an insaner world


Beating Scammers at Their Own Game | Super Users

We need more people doing the heroic work this man is doing.
Beating Scammers at Their Own Game | Super Users
Scam baiter JimBrowning beats call center scammers at their own game. He’s able to hack their computer systems and watch their every move as they try to trick people out of their life savings. The scammers target anyone – and they will drain all of your money if they get the chance.


The Original Human SPACE INVADERS Performance
SPACE INVADERS is the 2nd video performance of the GAME OVER Project, directed by the Swiss artist Guillaume REYMOND (NOTsoNOISY creative agency). This stop-motion video was shot and played during and for the "Belluard Bollwerk International" festival (Fribourg, Switzerland) on June 24th 2006.

Russell's Paradox - a simple explanation of a profound problem

Proving that Russell's Paradox goes beyond set theory and even math itself.
Russell's Paradox - a simple explanation of a profound problem
At the very heart of logic and mathematics, there is a paradox that has yet to be resolved. It was discovered by the mathematician and philosopher, Bertrand Russell, in 1901. Professor Jeffrey Kaplan teaches the basics of set theory. Then he explains Russell’s Paradox.
