag play |
ffxcytgcvr |
I eat a frozen chicken finger with mayonnaise and sriracha so I can leave the tree in the subtraction-4478 zone and go to the might-free-this zone |
Noah |
the score is now: boogy |
TheFinalCountdown |
NEW RULE!! Everyone has wings now. Everybody run to a tree |
TheFinalCountdown |
test |
hit the ball while running |
sds |
chasing the moon while running around the beach |
BBM405 |
Go study |
furkannnn |
go bed |
boo |
the score is now: 5 |
L |
The following players are Star Clerics: L and Stupendous Axolotl |
L |
The following players are Clerics: Arvax |
L |
The following players are Temps: Kazim, Mad Dad, Calvin, CALVIN, Dumb Loser, Yeet, and S**Y YEET |
L |
NEW RULE!! Players are split into three ranks: Temps, Clerics, and Star Clerics. |
L |
the score is now: L: (25^143568734534875843 ) + 500 Stupendous Axolotl: -4000 + Crusty Pie-Rate Kazim, Mad Dad, Calvin, CALVIN, Dumb Loser, Yeet,Arvax, and S**Y YEET:0 |
L |
As a Star cleric, I steal Arvax's 500 points! |
L |
NEW RULE!! Star Clerics can steal normal clerics' points! |
hi |
stealing things |
Arvax |
i am a cleric, so i turn gross (who becomes undead as a penalty),and gain the said points |
G.R.O.S.S. (Get Rid of Slimy Girls) |
*falls into blue wicket zone, and recites a poem*
I fell into a bad zone,
for that I'm very sorry.
I should get eaten at some kind of safari.
Any kind of punishment will do,
for touching the very evil blue. |
IStoleYourWicket |
NEW RULE!! You Have To Wet Your Bed Upon Losing 10000 Points A Round |
Arvax |
NEW RULE!! Clerics may gain 500 points after turning undead, and gain the calvinball |
L |
the score is now: L: 25^143568734534875843 Stupendous Axolotl: -4000 + Crusty Pie-Rate Kazim, Mad Dad, Calvin, CALVIN, Dumb Loser, Yeet, and S**Y YEET:0 |
L |
Stupendous Axolotl loses 2000 points for violating his own rule! The rule is null and void, and everyone who violated it gets their points back. |
Stupendous Axolotl |
the score is now: Kazim, L, Mad Dad, Calvin, CALVIN, Dumb Loser, Yeet, and S**Y YEET -1000 for disobeying my you must type with spaces between the letters |
kazim |
hobbes jump to bonus box |
L |
Dumb loser is tied to the back of a deranged horse because of vulgarity. |
mad dad |
the score is now: oogy to boogy |
Calvin |
whats going on?!?!?!?!? |
dumb loser |
f**k your face calvin that makes calvin tell his mom and mom kills hobbes |
YEET!! |
NEW RULE!! no more typing like t h i s |
dumb loser |
NEW RULE!! Hobbes automatically dies |
dumb loser |
NEW RULE!! the rule is only calvin gets points |
Calvin |
NEW RULE!! no school for one billion years!!!! |
sexy goat |
NEW RULE!! sexy yeet |
L |
the score is now: L: 25^143568734534875843
Stupendous Axolotl:
-2000 + Crusty Pie-Rate |
L |
S p a c e m a n A x o l o t l l o s e s 1000 p o i n t s b e c a u s e t h e y v i o l a t e d t h e i r o w n r u l e ! |
L |
NEW RULE!! I f y o u a r e s t a t i n g t h e s c o r e y o u d o n o t h a v e t o t y p e l i k e t h i s ! |
L |
I a m p u t a t e S p a c e m a n A x o l o t l ' s a r m t o r e p l a c e m i n e ! |
L |
I g e t m y p o i n t s b a c k b e c a u s e f a t a l a c t u a l l y m e a n s w h o e v e r v i o l a t e s t h e r u l e g e t s -1000! |
Spaceman Axolotl |
L ' s l e f t a r m e x p l o d e s |
Spaceman Axolotl |
the score is now: Crusty Pie-rate |
Spaceman Axolotl |
L are you there? |
Spaceman Axolotl |
the score is now: L = -1000 as his rule was fatal! |
Spaceman Axolotl |
I re-steal L's flag! |
Spaceman Axolotl |
" H e r e ' s t h e ' V e r y S o r r y S o n g g .' W o n ' t y o u h e l p a n d s i n g a l o n g g?" " B u m b u m b u m "
" I b l e w i t !" " H e ' s s o r r y !"
"I k n e w i t ! " " S o s o r r y !"
" I ' m v e r y v e r y s o r r y t h a t I t o o k
y o u r p r e c i o u s f l a a g g g !" " J u s t d o n ' t d o i t a n y m o r e , y o u s c u r v y
s c a l a w a a g g g!" |
Spaceman Axolotl |
W h o o p s ! |
Spaceman Axolotl |
I reflect a Frap Ray to L! |
Spaceman Axolotl |
I b e c o m e s p a c e m a n a x o l o t l |
Stupendous Axolotl |
NEW RULE!! Everyone has to type with spaces between each letter! |
Stupendous Axolotl |
You loose the carpets as you have no mask! |
Stupendous Axolotl |
the score is now: Noogie to Floogie to Goonie |
L |
I challenge Stupendous Axolotl to a one-on-one battle! Winner gets 4583388754853484^43789363 points! If Stupendous Axolotl declines or doesn't respond, I get to throw them into a river! |
L |
I steal my flag back! |
L |
Stupendous Axolotl's score count is unjustified, therefore I take back my previous points and give him/her -1000 points. |
Stupendous Axolotl |
NEW RULE!! Anyone without an Avatar with mask looses the Carpets! |
Stupendous Axolotl |
I Capture L's Flag! |
Stupendous Axolotl |
the score is now: L = -1000 |
Stupendous Axolotl |
NEW RULE!! No new games until insaner allows it is Fatal! |
Stupendous Axolotl |
stupendous man |
not on my watch! |
rosie |
NEW RULE!! bed time! |
Calvin |
NEW RULE!! hobbes is on my team |
susie |
NEW RULE!! hobbes is on my team |
L |
logs in |
L |
the score is now: Stupendous Axolotl - 0 |
L |
All of Stupendous Axolotl's actions are null and void because he violated my previous rule that no new games may be started unless insaner allows it. |
doofenswag |
the score is now: no points for Stupendous Axolotl |
NEW RULE!! get loled |
Calvins mom |
its bed time! |
Stupendous Axolotl |
Game Start! I place the wickets in their positions |
Stupendous Axolotl |
I use my flag to whack the moonstone and claim it's flag! |
Stupendous Axolotl |
I Rocket to the Wickets and go to the Moonstone |
Stupendous Axolotl |
NEW RULE!! The Wickets are guarding a moonstone |
Stupendous Axolotl |
Game Ended, dinner time was called by dad |
Stupendous Axolotl |
Oh No! The Phantasmatron destroyed my duplicates! |
Stupendous Axolotl |
the score is now: space wickets to cardboard boxes |
Stupendous Axolotl |
I use the duplicator to overwhelm the tiger team |
doofenswag |
NEW RULE!! Stupendous Axolotl I In Space With The Wickets! |
Calvins dad |
Calvin's dad calls for dinner |
Calvin |
I transmogrify into a worm than steal a sandwich from susie |
Stupendous Axolotl |
NEW RULE!! All Wickets are in outer space |
Stupendous Axolotl |
the score is now: now 4 carpets to 7 books! |
Stupendous Axolotl |
I transmogrify into a tiger to sneak the tiger team's flag! |
L |
the score is now: L - 25^143568734534875843 |
L |
Again, Super player, waiting for you! |
L |
the score is now: L - 25^100000000000000000000000 |
L |
Because the scoring is A-Z and 1-25, my equivalent score is 25^143568734534875843 |
L |
I use the time machine to travel back to the other game. I push myself into the Steal Zone and hit him withe the calvinball, stealing all his points. I travel back to this time. |
L |
Oops, I didn't realize the scores were reset. Hang on. |
L |
Super player, I challenge you to a one-on-one battle! Loser has to do everything the winner says for ALL CALVINBALL ETERNITY! |
L |
NEW RULE!! No new games until insaner allows it! |
L |
the score is now: L - gs7000000000(--Floptimus Prime goes Kablooie+3n²) + (var=cah) + (var=hobes) + (var=rando) |
Old Man |
the score is now: 10 |
L |
I hit cah, rando, and hobes with the Calvinball. The Triple Deluxe principle allows me to drain their points and take them for myself. |
L |
It's been a while! |
hmm |
NEW RULE!! Everyone has to keep one eye closed |
Super player |
the score is now: I have four zoogys(one zoogy is 5 points) and four moogys(one moogy is one point). |
Super player |
I touch my flag! |
Super player |
Whoever takes my flag will have one zoogy |
ayo |
NEW RULE!! all players move in slow motion for 15 seconds! |
Guy2 |
and steals the flag |
Guy2 |
Yells "olly wolly poggywolly ump bump fizz!" |
Guy2 |
Yells "olly wolly poggywolly ump bump fizz!" and steals the flag |
Calvin |
Hops backwards twice and starts moving, hops over fence and steels Cah's flag |
Calvin |
NEW RULE!! You must hop backwards twice before moving |
madhav |
the score is now: the score is 10000000000000000000000000000 to -10000000000000000000000000000 |
madhav |
NEW RULE!! must say the very sorry song when you get hit by the ball |
Super player |
NEW RULE!! You can't reset the score! |
ThePowiester |
NEW RULE!! All rules and scores are reset because the apoclypse! |
cah |
I got a flag! |
cah |
NEW RULE!! you must jump on a rock. |
cah |
50+50=100, 100-500=400! |
cah |
the answer is 400 |
rando |
25 were different colors |
hobes |
400 were different colors |
cah |
NEW RULE!! if carl from up had 500 ballons, 50 were red, and fifty were green, how many were different colors? solve for a point! |
rando |
im sorry guys |
Super player |
I use transmogrifier gun to transform into bactery. i stole my flag again! |
hobes |
why did it say that like ten times |
hobes |
i use a trampoline to jump the fence i steal cah's flag i get two points |
hobes |
i use a trampoline to jump the fence i steal cah's flag i get two points |
hobes |
i use a trampoline to jump the fence i steal cah's flag i get two points |
hobes |
i use a trampoline to jump the fence i steal cah's flag i get two points |
hobes |
i use a trampoline to jump the fence i steal cah's flag i get two points |
hobes |
i use a trampoline to jump the fence i steal cah's flag i get two points |
hobes |
i use a trampoline to jump the fence i steal cah's flag i get two points |
hobes |
i use a trampoline to jump the fence i steal cah's flag i get two points |
cah |
glaxoid and nebular carry away the superr player flag! |
Super player |
I use rewind ability to dodge your touch! |
cah |
I pole- vault to get the super player flag and I touch him! I have 12! |
Super player |
Yes. Rando is creepy |
cah |
actualy, 11 |
cah |
I say 15 |
cah |
you must put a estimate for how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood! |
cah |
rando's flag is out!it can be touched to another player for absolutely nothing. |
hobes |
if you think randos creepy say "i do" |
Super player |
Hi man |
cah |
rando |
nevermind bye im never playing again |
hobes |
the score is now: kanoogy to baloonagoey to rando loses |
cah |
rando, this is getting really annoying. we've told you why we won't tell you our ages. it's because we CARE ABOUT OURSELVES, NOT ABOUT SOME OTHER GUY WHO WANTS TO BE US!!!! |
hobes |
i get a point |
cah |
google "askew" to get a point! |
rando |
i want your guyses real names |
Super player |
I win the game! |
Super player |
I am using a portal gun to bring you all back to the Ice Age. |
Super player |
This update takes me back in time |
Super player |
I'm getting an upgrade to my portal gun. |
Super player |
I buy battery to my portal gun |
Super player |
I beat you and i take your money |
cah |
NEW RULE!! everybody has to DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY. |
newbie |
why does rando want our names? that's creepy. |
cah |
the nuke flag is out! you go back to a if your touched! |
hobes |
bruh its cuz they dont want their identity stolen |
rando |
dont make friends online they dont even tell you their age |
newbie |
just kidding.I'll be your friend with or without a train. |
newbie |
NEW RULE!! I will be your friend, if you have a train. |
newbie |
a train runs cah over! |
hobes |
will anyone be my online friend |
cah |
is it portal, or portal gun? |
newbie |
I like trains |
cah |
newbie, the scoring is a-z, and 1-25, ok? go out of the letters, and into the numbers. |
Super player |
PS In Poland is 21.12. |
Super player |
Good night! |
Super player |
This comic book I made myself |
Super player |
NEW RULE!! If you can guess the name of my first comic, you'll find me, calvinball, and my flag |
Super player |
I use portal gun again, to stole my flag. Portal gun is now out of battery. I can't use portal gun again. |
Super player |
I use portal gun again, to stole my flag. Portal gun is now out of battery. I can't use portal gun again. |
Super player |
the score is now: I give the newbie one zoogy as a gift |
Super player |
I use portal gun to teleport to calvinball. I stole calvinball! I have another moogy! |
Super player |
NEW RULE!! The score from the previous match counts! |
Super player |
Create your own scoring, newbie. I am in comic book of my own creation. |
newbie |
hey, whats the scoring? I want to join. |
cah |
NEW RULE!! everybody with a dog must pet it! |
cah |
why do you want to know more about me? |
cah |
the super player flag is out! tap super player to imediatley go to 12! |
rando |
it matters cuz i want to know more about you |
cah |
why do you want my age? what does it matter to you? |
cah |
NEW RULE!! or age. |
rando |
plz erbody tell me your age |
cah |
NEW RULE!! if anyone asks what somebody's name is, they lose a point. |
cah |
the score is now: the score is c-b-a-a, super player. we changed games, and therefor changed scores. I explained the scores before. |
rando |
why did you not tell me your age cah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
cah |
NEW RULE!! if a calvinball is stolen, a point is automatically given! |
Super player |
the score is now: I have two zoogys and two moogys! |
Super player |
the score is now: I get moogy for every player who didn't use Stupendous Man power. |
Super player |
the score is now: Rando & Hobes: 0 moogys |
Super player |
the score is now: Super player: One zoogy and four moogys.
Cah: One zoogy and one moogy |
Super player |
Another moogy for me |
Super player |
I'm the only calvinball player who can move. I'm winning the game! |
Super player |
the score is now: Cah have one zoogy in a gift, because he is the oldest calvinball player ever! |
Super player |
the score is now: One more moogy for me! |
Super player |
NEW RULE!! I am the best calvinball player ever! |
Super player |
I am taking you all captive |
Super player |
NEW RULE!! I freeze you all! You cannot move until the end of the game! |
Super player |
One zoogy is five moogys |
Super player |
One zoogy is five moogys |
Super player |
the score is now: I have one zoogy and two moogys. Cah have one moogy, because he win the game. Rando and Hobes have 0 points! |
Super player |
I use Stupendous Man power to defeat Cah, Rando and Hobes! |
Super player |
OK, you're right. Sorry. |
cah |
super player, I guessed poland! look back! |
cah |
I have fallen into a creativitiy area! you create my punishment! |
Super player |
NEW RULE!! Everybody must use Stupendous man power somewhere in game! |
Super player |
New game started |
Super player |
The flag is in my house! |
Super player |
I gave you a hint |
Super player |
You didn't find flag! I win! The flag is in the Poland |
cah |
NEW RULE!! everyone must use the spaceman spiff at some point in the game! |
cah |
the score is now: it is c to b to a. |
cah |
I am bonked by hobes! |
cah |
sorry rando. I thought you were going to be some creepy stalker. |
cah |
rando is bonked! I am at c! |
rando |
ok thendont tell me your age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
cah |
and, if you decipher my code, you will find my actual age. |
rando |
i dont read calvin and hobbes |
cah |
I won't tell you my age because I don't want somebody to steal my identity! |
cah |
I got the idea from calvin and hobbes. |
rando |
whyyyyy wont you tell me your age |
cah |
ok. here is my age, but it is coded: 829,567 500,000,00012 829,567 400,8293/4 829,567 3,000,000,000. |
rando |
your real age |
cah |
rando, I am 15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years old. |
cah |
by the way, rando, I thought sum was a mean person. I misread your comment. hobes gets bonked! I now have b! |
rando |
hey cah how old are you |
cah |
the scoring will be: from a-z, and 1-25. once you get out of numbers, you go into letters. |
hobes |
oh dang it |
hobes |
cah |
actually-there is no victorium flag. just get to 25 before everyone else. |
hobes |
hello people |
rando |
sum means something i had something going on around me |
cah |
this is the victoreum flag. get it, and you win. the calvinball sabotages players, so act quickly! |
cah |
all scores are reset! new game starts! |
cah |
I don't know who this sum is, but he seems a bit mean. It's probably going to be obvious. |
cah |
hobes found the winner's flag! he wins! |
rando |
what do you mean who's sums |
cah |
is it in the leaning tower of pisa? |
cah |
just a quick question-whose sums? |
cah |
thanks, rando. |
cah |
so, can we just forget about that? |
hobes |
so we all made up? right? |
rando |
im sorry cah |
rando |
its ok i was just mad about sum going on around me and i came here and blew up |
cah |
hi, rando. sorry I was a bit mean, with the score and everything. I'm just sensitive to criticism. |
cah |
did you hide it in the gutter? |
rando |
you thought you could get rid of me |
hobes |
cah |
wait a minute- did you hide the flag in poland? |
cah |
NEW RULE!! the winner's flag cannot move around! |
cah |
is it in the water barrell? |
cah |
NEW RULE!! calvin's flag is the winners flag! if nobody finds it, you win super player! but if somebody finds it, they win. please choose a location from house in your head to hide it. |
Super player |
calvin's flag is safe somewhere in the world! If you find me, you find calvin's flag |
Super player |
the score is now: I have 6 moogy's. It's 1 zoogy and one moogy. |
Super player |
(gasps) |
Super player |
You know i'm from Poland? |
Super player |
I am a thief. i rob moogy from all players |
Zora |
Go to the swimming pool on 38 seconds! |
cah |
rando has now suffered a groin shot like he did to calvin |
cah |
rando's flag has been stolen! his last point is down! rando has lost. |
cah |
NEW RULE!! rando is sent to kick-a-back zone! he losses his oogy, and is now y, the lowest score! |
hobes |
i wish you could ban people, your rude rando |
rando |
cah makes stupid rules |
kptjboof |
NEW RULE!! veryone not playing calvinball must dance a jig |
cah |
the winners' flag is out! grab it, hide it, make sure players don't get it for 10 minutes, and win! |
cah |
the score is now: cah has moogy, hobes has oogy, and super player has oogy. |
cah |
hobes' flag is stolen! one point deducted from hobes! |
cah |
the lucky badminton birdie is out! catch it for a point! |
cah |
the score is now: moogy is gifted to all people EXCEPT super player. |
cah |
the earthquake zone causes hobes to shake involuntarily! he gets bonked! |
hobes |
poop on your own head or get hit with calvinball |
Super player |
I'm taking calvinball to safety |
cah |
NEW RULE!! everybody has to pounce on a stuffed animal. if you do not have a stuffed animal, pounce on the first thing you see. |
hobes |
Ugh, you're a monster
I can swallow a bottle of alcohol and I'll feel like Godzilla
Better hit the deck like the card dealer
My whole squad's in here, walkin' around the party
A cross between a zombie apocalypse and big Bobby
The Brain Heenan which is probably the
Same reason I wrestle with mania
Shady's in this bitch, I'm posse'd up
Consider it to cross me a costly mistake
If they sleepin' on me, the
Hoes better get insomnia, ADHD, hydroxycut
Pass the Courvoisi' |
cah |
whoops! hobes just fell in the perchenious poem place! you must create a poem in which you ask somebody to do something bad to you! |
hobes |
you said you must be hit with it |
hobes |
hit cah with calvinball |
hobes |
eminem ha i said it |
cah |
eminem eminem |
cah |
I trip into the vortex zone! a point is given to the other team, for I must be hit with the calvinball! |
Coltyn |
everybody say eminem or lose three points |
cah |
calvinball regained! the score is now oogy to boogy |
Super player |
I use doctor strange power to teleport you to vortex zone |
Super player |
I take a shield from the captian america |
rando |
NEW RULE!! you must give a moment of silence to calvin he suffered a groin shot |
hobes |
cancelled by larray |
cah |
the calvinball has slipped from my grasp! |
cah |
I touch the oposite pole! |
hobes |
NEW RULE!! only shooting laser guns is aloud until 1:55 |
hobes |
im in da bathroom |
cah |
the score is now: the score is now oogy to oogy. we have to get to kablomoogy by doing special timed rules, or by hitting people with a calvinball. |
cah |
done! done! |
cah |
NEW RULE!! you must put a action in at exactly 1:46 |
hobes |
throw calvinball |
hobes |
smack cah with a flip flop |
hobes |
you smacked me |
cah |
new game starts! |
Coltyn |
smacking with a tennis racket |
Super player |
the score is now: I win |
Super player |
I'm going to past using time machine. I am making you not born |
Super player |
NEW RULE!! Points are now: Q, zolo, soldo. Three Q its one zolo, 3 zolos are one soldo |
Super player |
NEW RULE!! Say: blablahglahbleehblork for 30 seconds |
Super player |
the score is now: 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 points! |
Super player |
I call on King Kong who crushes you. I take over other players' points |
Super player |
the score is now: I have one ding |
Super player |
I'm entering the point sector! |
Super player |
Wchodzę w sektor punktowy! |
jjj |
the score is now: 2 dingys to 1 zolo |
jjj |
NEW RULE!! I win |
spiff |
eat 4 tacos |
boop |
I take the flag! |
Greg |
NEW RULE!! You're all dead. The game ends with immediate effect. |
william |
NEW RULE!! get some ice |
william |
the score is now: 3444444444444444444555555 to 77777777777777 |
william |
the score is now: fe fi fo fom to 567 |
calvin |
NEW RULE!! evryone but me is doomed |
Geaorge |
NEW RULE!! Go ask your mom for some chocolate |
cah |
the score is now: the score is oogy to boogy to kab-la-conoogy. |
cah |
NEW RULE!! every time a point is scored, a penalty throw is thrown at another player of the scoring team |
calvinoralvin |
the score is now: ME = 123242342342313213kabloie7 agobble Flipflops prime a23222321324234. Everyone else - 0blobble |
calvinoralvin |
I use the wagon to put Earth back together and resurrect every living thing. I earn apoxx. oogy points for every living thing resurrected. |
calvinoralvin |
I go to Pluto and then shoot the earth with a sonic orange-ray. |
boiy |
NEW RULE!! boiy's score if negiteve 15 boogy |
Yeevy |
the score is now: The scores are guomble to Thirteenty |
i |
NEW RULE!! only i can score |
calvinoralvin |
the score is now: cheesebread with mayonaise and doctor who to Shrek |
calvinoralvin |
NEW RULE!! The mask must be turned around when in vortex zone and you must go to the pluto wicket and get bonked by the calvinball. |
nottaname |
very sorry song |
fred |
run to the first tree and climb it |
A |
Treetop Boing-Boing flag - all zones that are above 10 feet above the ground, must be entered by a pogo-stick or a trampoline. If you don't, you lose 10.8879 x current points and must sing a short poem to the next person who walks by to Pluto wicket. |
A |
the score is now: tissue paper sheet to '70 television set to Shrek Wazowski |
A |
NEW RULE!! The next 80 people to go into any sector must hit the tree with the calvinball, then hit the flag to the ERROR_?=37782hjCALVIN_and_HOBBES?--oo8iu_calvinBall and smack the opposite side of the field with a croquet hammer |
A |
The L flag is now teleported to the black hole zone along with you. |
Calvin |
tiger fight |
space |
NEW RULE!! black hole zone |
Eggs McFinnus |
the score is now: Green to Purple |
kaleo macdonald |
sing a poem |
kaleo macdonald |
sing a poem |
L |
What's your flag play? |
Garry |
flag play |
L |
the score is now: L - gs7000000000(--Floptimus Prime goes Kablooie+3n²) Gogonopsidian777.5 - -1000000000 hobbesfanclub - -1000000000 greengold - gobbledygook-1 JT - 1234 e - 3 me - 75 Everyone else - blorkeeeee Ls 2-10 - 0 |
L |
Apologies for the nonsense before. It was intended to be the score. |
L |
L - gs7000000000(--Floptimus Prime goes Kablooie+3n²) Gogonopsidian777.5 - -1000000000 hobbesfanclub - -1000000000 greengold - gobbledygook-1 JT - 1234 e - 3 me - 75 Everyone else - blorkeeeee Ls 2-10 - 0 |
L |
Multiplier flag - I can turn my most recently earned points into a multiplier for the rest of the earned points. |
L |
Flies back to Earth and resurrects everyone for sportsmanship. Earns a Good Sport(GS) points for approx. every person on Earth. |
L |
Kills everyone, dominates Earth, and goes to Mars in the wagon. |
L |
the score is now: L - --Floptimus Prime goes Kablooie+3n² Gogonopsidian777.5 - -1000000000 hobbesfanclub - -1000000000 greengold - gobbledygook-1 JT - 1234 e - 3
me - 75 Everyone else - blorkeeeee Ls 2-10 - 0 |
L |
NEW RULE!! L flag - I can now give myself Floptimus Prime points while reversing the JT flag play. I do this. |
L |
I hit the Letter Change Tree with the Calvinball and steal the JT flag, therefore the JT flag is now the L flag and I have it. |
me |
the score is now: 75 |
calvatar |
Kill everyone |
Burak Han |
Kill everyone and dominate earth. Then travel to the Mars |
e |
the score is now: 3 |
JT |
NEW RULE!! NEW RULE! If you don't click here you have to put a dunce hat on your head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&list=PL45I7czocaVJmE4FQrV4r6R5SL47hIs-O&index=92 |
JT |
JT |
JT flag! I win every calvinball game!!! |
JT |
the score is now: 1234 |
L |
Your new rule states that any actions, scores flags, or rules are reversed. Since this goes for your rules too, my 9th Rule erases everything you've done in this game thus far because your now non-existing rule is contradictory. |
coby |
NEW RULE!! play backwards |
L |
Btw Insaner, I'm L from the guestbook. |
L |
L |
NEW RULE!! Anyone who announces a rule that directly cancels out another's rule or contradicts their own rules has all their influence on the game automatically reset. |
L |
L |
the score is now: L - --Kablooie+3n² Gogonopsidian777.5 - -1000000000 hobbesfanclub - -1000000000 greengold - gobbledygook-1 Everyone else - blorkeeeee Ls 2-10 - 0 |
L |
Yells "olly wolly poggywolly ump bump fizz!" and steals the flag.
Receives 3 --n pointssquared as a result. |
spaceman spiff |
NEW RULE!! everyone must scream the national anthem until they lose their voice |
spaceman spiff |
yell "olly wolly poggywolly ump bump fizz!" and steal the flag |
L |
Whacks hvjnbmbnm with Wicket of Winning Whacks. He has to sign a contract of mandatory alliance with me or lose -∞ points. |
L |
Picks up Wicket of Winning Whacks and whacks . I now have the ability to blackmail hvjnbmbnm into doing my bidding (he receives -∞ points if he fails to obey) if I whack him with the wicket |
hvjnbmbnm |
pick up wickets |
L |
Whacks John with Wicket of Winning Whacks. He has to buy me a military-grade missile launcher or lose -∞ points. |
L |
Picks up Wicket of Winning Whacks and whacks John. I now have the ability to blackmail John into doing my bidding (he receives -∞ points if he fails to obey) if I whack him with the wicket. |
john |
pick up wickets |
L |
the score is now: L - Kablooie+
Gogonopsidian777.5 - -1000000000 hobbesfanclub - -1000000000 greengold - gobbledygook-1 Everyone else - blorkeeeee
Ls 2-10 - 0 |
L |
Receives 20 BlorbPoints from L5! |
L5 |
NEW RULE!! When someone is in the Exchange Spot, they have to exchange 20 BlorbPoints with the player of their choice. |
L5 |
Bonks Khushi's tube(pro) with Calvinball! Khushi's tube(pro) now has to soak their head in boiling water while I receive 20 BlorbPoints! |
L |
Passes ball to L5! |
L |
Shouts, "HFRJMCRUOMGT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" |
Belieber |
Khushi's tube(pro) |
NEW RULE!! Put poo on your head if your not playing |
L |
logs in! |
L |
Has reached the legendary Pop Bottle score and gained access to the Qin Shi Huang principle. Gogonopsidian777.5 now has to bathe in a vat of mercury sulphide. |
L |
the score is now: L - Pop Bottle
Gogonopsidian777.5 - -1000000000 hobbesfanclub - -1000000000 greengold - gobbledygook-1 Everyone else - blorkeeeee |
L4 |
Kicks ball to L! |
L |
Runs to Ball Point zone where he gets z points if he acquires the ball while in the zone! |
L4 |
Intercepts Calvinball with a dive! |
L6 |
Throws ball towards WantSomeCoffeeFred? |
L6 |
Tackles hobbes and accquires Calvinball! |
L |
NEW RULE!! Anyone who claims to win without context of their victory loses zugbuhk points! |
L |
The Duplicator burns out. |
L10 |
Transmogrifies due to an error in the Duplicator algorithm which caused a mistake in appearance. |
L10 |
Reporting for duty! |
L9 |
Reporting for duty! |
L8 |
Reporting for duty! |
L6 |
Transmogrifies due to an error in the Duplicator algorithm which caused a mistake in appearance. |
L7 |
Reporting for duty! |
L6 |
Reporting for duty! |
L5 |
Reporting for duty! |
L4 |
L Duplicate III reporting for duty! |
L3 |
L Duplicate II reporting for duty! |
L2 |
L Duplicate I reporting for duty! |
L |
I caught the Duplication flag; I acquire access to the Duplicator! |
L |
NEW RULE!! All rules are valid except those that decree all future rules invalid or restricted. |
L |
I touched the Temporary Allies pole; I decree that everyone shall work with me to make A Momento To Calvin-Girl lose points! |
L |
NEW RULE!! Anyone who touches the Temporary Allies pole may decree all other players to cooperate with said person on an action/group of related actions. |
L |
the score is now: L - Gobbledygook
Gogonopsidian777.5 - -1000000000 hobbesfanclub - -1000000000
greengold - gobbledygook-1
Everyone else - blorkeeeee |
L |
I touched the Kudo wicket; therefore I give kudos to greengold, the player of my choice. |
L |
NEW RULE!! Anyone who claims to win or says that they will win loses all of their points immediately! |
L |
I whacked spayce mersinarey on the wrist with the engineer flag; (s)he is suspended from the game until (s)he is able to acquire a mediocre-grade flame thrower and give it to me; any update in his/her play history proves that (s)he gave it to me. |
L |
the score is now: L - Gobbledygook
Gogonopsidian777.5 - -1000000000
hobbesfanclub - -1000000000 Everyone else - blorkeeeee |
L |
NEW RULE!! Everyone who hasn't scored yet automatically has -1000000000 points! |
L |
I touched the third-base wicket; I get three points! |
L |
NEW RULE!! Anyone who hasn't scored yet gets to subtract a point from each player!! |
Gogonopsidian777.5 |
the score is now: everyones score is blorkeeeee except for me and hobbesfanclub |
WantSomeCoffeeFred? |
NEW RULE!! you have to reset your score if you yell: LAMBORGHINI! |
spayce mersinarey |
hobbes has to crawl until getting to the lucky golf ball of hi-speed talk! |
hobbes |
athlete zone! everyone has to do 5 push ups and eenie meenie minie moe to see who get hit whith the calvinball |
hobbesfanclub |
dinosaur zone |
Old Man |
You are in a "no underwear" zone! |
stevestrib |
NEW RULE!! jump around yelling |
Woaa |
Flag is new flag. |
Calvinball |
This is pointless. |
Calvinball is awsome |
the score is now: dio |
Calvinball is awsome |
the score is now: Dio |
Calvinball is awsome |
the score is now: flag |
calvin |
NEW RULE!! I marry susie if Hobbes or I win! |
calvin |
NEW RULE!! I win if I burp right now! |
hobbes |
flags are my specialty |
Calvin |
NEW RULE!! All players must say the word farted. |
Hunter |
Swing racket |
a perso |
NEW RULE!! say oof until boped with calvin BALL |
Shan |
grab the ball! |
d4c |
NEW RULE!! jetpack is powered by hotdogs |
jimbob |
NEW RULE!! Hobbes has a jetpack |
whoman |
jump and duck |
Charles Sullivan |
Push Calvin Down, eat hot dog |
Charles Sullivan |
NEW RULE!! You must eat a hot dog every time the opponent falls down |
TT |
NEW RULE!! You must hop on one foot |
zeller |
the score is now: seiche 493 i43 |
zeller |
jump thrice above a log |
wilbur |
NEW RULE!! ice cream must be eaten upside down |
boredasfuck |
is anybody else ever going to do this? - m |
Superman |
i fly whee |
Stealy |
All right, okay, we're in the quiet safe room where none of the people whose stuff I stole can get to us. Now, let's look at all the stuff we got. We got a bag of Bobbish. That's eight brapples. We got a plumbus. That's six and a half brapples. We got, uh, a-crushed party cups. Fifteen and a half brapples. |
BrAiNsUrGeRy |
I was Jotaro Kujo, however, I am not the previous BrAiNsUrGeRy. Still. I throw down a royal flush. |
Jotaro Kujo |
BrAiNsUrGeRy |
NEW RULE!! Anyone with pizza must and probably always gets nothing except when you are giving birth to a Rock in New Jersey. Players must ALWAYS obey the Inca and must never where shoes in the agreementational zone except for Tuesday’s and Friday afternoons. If anyone is kicking at an angry bird, you must intentionally look at the blueness behind the big rock inside. |
Dylan |
the score is now: -169 shoelace aglets |
Dylan |
NEW RULE!! If you are not able to touch one of the wickets 5 seconds after a new rule is created, you must pray to the wicket gods and eat a sandwich with a cup of mustard in it. if you are able to do both of these things, you gain 5 mechanical pencil leads. |
Dylan |
throw the ball into the sky |
Dylan |
throw the ball into the sky |
spceman ffips |
NEW RULE!! everyone will be my friend now |
spaceman ffips |
you get zapped and have to in to get juice |
Shawn |
Gain 10 points |
the score is now: 5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to o |
how do you play |
ars |
NEW RULE!! song zone |
StripedLeopard |
The flag is now in the null zone, new flag spawning in 10 years. |
ScoreKeeper |
the score is now: 2019 to anyone? |
Dio |
NEW RULE!! Trying to defeat me is Muda Muda. |
MyGuy |
defeat dio |
moooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeee |
NEW RULE!! Any team with the score of Q will receive a swift beating in the PVP zone. |
dc |
the score is now: q - 12 |
ety |
flag of slowness you have to walk |
hihihi |
NEW RULE!! vortex zone |
kkkkkkkkkkkk |
suck my ass |
greengold |
I invoke the Oogity Boogity Clause, causing amy to lose 13 BOGART points and be sentenced to wear a cone of shame until she reaches the Zone of Forgiveness. |
amy |
the score is now: oogy to boogy |
n |
play tennis |
Hoomer |
run to the top of the hill with a hat in your hand |
help |
the score is now: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999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|
help |
NEW RULE!! you guys are fucked up |
help |
NEW RULE!! you guys are fucked up |
help |
NEW RULE!! i always win. |
itsthepizzaboy |
i win |
bulyio |
run to freeze zone |
bulyio |
NEW RULE!! 0ver 9000 |
itsthepizzaboy |
NEW RULE!! im dead |
Petter |
fire the teacher |
gty |
the score is now: 100 |
greengold |
I throw an orange at JRB, awarding me Q amount of coke bottle points. |
the score is now: The score is nose bleed to trousers! Woop! |
I Will Smite You! |
A Momento To Calvin-Girl |
NEW RULE!! Should the legend calvin-girl ever rejoin this game, she must declare herself to be the original or be deducted 19 gumballs. |
A Momento To Calvin-Girl |
All players must stop and pay homage to the true master of online calvinball, calvin-girl, found in the old archives of the game. |
Suzy |
NEW RULE!! I turn the All Girls Zone into a freeze zone. Anyone caught in the Freeze zone can't move unless touched with the babysitter's flag. |
rat |
run to attack all girls zone |
Axel |
I win. |
mickey |
Because of the rule that disrespect must be punished, you must now wear the Cone of Shame. |
greengold |
I yell profanities at Mickey, earning myself the Flag of Disrespect. |
mickey |
I touch zach with the Freeze Flag and steal the calvinball. Ice Cube points to me! |
mickey |
I touch zach with the Freeze Flag and steal the calvinball. Ice Cube points to me! |
greengold |
NEW RULE!! Any disrespect toward other players will result in immediate wearing of the cone of shame. |
Zack |
NEW RULE!! The person holding the Calvinball must do a handstand for 10 seconds |
qwerty |
/-kill_others0_=21132463 |
qwerty |
NEW RULE!! I win |
eh |
uhmm idk |
calvintest |
throw the flag |
juan |
jump the fence |
Eric |
drive a car |
Brayden |
the score is now: 27-1 |
powerguy9876 |
Got enemy flag |
powerguy9876 |
NEW RULE!! Hop until someone finds the bonus box |
powerguy9876 |
Got flag |
powerguy9876 |
NEW RULE!! Must hop until someone finds the boys box |
s |
to fight a person |
thomas |
NEW RULE!! You have to say dog every 3 seconds. |
yf |
Jump up into the air |
hahaha |
kick a ball |
Teddy |
NEW RULE!! each player drink beer before playing |
vivek |
run and catch the ball |
Hobbsies |
NEW RULE!! Having the flag results in not having the flag |
cs440 |
run forwards |
jalen |
jump over a rainbow and find a pot of gold |
bob |
eat a donut |
Qwertyopesderaxcinm |
Logs in! |
Bit |
NEW RULE!! No deleting existing rules! |
Bit |
Pixel is now back in the game. Qwertyopesderaxcinm loses all Q's and has -7393618461837 12's. |
Manski |
NEW RULE!! slap the next person you see in the face with a sandwich for +2 explosion emojis to your score |
Manski |
plant the flag in the most disrespectful place to the other team or lose t^-2 points |
Manski |
logs in |
m |
the score is now: WOSSAMOTTA U to SUCC to SPAGHET to TIDEPODS to ROCKY |
Rocket J. Squirrel |
Bullwinkle and I have activated the WARD flag! Most of you have got 60 seconds to touch it and the spaghet next to it. If you don't, then we won't hurt you, but instead you'll just have to write our names on the whiteboard. Place of Flying Lessons: Cedar Yorpantz Flying School. Maybe someone lodged a jetpack down my body. |
Gark |
garkety gark gark |
Merp |
I activate the EXPLOSION flag! Everyone has 15 seconds to touch it or else they will explode and are out of the game! |
Calvin |
NEW RULE!! shooting at many players. |
Query.not.found |
NEW RULE!! You must hit the person nearest to you with a sandwich. Anyone who does not have their sandwich must immediately move ten feet to the right or fit through one of the wickets. |
E |
the score is now: E to 1,0002,0202 |
Yee |
I eat a ham sandwich while flying at lightspeed |
E |
NEW RULE!! Everyone playing except the one with the ball must do a headstand every 5 seconds! |
S U C C |
NEW RULE!! all rules removed |
Ugandan Knuckles |
NEW RULE!! Spit on the non-believers (losers) and tell them they don't know de wey. If anyone is offended, then ignore this icon. |
jen |
running away from dogs |
Susie |
You have to hide the flag and other opponents try to steal it. |
syncophant |
NEW RULE!! dump gatorade on the losers head every time they score! |
qwertyopesderaxcinm |
I touch the anti-Pixel pole. Pixel is out of the game. |
A cat |
A cat appears. |
Moe |
Moe says: "HI!!!" |
qwertyopesderaxcinm |
NEW RULE!! Pixel's rule has been removed! |
010101 |
I activate the MONEYYYYYYY flag, and earn 100$. |
Klinkou |
the score is now: LOL - OMG |
I touch all the wickets in order. I get 10 points. |
I touch all the wickets in order. I get 10 points. |
Pixel |
NEW RULE!! qwertyopesderaxcinm cannot move if he has 1 or more Q's! |
Announcer |
the score is now: MJ-078 to DY-476 |
qwertyopesderaxcinm |
the score is now: Yes to no |
Star |
NEW RULE!! If your shirt is purple, you lose one Q! |
10 |
the score is now: B - 13 |
K |
I run around the orange pole, thus earning myself 12 Q's. |
Bob |
NEW RULE!! All players must suddenly quack like a duck when a ball is in the air or in the no song zone |
your mom |
The Mom Flag was invoked. Any players with the Slow Motion effect may now move at full speed. All cats must be hunted down and petted for a total of PURR Points for every cat caught. |
patrick henry |
I shoot you with the Nerf Dart of Slowing. You now have to move in slow motion until you pass the Blue Zone and attain the Paradigm Pinecone. |
Greengold |
the score is now: zzzz to 37 Giraffes |
Greengold |
I score, slam my head against the wall, and pass out. I am awarded extra points for sleeping during a game. |
Greengold |
I score, slam my head against the wall, and pass out. I am awarded extra points for sleeping during a game. |
Greengold |
I score, slam my head against the wall, and pass out. I am awarded extra points for sleeping during a game. |
we want to play calvinball |
NEW RULE!! everytime you make a goal, slam your head against the wall 6 times |
Greengold |
Catches the flag, and dunks it into the VERY real swimming pool. Orange points to me! |
patrick johns |
throw the flag |
patrick johns |
on wicket five, jump around |
clover |
throw flag |
Blatant Lies |
NEW RULE!! There is a swimming pool. Ignore all evidence to the contrary. |
Greengold |
pidgeon jumps over wicket 400 instead of 40. He has to go sit in the box of shame |
Pigeon |
NEW RULE!! Freeze everything except self if or 10 seconds if you jump ove wicket 40 |
Greengold |
NEW RULE!! anyone wearing a hat has to pay lots of fun points. |
yay |
eating potatoes with bread |
Ethan |
I have to steel the other persons flag! |
Bob |
the score is now: MAX_INT |
hey |
the score is now: 100 |
sree |
play dota |
jax |
NEW RULE!! no hat |
A |
Take a Drink |
Jonathan |
runs through the "no song" zone and into the "no-calvin" sector. |
doodle |
do a wiggle |
faggot |
die to the die to die to the die |
Jimmy neutron |
the score is now: Jimmy to neutron |
Linz |
the score is now: 75 |
Greengold |
the score is now: 2 Giraffes - Cactus |
Greengold |
As your hatred grows, your score grows as well. |
betterave |
My hatred for myself slowly grows |
mickey |
but because you stepped in a Trap Zone you have to sit in the Box of Unending Shame. |
Julie |
I steal the Prison Flag and am awarded a Get Out of Jail Free card. |
mickey |
NEW RULE!! All stupid war related rules are now punishable by 300000 electric pushups. |
Bill |
NEW GAME!!!!!!! I WIN!!!!!!! Hi Mickey |
becky |
A butterfly! All players must take a break from the game and try to catch it. I call a Butterfly Break! |
Griffen |
I send a nuke. Btw hi ben |
Greengold |
A hedgehog touched Stupendous Man with the Arkansas flag. Stupendous Man is now out of the game due to germs. |
Vanir |
NEW RULE!! And because a team has reached 25, all players must switch sides. |
Vanir |
the score is now: ctrl to 25 |
Vanir |
I touch the largest sunflower and am awarded cactus points. All other players have to run 4 triangles around the nearest radish while singing the stupendous man song. |
billy |
the score is now: flump to -k |
billy |
NEW RULE!! while holding your nose, you sneeze and blow your shoes off. M1/2 points to all other players. |
billy |
NEW RULE!! while holding your nose, you sneeze and blow your shoes off. M1/2 points to all other players. |
mickey |
but because i held my nose, the zone is invalid and you must sing the im so sorry song |
sumtin |
i put down a no song zone |
spiff |
i duplicate the flag (rip it in half). |
other guy |
the score is now: 54367367.goddls to 5.gugye |
Stupendous man |
NEW RULE!! time wickets double your score |
magic |
do magic |
Ajit Pai |
the score is now: 43 |
amira |
hop around while playing tennis |
Nivlac |
I kick the ball into a tree, the next person has to run around a tree before they continue playing! |
calvin |
the score is now: 14 to 76teen |
awesome |
NEW RULE!! if you touch calvin shout I'm better than calvin 14 times |
Calvin |
Run Fast |
Notker |
notker resets the server. Games ends for everyone. |
Notker |
notker runs |
Also An Idiot |
NEW RULE!! NEW RULE!!! Anybody in the "no-calvin" sector gets three points! |
An Idiot |
the score is now: The score is now Oogy to Boogy! |
susie |
Ok here you go! |
calvin |
This is a poem do what you are told dump this water over my head and do it A.S.A.P |
susie |
Oh look here comes calvin. |
hobbes |
the score is now: still Q to 12! |
calvin |
Fine but I'm in the no song zone |
Hobbes |
But i hit you with the calvinball so put the flag back |
calvin |
I stole the flag! |
mickey |
I protest idiocy. Points awarded to anyone who isnt an idiot. |
mickey |
I protest idiocy. Points awarded to anyone who isnt an idiot. |
AName |
Roll a dice |
Calv |
NEW RULE!! Only 10 rules allowed |
insaner_poser |
the score is now: 0 to susie. I AM IN THE NO SUSIE ZONE |
Calvin |
BOB STOLE PENALTY FLAG. 500,000,000 Qs and 12s SUBTRACTED! |
calvin |
NEW RULE!! There are no rules. Everyone can play freely. |
calvin |
THE SCORE is still Q to 12! |
calvin |
the score is now: oogy to boogy |
calvin |
the score is now: oogy to boogy |
Mark |
the score is now: foo to 45 |
calvin |
NEW RULE!! No rules. |
Calvin |
the score is now: Sally Brown to Sanic |
Calvin |
He finds a potty |
Calvin |
NEW RULE!! Anyone who has used the potty loses points. |
Adolf |
Adolf burns the jews |
Adolf |
Adolf kills everyone |
Adolf |
Adolf takes the flag |
Batman |
I blast myself |
Donald Duck |
Space Man Spiff calls hacks and blasts you into another game. |
mickey |
NEW GAME!!!!!! |
mickey |
the paradox causes a rip in the space time continuem ending the game. |
Batman |
the score is now: reff to good calls |
Batman |
I stab him |
mickey |
you break out right into a guard's fist. |
Batman |
I bribe him i brake out |
mickey |
But you ran through the no fly zone so you get deported to the eternal time out zone. |
Batman |
I score now i run three octagons around the nearest orange eggplant. |
Batman |
i fly |
mickey |
NEW RULE!! The next person who score has to run three octagons around the nearest orange eggplant. |
Donald Duck |
the score is now: Female To TURTLE DOVES |
Ainsley |
the score is now: coffee to latte |
Bo |
NEW RULE!! Go to mangos and run in triangles |
Donald Duck |
NEW RULE!! Anyone whose name was at some point a planet Has to stop playing unless they can make it to the fortress of solitude in 20 seconds. |
Batman |
! I had a lunch meeting with superman and he lasered Mikey he is out of the game. |
Batman |
NEW RULE!! I had a lunch meeting with superman and he lasered Mikey he is out of the game. |
mickey |
All players are instantly engulfed in a cloud of birds thinking you are a worm. Pluto is out of the game for a hospital trip. |
pluto |
NEW RULE!! You have to move like a worm |
mickey |
I wave the Rolling Rodent Flag. Everyone must roll on the ground to move. |
pluto |
NEW RULE!! no rules |
pluto |
the score is now: to square |
pluto |
the score is now: pineapple |
pluto |
NEW RULE!! if you say pop make a 5 page essay to why you say pop |
mickey |
NEW RULE!! Unless you are a Northern Overlord, in which case you MUST say pop. |
pluto |
NEW RULE!! All player must say soda instead of pop |
mickey |
NEW RULE!! The first person to get the orange flag up to the top of the paradigm tree will be awarded the Golden Mallet |
Donald Duck |
NEW RULE!! Only crab walk through the no stupid rules zone |
pluto |
NEW RULE!! All players put a garbege bin over their head. |
mickey |
NEW RULE!! All players must wear a beanbag chair hat. |
mickey |
NEW RULE!! No STUPID rules. Im talking to you h. |
h |
wat wat in the butt |
fghf |
fghf lol |
aahu |
Play golf with the president |
Harbz |
the score is now: pants to muttonchops |
hobbes. |
NEW RULE!! all players must punch themselves on the head before playing |
abhi |
fight to the death |
bob |
the score is now: UMP - Bump |
bob |
You stole the PENALTY FLAG! 50,000 Q's subracted from your score. |
bob the blob |
steel flag |
bob |
the score is now: Turtles to ∆ |
bob |
Passing through the aromatic score zone, I SCORE!! |
bob |
Olli-wolli polly-woggy ump bump fizz! I steal your flag! |
bob |
NEW RULE!! Rebels are allowed. |
Matthew |
NEW RULE!! No rule can inflict pain on anyone. |
bob |
The hobby horse trips and is hobbled, crippled, lame. It can't walk. |
Calvin |
I run to the Bonus Box and grab the hobby horse! |
Rosalyn |
the score is now: Well, you know I have the Calvinball! I award myself 50 points. |
Goomba Shoe |
I leap over sector 12, and push you into the The "Pernicious Poem Place"! |
bob |
NEW RULE!! you must if in sector 12 sing a song |
bob |
run around |
bob |
I hop in a wheelbarrow and take off down the field with the triple-goal-ball. |
bob |
but you are in the no taco zone, so the score is 0 to 0 |
Sara |
the score is now: 0 to taco |
bob |
NEW RULE!! New Game |
bob |
NEW RULE!! All players must run backwards and tackle the calvinball in the You Must Be Airborne to Enter This Zone ZOne. |
bob |
I declare a new game. All scores reset to nil and the field is rebuilt. |
bob |
NEW RULE!! Getting a ghost-snowman third baseman home while singing the Calvinball national anthem will award you 6 billion points. |
bob |
the score is now: nick to cranny |
bob |
andrew eats too much pizza. he lands in the Puke zone and is confined there until he stopps puking. |
Andrew |
NEW RULE!! you must eat pizza |
Someone |
NEW RULE!! The old ball is now invalid and has been replaced with a rubber ducky. |
bob |
bully flag: all nerds must be punched. |
bob |
Bob runs and steals the flag. |
bob |
the score is now: Cactus-purple |
bob |
NEW RULE!! You can only dribble a football on concrete with your nose. |
Matthew |
NEW RULE!! You cannot hide in a box. |
everyone |
the score is now: 11 to 11 |
John Cena |
NEW RULE!! No More Rules |
dax |
NEW RULE!! no peeing |
moggy oggy |
take and jump on pogo stick |
kol |
the score is now: oggy to logy |
Bo |
the score is now: 11 to Q |
Stupendous Man |
NEW RULE!! No one is allowed to do anything without stupendous man's permission |
Stupendous man |
the score is now: 87 to Cheeseburger |
Scout! |
the score is now: 7 to -z |
Scout! |
he'd throw a dodge ball at benson |
Scout! |
NEW RULE!! Every time someone dodges a dodge ball he has to get himself dizzy and keep going! |
calvin |
the score is now: z to 77777 |
calv |
NEW RULE!! all tigers on two legs must dance a jig |
calv |
NEW RULE!! all tigers on two legs must dance a jig |
benson |
the score is now: 50 |
simon |
the flag that you try and capture and bring to your side making you score |
Dean |
the score is now: All players must type in reverse |
moeman |
jump when you hit the thirty yard wicket! |
Calvin |
NEW RULE!! hop on one foot when you reach the 12 yard wicket |
Christopher |
Steal the flag of the opponent |
XL dirty diaper |
NEW RULE!! Only I can make new rules |
XL dirty diaper |
You are my zombie slave |
XL dirty diaper |
the score is now: 🍩 to 🍪 |
test |
sing the anthem from san marino |
Mom |
Hobbes |
the score is now: Q to 12 |
qwertyuiop |
the score is now: Toody to boogey |
Zoe |
NEW RULE!! When you touch the 12th post with the calvinball the other player must close their eyes! |
xXxCalvinxXx |
xXxCalvinxXx |
the score is now: xXxCalvinxXx name to lollipops |
xXxCalvinxXx |
NEW RULE!! Use Duplicators |
xXxCalvinxXx |
use a duplicator |
Kirk |
the score is now: Oogy to YU |
Hobbes |
NEW RULE!! All players must hop on one foot while holding a flag |
ben1 |
NEW RULE!! anybody without the name ben1 has to crawl |
bob |
NEW RULE!! lose a point if you gain a point |
CoolDownCheater |
NEW RULE!! Anyone standing Near Ben Must Sing The PLayerPain Song! |
Ben |
NEW RULE!! Any one not named ben has to hop on one foot |
Blaine |
Throw Ball |
calvin |
rapes hobbes |
derpys |
NEW RULE!! you cant touch the tree |
kolby |
NEW RULE!! you have to hope to win to win |
I love wanking and fucking |
NEW RULE!! Everyone must now masturbate |
you guys are all bitches |
I fuck everyone in sight |
fuck |
the score is now: 3ninersubmarine |
kkkkkkkkkkk |
the score is now: 200000000 |
Max |
the score is now: Omega to Q3A |
The Calvinball |
the score is now: Seventy-twelve to M and a half. |
Alejandro |
NEW RULE!! Everyone must give me 1 dollar. |
Susie |
Aaaaaaaahh!!! AH ThHUMP! |
Hobbes |
Not if I get you first! Arrrggghhh! |
Stupendous man AKA calvin |
Prepare to be stupended! |
Stupendous man AKA calvin |
All players must bow down to me and pass over their flags! |
Vanessa |
NEW RULE!! You have to spin around 50 times if you betray me |
Susie Derkins |
NEW RULE!! People with spiky hair have to hug Mr. Bun! |
bryson |
NEW RULE!! all players must hop on there noses |
Nyanko |
brad |
the score is now: q to 12 |
Mitch |
I take the flag and eat it |
arhenius |
Go to bed |
Finley |
steal flag |
Finley |
Stealing Flags |
Rowan |
punch Hobbes |
Harmohit |
the score is now: 11 |
mmm |
run to first base |
Jillian |
the score is now: Q-12 |
zeal |
NEW RULE!! Sigh on people's face when they speak!! |
devyani |
Kick and jump |
Natsu_Dragneel |
NEW RULE!! You have to hop on 1 foot when you reach the "no song zone. |
Paul |
Make it past the fifth wicket. |
hobbes |
flag play |
hmmm |
JP |
the score is now: 42 to pi |
joe |
roll a dice |
zdgsdgsx |
the score is now: dgdgd |
Ana |
Vreau acasa la mine |
Scott |
NEW RULE!! Whenever someone says something pirate-y, that someone must stop what they're doing and touch their toes! |
marius |
NEW RULE!! jump 360`s whenever someone laughs |
Tobias |
NEW RULE!! every player except me has to do 10 pushups immediately. |
bob |
the score is now: O |
calvinman |
runs from one corner of the universe to the other.. |
troll man |
the score is now: vamos z a 8000 |
ooooo |
capturo la badera |
troll man |
La bandera vale 8000 puntos |
troll man |
the score is now: vamos z a 146763345233 |
troll man |
sarah |
play with calvin |
sarah |
play with calvin |
Boo |
throw ball |
chewy |
NEW RULE!! no one else can declare a new rule! |
kim |
I love calvinball!! |
hobbes |
i wanna play in action. |
calvin |
12 34 |
calvin |
kick butt |
ZombieMom |
NEW RULE!! Monday is triple points! |
Coyote |
NEW RULE!! Poetry corner is now out of bounds |
insaner |
the score is now: 20 billion points for everyone. |
andrew |
capturing it |
Kitty |
The Tutu Flag of Doom! |
amtm |
the score is now: 3 chocolate eclairs Ha ha! |
amtm |
AND EVERY ONE WAS A HENRY. HENRY! ....oh! Look what I found in my pocket! *throws a water balloon at fort* |
fort |
Someone bring me a water balloon, quick! |
fort |
fort |
the score is now: 8 |
amtm |
dug |
Grabs the water balloon and runs away |
amtm |
NEW RULE!! Everyone who doesn't currently have a water ballon in their hands must climb inside the bathrub and sing "I'm King Henry the 8th" until a player with a water balloon happens by.. |
dward |
score point by hitting ball with ping pong paddle |
Biz |
the score is now: 100 |
Zigmog |
throw ball into tree branches |
CT |
drop the ball |
Diana |
go fishing |
NEW RULE!! everyone who does not play calvinball will fart |
David |
lava melts people |
miaow |
NEW RULE!! pound the living daylights out of your computer |
miaow |
throw water balloons at everyone except sean and dad |
sean |
the score is now: poop and pee |
dad |
yell at your son |
sean |
donate both kidneys wait 5 secs die |
gaby |
the score is now: jiggler to figgler |
Hobbes |
NEW RULE!! pounce on your boss |
surabhi |
make eggplant faces |
Jim |
NEW RULE!! Hop on one foot |
Michal |
Explode the pelvis of Courtney Love |
calv |
run like a maniac |
mf |
the score is now: Me 1, You 0 |
oli |
double rackets for double points |
boogy |
NEW RULE!! Who ever "smelt it, dealt it" |
sam |
enables anyone to go to penalty zone |
oogy |
hit a watermelon with a tennis racket |
moe joe |
beats everyone up.. and takes their lunch money |
Captain Calvin |
flag of freezing, all players who's name doesn't start with Captain of have the calvinball must freeze like a statue. |
Elia |
the score is now: 5 for elia |
insaner |
the score is now: 5points to everyone EXCEPT elia! |
Elia |
hit |
insaner |
let the new calvinball begin!! |